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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 18,2011 <br /> Page 15 <br /> At this point, Mayor Roe led the discussion through each program category and <br /> description, with discussion as follows. <br /> Administration: General Communication <br /> Discussion included tax-supported operations versus Communication Fund- <br /> supported items representing indirect costs not fully reflected in the Communica- <br /> tions Fund, but not necessarily limited to the Administration area, but part of day- <br /> to-day operations and minimal staff time in an amount estimated at $64-65,000 <br /> for the 2011 Budget, with a total Communications Fund of$345,000 supported <br /> through cable franchise fees. <br /> Mr. Miller advised that he would need to consult the staff person creating the de- <br /> finition before further clarifying the intent. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that this definition be refined and brought back along with <br /> other missing definitions currently being created by staff, noting there remained a <br /> notable portion of the $65,000 for which needed to be accounted. <br /> Fire <br /> Mayor Roe noted descriptions for "Admin: Fire Administration and Planning" as <br /> well as "Admin: Organizational Management" and questioned the difference and <br /> comparable functions with other departments. <br /> Fire Chief Tim O'Neill noted that these category descriptions were over a year <br /> old; and some remained from when the department functioned under a different <br /> organizational structure with a Fire Chief and an Assistant Chief. Chief O'Neill <br /> opined that the descriptions could be easily revised and combined. <br /> Mayor noted a similar situation under the Fire Fighting/EMS function; and sug- <br /> gested they be reviewed for consistency purposes. <br /> Chief O'Neill noted his intent to spend time with the City Council in the near fu- <br /> ture in discussing the department's organizational structure with three (3) catego- <br /> ries and more current descriptions to remedy these issues. <br /> Public Works <br /> Mayor Roe asked that staff's description review and revision include how the GIS <br /> function related to the Community Development Department as well as for the <br /> sewer, water and stormwater functions. <br /> Parks and Recreation <br /> Mayor Roe asked that staff's description review and revisions also address per- <br /> sonnel management versus organizational management compared to other func- <br /> tions. <br /> Community Development <br />