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• <br /> Southeast *Nowt.? (s) as an east and west line): <br /> C <br /> • <br /> ommencing at a point Thirty three (33) feet north of the south line • <br /> and Four hundred ainetcynins and 63/lO0tes (109.63) feet west of tie east <br /> line of said Secttcn sight (8)uthenae'north t>a tes west ri ht hundred <br /> twenty-one (821) feet thence north twenty-two degrees forty-six minutes. east fifty-four and 2; (54.22)feet to the point of beginning of the <br /> ' .tract being described; thence north twenty-two degrees fort;-six minutes <br /> •- east Two hundred thirty and 20/100ths (230.20) feet; thence north sir_ty-sir: • • <br /> • <br /> - deC'rees forty-nine minutes west Four hundred ten (410) feet; thence south <br /> • <br /> • mirintes thirty semnds west (me hundred ninety-Uzi i�nci <br /> • -73/106t�hs (192.93) feet; thence south thirteen degrees rort;-give minted <br /> .cst One hundred eic, hty-four and 35/11 the '(181+.35) feet; thence east Three <br /> • hundred forty-two and 59/104ths (3l 2.59) feet to the point of he;in,-Lin-; <br /> containing Tees apd 115/lOOths (2:45) acres more or less.- <br /> % • •deserving, to the:partiescsiNthtlftiVO pi 1 F i.ic0`iiiro rs42:-"is'a..idi ;,1: •_ • <br /> tw r�nht `�.o authorize public'utility c onpani es`;;place;an; r.aintain on the c::::t . <br /> .+i-:e (5) feet of the tract .hereor conveyed poles, "mires and other a;;.:ute»•►a,tccs - <br /> fc. transmitting electric light, power and •telephone services to all :-,arts ci t'Le - • ' <br /> t <br /> -..:'.id Sc'at:least :luartcr (S_: ).of.Southeast Quarter'•(Sq ). <br /> ' The following restrictions chali apply to the tract ::e.e:r/ eo..vez•ed ..:C - <br /> • <br /> s::al.l be covenants running with t:e land, aid shall bind the ;ranted::, t:rear :.cirs i <br /> and assigns until January 1, 196?, when said. restrictions shall cease:• <br /> The premises shall be used for residential purposes only. ::o build.. ' <br /> ins-s shall be erected other than one single.familyy dwellin^ house costing; r <br /> not let:: than 37500.00, and outbuildinc;s.appurtenantArnereto. _'There.shall <br /> '?e no outside toilets. £owa-e disposal Shall lie•by private undergrcund <br /> • <br /> septic tank connected to either a cesspool or-a disposal field so cotes eructed <br /> and located as to meet the appr-val- of authorities with - <br /> clue re and for the protection ,or.,adjoininK: g . • .2'he,ext.orn.or o'' tine <br /> -. . _?ct c'wellin- house wall subsi:antialJy•cRnL "plans and speci°i�at i <br /> 1 u.-rs <br /> - :1ac-i chall be submitted to and approved by;the parties of the =irot part - <br /> 'reforc const:uot_on is- come:iced. iso portion'OZ ate,;nailcih� or other strec- <br /> • <br /> tare: c n ..aid premises, e:..cept a fence, shall Abe within i:y' feet free t%:e west �' <br /> line cf the premises, nor within 31 feet from.c $her'tare north cr t. south - <br /> •li-ne a the pre:does, nor within 16 feet from the east :line cf the -rr crdses.• • . <br /> . ::o _'-tees-or fence posts er ate posts•sk all 3 c;constrtoted•or :,rick or .tc;te • ' •• . <br /> c•r concrete. ::o curbs, no sidewalks, no sheet 7:i.hts:"s•:-.7311 be installed -- <br /> alou the edke of the tam road adjoining said prmises. ::o e_cavaticn shell- . <br /> be ^ac:e on-said .promises a.-.wept for basement -wider a builciin-, the erection o. <br /> . <br /> • <br /> waiskn is to irtieciately fellow Vie et oavata.Qn, -:,e; :ara:.:e or o4.‘-o- outir:i].c ion: - <br /> sine`l be erected on the premises'until construction o. the dwellin- hen,er ::as <br /> • <br /> _ - heen conmenceci on the premises. No trailer, tent, or outouildin;: shall he L.e• <br /> as a residence. Excepting delays due ten shortages of materials or .tabor, the <br /> • exterior of any building erected on the paromiee shall he-co ipletel3• finished • <br /> - <br /> within six months after woik is eomaeaced on the e::cevation br foune:atian for <br /> • <br /> subh bnil:ding. b Battle or swine.shall be kept on said premises, and no - <br /> ' - animals shall be kept thereon for commercial al purposes.' No garbage, ashes, . <br /> tin cans, or other refuse. of agr'kind, or receptacles containing the sane, • . . <br /> • shall be allowed to rennin ea any part of the premises ao as to be exposed to <br /> . view or so as to becose-a-nuisance. No shedding poplars, shedding; cottonwcocis, - <br /> • -or box elell`4 Ain be pillentsd on the presdass. No tree now on the premises ' ' <br /> . shall be wi33fnllj•dsetry .d, ant.•dien . or xeMina ed a it is living, unless - <br /> suds tree interferes with the 'of fern o events on the prcmiees.. ' <br /> . The premises•shall not be uusad or occupied:by: y person who is not of the white - <br /> or,Caucasian races nor by-any person of Semitic stohk; .but this restriction shall - <br /> • not apply to domestic servants employed by a•qualified occupant of the.prepises. . . • <br /> 1D M N AND'TO the*olden,hereby conveyed, together with all the <br /> heredi!110000` fi ci' in. • apperta)n3 rug, - <br /> i •.,11_4-rk -- <br /> _the . . -- or of said <br />