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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 13, 2011 <br /> Page 15 <br /> Mr. Trudgeon responded affirmatively to both statements of Mayor Roe, noting <br /> that the TIF District had originally been created to provide assistance for new de- <br /> velopment,not to remain stagnant. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Trudgeon reviewed those items <br /> being amended, as underlined, such as in Section K, providing for a new budget <br /> between the original and modified plan shifting those resources for potential gen- <br /> eration of funds, since Phase I values came in higher than originally planned. <br /> Mayor Roe opened the Public Hearing at 7:38 p.m. for the purpose of hearing <br /> public comment of an Amendment to the TIF District #18 Plan and Development <br /> District #1; as requested by AEON, owners of the Sienna Green Apartment for <br /> consideration of establishing a housing tax increment financing (TIF) District on <br /> their parcel in order to fill a projected financial gap in the second phase of their <br /> initiative to revitalize this aging apartment property. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Charles Kelly, resident of Rosewood Village <br /> Mr. Kelly asked that the entire process be slowed down; expressing concern with <br /> parking at Sienna Green; and his personal review of an average of fifteen (15) <br /> cars parking overnight each night on both sides of the frontage road. Mr. Kelly <br /> alleged that there were too few parking spots for the number of units; and he re- <br /> quested improvement or a solution to parking issues in that area. Mr. Kelly refe- <br /> renced the green space on Rosewood Village property being used to get a va- <br /> riance to put the Sienna Green building closer to the property line. Mr. Kelly ex- <br /> pressed concern as the property became fully developed and occupied, that the <br /> parking situation would only become more pronounced. <br /> Dick Houck, 1131 Roselawn <br /> Mr. Houck questioned, based on the current real estate market and economy, the <br /> justification for the City assisting in building another fifty (50) units in the City. <br /> Mr. Houck opined that it didn't seem like the right time top put city funds into <br /> more units when there were already so many vacancies in the area; and he didn't <br /> understand the justification at this time. <br /> With no one else coming forward to speak, Mayor Roe closed the Public Hearing <br /> at 7:42 p.m. <br /> Mayor Roe asked Mr. Trudgeon to address parking and building location issues <br /> raised during public comment; and Councilmember Willmus asked Mr. Trudgeon <br /> to address parking ratios per unit. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon advised that, typically, ratios were at least one spot per unit; but in <br /> this case the site was already developed and approved under previous City ordin- <br /> ance as a PUD. Mr. Trudgeon advised that staff looked at the parking situation <br />