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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 13,2011 <br /> Page 14 <br /> 1675 County Road C, in order to perform an asphalt overlay on the south half of <br /> the parking lot. <br /> Mayor Roe closed the Public Hearing at 7:30 p.m.; with no one appearing for or <br /> against. <br /> 12. Business Items (Action Items) <br /> a. Consider Request for a Variance to the Noise Ordinance to Extend Construc- <br /> tion Activity Hours at the Rosedale Square Shopping Center <br /> Johnson moved, Pust seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 10907 (Attachment <br /> C) entitled, "Resolution Requesting a Variance from City Code, Section 405.03, <br /> Hourly Restrictions on Certain Operations for Rosedale Square Shopping Center, <br /> 1601-1675 County Road C." <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Johnson; Pust; Willmus; McGehee; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> 11. Public Hearings <br /> b. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding an Amendment to TIF District #18 <br /> Plan and Development District#1 <br /> Community Development Director Patrick Trudgeon briefly summarized the re- <br /> quest as detailed in the RCA dated June 13, 2011. Mr. Trudgeon advised that and <br /> introduced Ms. Mikaela Huot with Springsted Incorporated, the City's financial <br /> consultant, to answer questions as applicable. Mr. Trudgeon advised that repre- <br /> sentatives of Sienna Green were also in the audience and available for questions. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon noted that the proposed amendments were minor and being re- <br /> quested due to the recent acquisition of the triangle parcel; increased value of <br /> Phase I of the project; and the financial gap for Phase II determined to be a maxi- <br /> mum of$935,005. Mr. Trudgeon reviewed the two (2) requested actions current- <br /> ly before the City Council; advising that the TIF Development Agreement was an- <br /> ticipated for presentation tonight, but as previously noted, had been deferred to <br /> next week's meeting to allow finalization of several remaining items. Mr. <br /> Trudgeon advised that the TIF would be "pay-as-you-go," with no bonding re- <br /> quested; and advised that the TIF Plan provided a framework for the funding, but <br /> that no money would be authorized until the City Council approved the Develop- <br /> ment Agreement. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that the District remained in effect and generating TIF dollars <br /> at this time, whether amended or not. Mayor Roe further clarified that the ability <br /> of the TIF District to fill the gap requirement was still there, and had not changed. <br />