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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
5/27/2011 11:13:48 AM
Creation date
5/27/2011 11:13:26 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
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be the first consulted and their industry standards used, as they were usually the <br />first on site in their role as First Responders. <br />In discussing SWPPP training, the MPCA encouraged the City to provide training <br />and review, and Ms. Bloom advised that the City utilized inspectors through the U <br />of MN for plan review; and that would be reflected in her response to the <br />MPCA's recommended action. Ms. Bloom advised that project coordinators who <br />reviewed plans were each certified; however, she noted that while she had <br />knowledge of the plans and requirements and due to current budget restrictions on <br />additional training, since she was not officially certified, she did not officially <br />review design plans. Ms. Bloom noted that, from the City's and her perspective, <br />her response addressed MPCA recommendations and her comment was based on <br />her professional training and experience with her providing oversight to those <br />certified personnel, but did not actually certify the plans. <br />In accordance with the Public Works Department's 2011 Work Plan, Ms. Bloom <br />noted staff s response to Recommended Action #3 related to volume control <br />standards, was that any private infrastructure installed prior to 2004 was not <br />included on the department's database; and that it would be implemented when it <br />became feasible to do so. Ms. Bloom advised that this was a project for an Intern <br />as time allowed: to develop that inventory and to inspect each basin on private <br />developments following submission and approval of their site plans to ensure <br />ongoing compliance. Ms. Bloom noted that this was another item that required <br />funding and additional staff time that was not available at this time. <br />Member Vanderwall questioned if this type of project was too technical in nature, <br />or if it could be delegated as a class project to a high school class as part of their <br />research requirements. <br />Ms. Bloom advised that commercial developments needed identification; and a <br />clear understanding of what was being looked for, some of which could be <br />underground. Based on her personal experience, Ms. Bloom advised that she had <br />found some basins built in the 1980's that were already completed filled over. <br />Ms. Bloom noted that additional research would be required of City records after <br />the actual field identification. Ms. Bloom noted that, following those steps, it <br />may be a project that would be appropriate for an environmental class to <br />document various issues in the field. <br />Member Stenlund suggested that the Erosion Control Stormwater Ordinance, <br />Section 1017.02, be strengthened to address post construction stormwater quality; <br />and that developers provide a plan for infrastructure maintenance and structural <br />treatment BMP's. <br />Recommendations #4 and #5 were included by Ms. Bloom in the 2012 Surface <br />Water Management Plan, which would include a future discussion with the <br />PWET Commission as a number of City and Zoning Code Chapters related to <br />Page 10 of 18 <br />
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