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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
9/20/2011 1:57:01 PM
Creation date
6/28/2011 9:26:54 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
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456 him by next Monday, April 25, 2011. Mr. Petersen suggested another chapter on the process in <br />457 selecting a contractor for the Third Generation Water Management Plan. <br />458 <br />459 Chair Pro -tem Eckman asked that Mr. Petersen copy Member Miller with the draft as well to <br />460 allow him to comment. <br />461 <br />462 Motion 11 -04 -10 <br />463 Member Von De Linde moved, and Member Westerberg seconded, authorizing Chair Pro -tem <br />464 Eckman and Mr. Petersen to incorporate individual member comments in the draft annual report <br />465 as presented; and advance a final draft to BWSR by April 30, 2011. <br />466 <br />467 Ayes: 3 <br />468 Nays: 0 <br />469 Motion carried. <br />470 Old Business <br />471 Third Generation Water Plan Update (Eckman/Von De Linde) <br />472 Ms. Correll with EOR presented a first draft of implementation initiatives, goals, responsible <br />473 parties, potential partners, priorities, and estimated costs as part of the ten year total for the Third <br />474 Generation Water Management Plan. Ms. Correll asked if individual Board members felt <br />475 comfortable with the limited two -week time frame for reviewing the document; and if so, Ms. <br />476 Correll advised that she would have a complete draft available for the Board by May 1, 2011; <br />477 followed by it proceeding toward the formal review process. <br />478 <br />479 Ms. Correll noted some of the things already incorporated that could serve as in -kind matches for <br />480 the MPCA's TMDL plan; and advised that she would have further discussion with Ms. Asleson <br />481 following her presentation tonight; and the need to verify some of those issues. <br />482 <br />483 Chair Pro -tem Eckman asked if the EOR contract would need to be revised to incorporate the <br />484 additional work by EOR with the MPCA and Ms. Asleson; with Ms. Correll advising that there <br />485 should be no need to amend the contract and it should be included in the scope put together <br />486 several months ago. <br />487 <br />488 At the request of Chair Pro -tem Eckman, Ms. Correll confirmed that she had provided Mr. <br />489 Ferrington with her Power Point presentation, electronically, on the day of the Third Stakeholder <br />490 meeting, and that he had permission to distribute it as applicable. Mr. Petersen suggested posting <br />491 the presentation on the GLWMO website as well. <br />492 <br />493 Discussion included education /outreach opportunities; annual presentations to lake <br />494 associations /groups and member cities; establishing citizen advisory groups for volunteer efforts; <br />495 administrative costs to reflect inflation; and presentations to respective City Councils through <br />496 their agenda process and city budget processes currently underway. <br />497 <br />498 <br />499 Ms. Correll advised that if individual Board members provided their comments to her by May 9, <br />500 2011; she would have a final draft available by the next Board meeting on May 19, 2011, for the <br />501 Board's authorization that it goes out for public comment. If there were any major issues or <br />11 <br />
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