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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 13, 2011 <br /> Page 23 <br /> a. Partial Capital Funding Plan and Preliminary Subcommittee Report <br /> The CIP Subcommittee, made up of Mayor Roe, Councilmember Johnson, City <br /> Manager Malinen, and Finance Director Chris Miller, presented its preliminary <br /> report and partial capital funding plan. <br /> Mayor Roe reviewed the purpose of the subcommittee, as part of the City Coun- <br /> cil's work plan, to determine a path to a sustainable city-wide capital funding plan <br /> for the City in light of the ongoing under-funding of capital replacement needs; <br /> and to make the community aware of the concerns faced by the City and its <br /> elected officials. <br /> Steps taken during this daunting task, and detailed in the subcommittee report <br /> dated June 13, 2011 and included in the agenda packet included extending the <br /> projected time frame out to twenty (20) years for capital needs; and fine-tuning <br /> those things that were anticipated, those that were no longer applicable due to pol- <br /> icy changes; and separating out the fire station and park/pathway needs. <br /> Regarding streets, Mayor Roe noted that the Pavement Management Plan (PMP) <br /> was sustaining and the subcommittee's recommendation was to look at that over <br /> the next few years to determine if any adjustments were indicated. <br /> Mayor Roe advised that all an overall review of tax-supported capital needs and <br /> utility fees indicated estimated capital needs of$218 million over that twenty (20) <br /> year period, with an estimated $148 million (68%) of that unfunded by current <br /> sources. <br /> In reviewing tax-supported capital needs and reviewing three (3) areas covered: <br /> vehicles/rolling stock, equipment, and facilities, the subcommittee estimated a <br /> $16 million shortfall or gap (57%) in the estimated $28 million projected in gen- <br /> eral vehicle, equipment and facility needs, using current funding levels and pro- <br /> jected costs over that twenty(20) year period. <br /> Mayor Roe summarized the subcommittee's recommendation in shifting approx- <br /> imately $300,000 (approximately 2% of the current $14.7 million levy) from cur- <br /> rent operating budget funding to capital funding in 2012; and maintain that shift <br /> permanently. An additional recommendation of the subcommittee is to increase <br /> the annual property tax levy by$500,000 (3.4% of the current $14.7 million levy) <br /> in 2012, and to also maintain that increase permanently. The third recommenda- <br /> tion was to transfer a $750,000 endowment from the General Fund to the Equip- <br /> ment Replacement Fund, currently with a $-0- balance) in 2012, creating a sus- <br /> tainable fund balance in that fund. Mayor Roe noted that this would create a sus- <br /> tainable funding mechanism for at least the next twenty (20) years, with approx- <br /> imately 40% of the funding coming from operating spending cuts, and 60% from <br /> increased property taxes. Mayor Roe provided additional detail on how the funds <br /> were recommended for allocation; inflation factors not included in the calcula- <br />