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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 18, 2011 <br /> Page 8 <br /> Councilmember Johnson, after hearing tonight's discussion, advised that he was <br /> unwilling to set a double standard for different types of rental units; and spoke in <br /> support of this application based on current City Code. Councilmember Johnson <br /> opined that the broader policy discussion needed to happen soon to avoid being <br /> put in this type of situation again. <br /> Councilmember Willmus opined that it was appropriate to consider a moratorium <br /> on ADU's until further discussion was held; and to have a'tool in place to avoid <br /> additional ADU applications before that policy discussion was completed. <br /> Mayor Roe, in considering the limited square footage and occupancy require- <br /> ments for ADU's, opined that one single-family home becoming a rental could <br /> have significantly more impact on a neighborhood than an ADU. Mayor Roe <br /> noted that an ADU may not even become a rental unit, and was less concerned in <br /> their approval as a Conditional Use, opining that impacts of such small units <br /> would be fairly minor. Mayor Roe spoke in support of the application; but of- <br /> fered his interest in having a broader policy discussion in the near future. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted that, prior to adoption of the revised zoning code, <br /> ADU's were not allowed in Roseville; and asked that staff provide background on <br /> why they're now allowed. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon assured Councilmembers that staff would include that background <br /> as part of the information for a broader policy discussion. <br /> Councilmember McGehee concurred with Councilmember Willmus' request; <br /> opining that she had been supportive of providing an opportunity for "granny <br /> flats," however, she had not envisioned ADU's specifically designed for rental <br /> units. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that City Code does not specify their use as rentals, but that <br /> they could be used as such. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Pust; Johnson; and Roe. <br /> Nays: Willmus and McGehee. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Councilmember Willmus requested additional discussion sooner rather than later. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon advised that staff, in consultation with the City Attorney, would <br /> prepare information for a City Council consideration of a possible moratorium on <br /> ADU's and consideration of other issues raised tonight. <br /> 9. General Ordinances for Adoption <br />