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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 13, 2011 <br /> Page 26 <br /> By way of introduction, Mayor Roe noted that, unlike the September not-to- <br /> exceed preliminary budget and levy, this discussion could increase or decrease as <br /> impacts to programs/services was considered and in an effort to guide develop- <br /> ment of the City Manager-recommended Budget, based on the "decision pack- <br /> ages"highlighted and detailed in the RCA dated June 13, 2011. <br /> Discussion included unknowns in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan process at <br /> this time and funding sources for implementation, whether bonding or through <br /> other sources; intent for this exercise to primarily provide operating budget guid- <br /> ance; and moving the vehicle/equipment replacement funding to the CIP recom- <br /> mendation. <br /> Johnson moved, Roe seconded, a levy increase of 3.4% for 2012, based on the <br /> recommendations of the Capital Needs Subcommittee. <br /> Further discussion included adjustments of decision packages accordingly with <br /> the 3.4% representing another $243,000 plus $300,000 in decision packages and <br /> whether to accommodate $240,000 or $140,000 and how it relates to overall pic- <br /> ture; impacts of removing $440,000 from the existing 2011 budget prior to dis- <br /> cussion about increased utility fees, county or state changes, and the pending <br /> budget impasse at the state level; pending market value homestead credit and sub- <br /> sequent impacts depending on how and if the state resolves that issue and how <br /> that may impact levy limits for cities who increased their levies to address that <br /> state shortfall. <br /> Councilmember Willmus opined that this was a great starting point for staff pur- <br /> poses in moving forward, but at the same time it needed to be balanced with not <br /> having the full picture yet; and recognizing that the process needed to remain flu- <br /> id and some of the numbers may change dramatically. <br /> Councilmember Johnson opined that some ratio needed to be maintained along <br /> the lines of the subcommittee's recommendations, and while they could be fluid, <br /> he wouldn't suggest taking more from the levy, as stressing out operations more <br /> than 2%, plus inflation, would be too much of a change needing to be absorbed <br /> annually in addition to their already absorbing inflation every year. Council- <br /> member Johnson asked that Councilmembers think about it carefully; and in his <br /> opinion, he hoped that this City Council determined to move forward unlike past <br /> City Councils for a number of years in Roseville who have not made these diffi- <br /> cult decisions, putting the City in this current situation. Councilmember Johnson <br /> recognized the need to see the whole picture; however, he opined that it was <br /> going to get much more difficult than the scenarios and recommendations pre- <br /> sented tonight; and would be a bitter pill no matter whose perspective was consi- <br /> dered. Councilmember Johnson expressed his appreciation for consideration of <br /> the recommendations by the full body, and that it was a huge undertaking for the <br /> City Council. <br />