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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 18,2011 <br /> Page 14 <br /> Mayor Roe noted that, even if adopted tonight, revisions could be made to the <br /> resolution at any point in the future. <br /> Councilmember Willmus offered a friendly amendment to the motion to reduce <br /> the General Fund Reserve Policy to- 35%-50%. <br /> Councilmembers Johnson and Pust, as makers of the motion, accepted that <br /> friendly amendment to reduce the General Fund Reserve Policy to 35%-50%; <br /> with Mayor Roe therefore declaring that there was no need for a secondary mo- <br /> tion due to the support of the makers of the original motion. <br /> City Manager Malinen questioned Mr. Miller on what, if any, challenges that may <br /> present, such as implications on other funds also not meeting their reserves. <br /> Mr. Miller foresaw no significant challenges, with the City essentially borrowing <br /> reserve funds from other funds without a minimum, specifically the PMP. <br /> Discussion among Councilmembers and staff included monthly versus quarterly <br /> budget to actual financial reports, not balance sheets; requirement for annual pub- <br /> lication of a City financial statement; and whether to vote the issue up or down at <br /> tonight's meeting or hold further discussions, with the Council majority support- <br /> ing moving forward at this time. <br /> Councilmember McGehee advised that she would not be supporting the motion <br /> with the added amendment to reduce the General Fund reserve from the current <br /> 50%, opining that an adequate cushion was needed; and she saw no rationale in <br /> creating a perception that the City Council was doing a better job than it actually <br /> was. Councilmember McGehee opined that, if the City could not achieve sustai- <br /> nability by reducing expenditures, this was not an appropriate way to budget. <br /> Given the volatility of current economic conditions, Councilmember McGehee <br /> advised that she could possibly consider a reduction to 45%,but not to 35%. <br /> Roll Call (Motion, as amended) <br /> Ayes: Willmus; McGehee; Pust; Johnson; and Roe. <br /> Nays: McGehee. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> b. Discussion on Budget Program Descriptions <br /> Mayor Roe noted a number of non-tax supported programs currently without de- <br /> scription; further noting that, in his discussions with City Manager Malinen, De- <br /> partments had been tasked with and were currently completing those descriptions. <br /> With City Council concurrence, Mayor Roe suggested that after tonight's discus- <br /> sion, staff continue work on those descriptions for incorporation into the budget <br /> work plan. <br />