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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 18, 2011 <br /> Page 23 <br /> Councilmember Willmus questioned if lot sizes had changed based on his review <br /> of the draft code received in December of 2010; with Mr. Trudgeon advising that <br /> there had not been any changes to lot sizes to-date, but that such discussions were <br /> applicable under the Subdivision ordinance. <br /> It was Council consensus that those first four (4) items proceed as detailed by <br /> staff. <br /> Add Incentives for the Use of Energy-Efficient Practices, Xeriscaping, Native <br /> Planting, and Community Involvement <br /> Related to this suggestion, Mr. Trudgeon suggested that the City consider, and <br /> that it was staff's recommendation for, incentives versus hard mandates, to con- <br /> sider a wide range or opportunities, such as increased density allowances or re- <br /> duced/waived fees, or expedited review process, as examples; providing tangible <br /> results while establishing parameters. <br /> Mayor Roe questioned if those incentives would be codified in the zoning code or <br /> handled outside the code, with Mr. Trudgeon responding that he anticipated that <br /> they would be contained within the zoning code. <br /> Councilmember McGehee concurred, and requested that staff research other <br /> communities for the incentives they were offering; expressing her interest in be- <br /> ing part of the redevelopment or rehabilitation of existing homes and properties. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that, based on the age and condition of existing <br /> housing stock and its need for updating, along with current market conditions dic- <br /> tating shorter commutes, this was an opportune time to address expectations; as <br /> well as the HRA's interest in marketing the community as green. <br /> Mayor Roe questioned if there were other items needing further work by a work- <br /> ing or study group, or possibly through a joint Public Works, Environment, and <br /> Transportation (PWET) and Planning Commission charge. <br /> Councilmember Willmus expressed his willingness to have a volunteer process <br /> within the confines of the International Building Code; however, he cautioned <br /> prohibiting certain building practices through excessive rules and regulations. <br /> Discussion among Councilmembers and staff included incentives provided to-date <br /> seeking more environmentally friendly building techniques, including the ordin- <br /> ance on solar panels; recognizing improved technologies; appropriate tax credits <br /> on a federal, state and local level; incentive authority and boundaries of municipal <br /> government versus other agencies and government levels; existing and proposed <br /> HRA incentives for green packages and effective marketing of those incentives; <br /> and ensuring that fees are justified to cover costs and are not perceived as discri- <br />