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' - <br /> . . • <br /> • . - , <br /> , - • <br /> . . <br /> • - <br /> - so 1270 P4017 <br /> • <br /> 116781.4 <br /> . _ <br /> . . • <br /> . <br /> • THIS INDENTURE, Ned* this 15tiedey of Deessiber, 1914, ..etweem <br /> . . <br /> . . . <br /> • <br /> Arthur L. Oluek, Louis A. Musk and Northwestern National Bank o: rinneapolis, - ' : ' -•-',- - . <br /> • . • <br /> . . <br /> . . * . as trustees under"trust agreement dated June 6, 1932 and recorded in the •- .., ', <br /> office of the Boaster of Deeds of Almeey County, Ninnesot-a, on July 1, 1941, , . .. <br /> . . •. .•. - <br /> . . • . . <br /> • as Document DO. 993309, in Book 199 Miscellaneous page 439, PARTIN'S ce 121z. • . .-.,• - - <br /> . . <br /> ' . . YI:tST FART, and ainiam-A..4,4 0.1zel-andlokbei,tA,:lioexier, husi;•aild.--and,wire, .;,- .,, i, <br /> •..-':11:::: -.. ik,- .-4 gt?-441.1 .41X4 .4-A i-Oin-2`..: -.-- - s ..:'" '-)-;;;:V - • ''-': *. ' <br /> . . . -f. . . .. , . .. . , <br /> .of the County of Naesey, Pao. Ofidone#01i1.4 PASS CY Ti4.,•L,LOCeBlyA,e,7, <br /> - •:•••./.•.,--,T! ..• <br /> • <br /> - ' • . . '...•.:*.;F:' . .:. • - <br /> - ' . • WITNESBETH: . • . - ,.. , <br /> • .. . <br /> • • ','-:,'7. i - ...- -.- .• <br /> That the said partiegrof the;firat-part, in consideration of the men <br /> • • . ' .••• . <br /> • of one dollar,and other valuable consideration to them in 'nand-paid <br /> . . <br /> . . <br /> . . . <br /> said parties of the second part,.the receipt whereof is hereby .ackmwled-ed, . ... . <br /> ..1 <br /> . . <br /> • - A .• hereby grant, bargain, sell and coriiiei-utito-the said parties of the eecenc: <br /> , as joint tenants and not as tenants in cortion, their asE.i.-ns, the . . <br /> . .. ., <br /> Cli - . .. ' • <br /> , • . - <br /> 2 g, - g , -urvivor of said parties, and the heirs and asst,71.5 of the survivor, 1.•:i -r, <br /> R e..1 . - -. ; . • - <br /> ..s.. , the tract or parcel of land lying and beinr. in the County or -tars - , -4*--l• . . <br /> : ..:. *.„. ... . <br /> &a C3 ‘ <br /> , . .. <br /> f 1.finneLeta, descrihed as follows, to-wit: <br /> 5 - <br /> ; . : ...:....,. <br /> • That part of the 'outheast quarter (Si.•,:, of the Sect:least .eilr4.t.r <br /> (SC,) of Section tight (8),•TownshiptiVentnine (2?) north, •tan e <br /> • three (23) west, accerdinr*IOGOverhit'atieVey, desCrivveuLak folicoss • "'-.„,,,,,,A, : . —,e... _ <br /> . , <br /> (all bearings in this descripticit.beirr based on the south...lie t..• <br /> . . <br /> • , Southeast quarter (SE I) as an east, and west line), <br /> , . . - • i',.if;7 . ..-. • <br /> • • . <br /> . .. . - :kalsencing at a ,point Thirti-tiirek,(33) feet north $.: t.`, .:..-„:. . • :,, <br /> line and ?our hUndredminety-nink.:atid-63/410ethS (h99.63).feet west r-i* . „.. <br /> . ...I. *. .:• : , <br /> the east line of said.SectionAight (8)L thence north el:-.t.minatiir <br /> , west sour hundred sixty-six (466) the point-ef-be;innin.- ce t- e . . .. <br /> tract being described; thence north.ei.3ht minutes wr•s4• Ti:ree !:undred <br /> fifty.-five (355) feet; thence north twenty-two degreekforty-six.minutcr . . <br /> east witty-four and 21/looths (54.21) feet; thence west Three hundred <br /> .. : <br /> • korty6itwo awmi'59/100ths (342.59) feet.; thence south thirteeh decree,. . <br /> • forty-five west.t:ne hundred twelve eel 93/100ths (172.93) feet;. <br /> theme_south five degrees fifty-one minutes thirty seconds east Two . <br /> . •,-- ' <br /> • .hundred tworty-one and 37/looths (221.37) fee:-; thence south,fourtnen . . <br /> •-) i ' ' degrees twenty-three einutes thirty-seconds west Seveirty-seven and 50,,Itrus '. <br /> (74450) filet; thence east Three hundred thirty-nine and 65/1flOths (339.65) <br /> . feet to.the point of.beginrdnr; contidninr Three and 7/1nOths.(3.07) <br /> • acres'mere or lesor, . . . . . - -• <br /> - <br /> M . . <br /> • . . . <br /> * . Together With an etiladoeld for dralaara of surface waters.•1ron the <br /> . - <br /> - ; - -• . . . . <br /> enrinapeldesibang.bhe eitural femme of drainage upon and over <br /> .•!e.::-..: . <br /> :.14 - . . .. <br /> -• 'Adjacent premises Wise northerIze of the tract hereby conveyed, which •. <br /> ,. . <br /> . . . .. . , . . . <br /> I <br /> , - . ' '; Inetases siedIseribed as:folloamv- _,-. : . .. . .±t..: <br /> ,I...., . . <br /> ,•. . - '. <br /> . • . <br /> • 111" ' Ailoartor:01110 of tho *Nebula (*nit. <br /> .• ,, - • ,-,' • N - ' a'• ) sofa, Rang* Twintif-i-, • .:2 .:.. . <br /> .:,-, • , : . , <br /> • -_ . , .. . . _. ....i, ••- • s.; . • <br /> • • '•inwielli; deacribiod as :Maya - <br /> — • - -- ' ' - ' ' - . - - . .- ' illimad u* QM. . Outek Itrifvor-1,041- <br /> :: :'.1,6dt,.. :.... . ' • • . ......1. .1.. . - <br /> '- -: - <br />