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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 13,2011 <br /> Page 11 <br /> cient root space; noting that the Commission saw some great examples on struc- <br /> tural soils during the Neprash presentation. <br /> Member Stenlund opined that expense was relative for some of the new technolo- <br /> gies for storm water management, since ponds and other storm water management <br /> options cost money to construct, maintain and reconstruct as well. <br /> Member Stenlund noted the advantages in the PWET Commission being able to <br /> provide input for new developments, such as the Josephine Woods plat, and op- <br /> portunities to blend homes into existing topography in order to save trees rather <br /> than replace them. <br /> Chair DeBenedet reviewed potential 2011/12 PWET Commission Topics and a <br /> proposed work plan; and reviewed the status of the various items as detailed in the <br /> RCA. Chair DeBenedet noted the PWET Commission's interest in meeting joint- <br /> ly with the City's Parks and Recreation Commission in reviewing pathway plan- <br /> ning/implementation, incorporating the Imagine Roseville 2025 and Comprehen- <br /> sive Plan update, and discussing them from a Public Works and Parks perspective. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted the need to incorporate the Parks and Recreation <br /> Master Plan process. <br /> Member Gjerdingen noted the need to review the Parks and Recreation constella- <br /> tions and how to tie them together with the Pathway Master Plan. <br /> Chair DeBenedet noted the Commission's interest in pursuing community volun- <br /> teers to implement projects or initiatives; with Member Stenlund suggesting lake- <br /> shore stabilization projects as an example and one with which he was familiar <br /> based on past Eagle Scout projects. Chair DeBenedet concurred, noting that <br /> many low impact storm water and erosion control projects needed people, not <br /> heavy equipment. <br /> Related to the PWET Commission's conservation review of stormwater manage- <br /> ment practices, Mayor Roe asked that, as part of that study, the Commission con- <br /> sider ways to incent certain types of approaches in the overall regulating scheme, <br /> such as demonstration ideas needing to be evolved. <br /> Councilmember McGehee expressed her favorable impression with the Josephine <br /> Woods development project, and complimented the Commission if they had any <br /> input in that project. Councilmember McGehee expressed her interest in a pres- <br /> entation at the City Council level on the Helsinki and Stockholm tree options. <br /> Councilmember Johnson expressed his appreciation of the Commission's discus- <br /> sion on asset management; and tied that into the current work of the CIP Task <br /> Force and budget concerns, specifically the funding deficit over the next 10 - 2 0 <br />