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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 18, 2011 <br /> Page 6 <br /> Councilmember McGehee requested that staff explain why ADU's were issued as <br /> a Conditional Use rather than as an Interim Use; and whether an Interim Use <br /> would accomplish the same ability to terminate a specific ADU. <br /> City Planner Thomas Paschke advised that the main distinction was that a Condi- <br /> tional Use was more permanent than an Interim Use, with the term of an Interim <br /> Use under City Code allowed at a maximum of five (5) years. Mr. Paschke <br /> opined that, given the healthy investment to a home or detached home by a prop- <br /> erty owner; and consistent with the recently updated and approved zoning code, <br /> staff was confident that ADU's had sufficient regulation through the Conditional <br /> Use process; with that regulation already in place if violations to City Code or vi- <br /> olation of applicable conditions were found not to be in compliance. Mr. Paschke <br /> noted that Interim and Conditional Uses were similar, but questioned if property <br /> owners would be willing to make substantial capital investments in their property <br /> if the use could be terminated after five (5) years at the will of the City and based <br /> upon its own merits. <br /> City Attorney Bartholdi noted that a requirement of an Interim Use was that a <br /> time expiration be included. <br /> Councilmember Willmus opined that a property owner's initial investment could <br /> be recouped under an Interim Use; and expressed concern that many ADU's could <br /> be put in as rental properties in low density residential areas; and through having <br /> the Interim Use tool it provided a safety switch for periodic review by the City; <br /> and if no problems were indicated, there would be no reason why the City Coun- <br /> cil would deny renewal of the Interim Use, similar to the Kent Street recycling fa- <br /> cility Interim Use adopted on tonight's Consent Agenda. <br /> Councilmember Johnson opined that it was not altogether unreasonable, if a prop- <br /> erty owner was renting out a portion of land, to come back at five (5) year inter- <br /> vals for evaluation, and may serve as a better tool for the City in granting ADU's <br /> than a Conditional Use. <br /> Roe moved, Pust seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 10892 (Attachment D — <br /> as revised) entitled, "A Resolution Approving an Accessory Dwelling Unit <br /> (ADU) as a CONDITIONAL USE at 3091 Fairview Avenue (PF11-007);" with <br /> the added condition that the ADU at 3091 Fairview Avenue be limited to two (2) <br /> people. <br /> Mayor Roe noted rental properties were required to register annually, and in addi- <br /> tion to nuisance code enforcement, that means was in place to address potential <br /> issues based on rental units; in addition to the square footage and occupancy limi- <br /> tations of ADU's; unlike renting an entire home or duplex. Mayor Roe further <br /> noted that, if the City Council chose to make them available only as Interim Uses, <br /> the City's recently-adopted zoning code would need revised. <br />