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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
5/27/2011 1:17:13 PM
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5/27/2011 1:17:09 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,May 16,2011 <br /> Page 7 <br /> receipt of the payment. Mr. Miller questioned if it was worth the additional time <br /> and expense for the purpose of removing this audit finding, with management <br /> staff making the value judgment that it was not at this point; preferring that state <br /> statute be updated to take the situation into consideration, since the current statute <br /> is still applicable to paper payments, not modern procurement systems. <br /> Mr. Eichten continued review of the Management report, page 2 and beyond, re- <br /> lated to follow-up on prior year findings; Governmental Accounting Standards <br /> Board (GASB) procedures implemented by the City; and the importance of ap- <br /> propriate internal controls by providing adequate funding for the City's Finance <br /> Department to perform it's oversight functions. <br /> Mr. Eichten noted the need to put the contingency plan for the Information Tech- <br /> nology Division into written format, as developed and outlined. <br /> Mr. Eichten reviewed the City's revenue and expenditure trends compared to pre- <br /> vious years; declining taxable market values and impacts to the City's tax base <br /> and governmental fund revenue per capita; one-time impacts of the Decertifica- <br /> tion of a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District; funds received from federal and <br /> county grants, rather than state grants; and the City's historic and continuingly <br /> healthy debt ratios. <br /> Mayor Roe, for the benefit of the public, reviewed the TIF District decertification <br /> process, with excess TIF funds paid back to the County, in this case of approx- <br /> imately $7 million, with Ramsey County then repaying the City of Roseville their <br /> portion of approximately $1.2 million under property taxes; and other taxing ju- <br /> risdictions, such as the two (2) area school districts also receiving their portion of <br /> those funds. <br /> Councilmember Pust returned to the meeting at this time, approximately <br /> 7:05 p.m. <br /> In reviewing the City's General Fund financial position, Mr. Eichten opined that <br /> the City had done a great job in addressing its fund balance policies; with the per- <br /> centage of expenditures at 45.1% based on actual data, not policy data, even <br /> though that was less than their stated policy of retaining 50% reserve fund bal- <br /> ances. Mr. Eichten noted that the City's General Fund had finished under budget, <br /> which was exceptional in terms of projections, with those projections rarely seen <br /> that close to actual budgets of that size; and important information for the City to <br /> take into account as they made their decisions. <br /> Mr. Eichten reviewed the financial trends (page 15) of the City's enterprise funds <br /> and overall improvements, while minimal, but trending favorably. <br />
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