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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 18, 2011 <br /> Page 24 <br /> minatory, with the market able to set incentives; and ideas for affordable housing <br /> incentives. <br /> Councilmember McGehee volunteered to work with Mr. Trudgeon as a task force <br /> to provide recommendations to the full body at a future time. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon advised that staff would survey other communities on their best <br /> practices as part of that study. <br /> At this time, the City Council majority expressed their interest in hearing the enti- <br /> rety of Mr. Trudgeon's presentation, and then returning with their individual <br /> priorities for further discussion at a future meeting, following their review and <br /> consideration. <br /> Community-based Planning through Charrette Process <br /> Discussion related to this item included interest in processes similar to that used <br /> for the Parks and Recreation Master Plan community process; involvement of the <br /> community before developments are approved; differences in privately-owned <br /> versus publically-owned properties and how involved the community can be in <br /> dictating a final use beyond typical zoning and other regulatory reviews, and <br /> community involvement as applicable; rationale in eliminating the burdensome <br /> use of Planned Unit Development (PUD) processes for numerous land uses lead- <br /> ing revisions in the zoning code; current Master Plan processes for major devel- <br /> opments; and how to make projects more efficient for the City and developers, <br /> while achieving the desired outcome for all involved. <br /> Councilmember Pust cautioned that the City should not set up the community in <br /> any process that could cause them to perceive they had more say in the final out- <br /> come than they actually did; opining that this would only cause additional frustra- <br /> tion. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred, noting that by engaging them in the process, when they ac- <br /> tually saw no results, was equally frustrating. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon concurred, noting that that the Park Master Plan process involved <br /> properties under City ownership versus private ownership, eliminating many <br /> planning challenges. <br /> Further discussion included examples of future development or redevelopment, <br /> such as the Har Mar Site zoned as a Community Business District as a model for a <br /> large piece of property where a process such as the Charrette Process may work <br /> well, when owned by a single private property owner; the desire to include the <br /> community in major planning projects while recognizing the community's limited <br /> role in that development; balancing the interests and benefits of the community <br /> with those of the private developer as partners; market support of the communi- <br />