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Last modified
6/28/2011 9:08:16 AM
Creation date
6/28/2011 8:53:24 AM
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Public Works Commission
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Ms. Bloom advised that the study referenced by Chair DeBenedet was a research <br />proposal study being performed by Mankato State University, in developing a <br />calculator tool to determine roadway life expectancies based on wear and tear; <br />and noted that she was part of that research group. Ms. Bloom anticipated study <br />beta tested results available in late June of 2011 for fall of 2011 publication. <br />Discussion included how the streets would be tested based on data entered based <br />on street routes; types of soils; types of construction material (concrete or <br />bituminous); impact of fully loaded commercial traffic and any reduction in street <br />wear and tear; type of and transparency of this program and the goals of the <br />research in using tried and true design and engineering standards for bituminous <br />industry standards, without additional field work required; and anticipated <br />enhanced Excel spreadsheets; and similar to a previous research study several <br />years ago done by counties for wind farm construction and the numerous <br />overweight trucks on gravel roads to determine impacts for policy development. <br />Ms. Bloom offered to link PWET Commissioners into the study to see the end <br />products for comparison purposes. a <br />Chair DeBenedet noted a similar program developed between MnDOT and the <br />logging industry in northern MN with spring hauling and load limits. Chair <br />DeBenedet noted an assumption had been made that garbage trucks have <br />significant impact on local streets; and opined that the data from this research <br />project should clarify that assumption. <br />Other <br />Mr. Schwartz advised that the prior evening, he and Mr. Randy Neprash had <br />presented the proposed Coal Tar Ordinance to the City Council, with Mr. Neprash <br />providing a brief explanation and the ordinance's intent. Mr. Schwartz advised <br />that the City Council seemed very appreciative, had no recommended revisions <br />and were ready to take action at last night's meeting; however, staff had intended <br />the presentation for information purposes only, and the ordinance had not yet <br />been formatted and received final review by the City Attorney, so it was proposed <br />for action at their June 13, 2011 meeting. <br />5. Erosion Control Ordinance Updates <br />Ms. Bloom thanked members for their comments to -date on revisions to the <br />erosion control ordinance and revised fee schedule; and presented the latest draft, <br />seeking further member feedback, as well as removing those areas that were <br />redundant. Ms. Bloom noted that related to previous PWET Commission <br />preference for a larger all- encompassing storm water /pollution management <br />ordinance, and in consideration of recent audit findings, the City Attorney <br />recommended moving forward with this Erosion Control Permitting Ordinance; <br />and that the one umbrella chapter (No. 803) be continued on the 2011 Work Plan, <br />incorporating a drainage plan to incorporate various issues. <br />Page 3 of 12 <br />
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