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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 18, 2011 <br /> Page 9 <br /> a. Adopt an Ordinance Amending Section 1009 of the City Code Relating to <br /> Limiting the Number of Tenants in an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) <br /> Pust moved, Johnson seconded, TABLING this item pending a broader policy <br /> discussion on ADU's. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Willmus; McGehee; Pust; Johnson; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> 10. Presentations <br /> a. • Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update <br /> Jason Etten, Citizen Lead of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Implementa- <br /> tion Partners Work Group introduced Randall Doneen, Citizen Lead of the Natu- <br /> ral Resources & Trails Work Group. <br /> Mr. Doneen provided a brief update on the work of this group and their objectives <br /> to communicate to the public and develop priorities for natural resources and <br /> trails for recommendation to the larger Master Plan Implementation Partners <br /> Work Group. Mr. Doneen suggested four (4) focus areas for the Natural Re- <br /> sources and Trails Work Group: 1) natural resource management; 2) trails; 3) spe- <br /> cific projects to undertake; and 4) community outreach. <br /> Mr. Etten provided a brief update on the implementation work to-date, including <br /> the random survey of 1500 residents currently underway and anticipated response <br /> dates for initial results. <br /> Discussion among presenters and Councilmembers included guarantees by the <br /> Leisure Vision consultants of a minimum number of 600 responses through addi- <br /> tional phone follow-up in place in areas determined to have less of a response; <br /> and ability for participation by residents via the website to be collated separately <br /> and not part of the statistically valid and random sampling, but allowing for their <br /> volunteer response. <br /> Mr. Etten reviewed upcoming community meetings scheduled in May to present <br /> preliminary findings, with finalized survey results anticipated to be available for <br /> the June 20, 2011 scheduled joint meeting of the City Council and Parks and <br /> Recreation Commission. Members of the public were encouraged to attend the <br /> upcoming community meeting, and to seek additional information from City Hall <br /> or via the City's website. <br /> Mayor Roe noted his difficulty in downloading the Master Plan in its entirety as a <br /> link from the website and asked that staff review that situation. <br />