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<br />be even more expensive and there are no right-of-ways and we would <br />have to go through people's front lawns back here to the south. <br />The structure, as best we can determine from our conversations, <br />is basically a warehousing operation. However, according to our <br />information, they do have individuals that are in the structure <br />several hours on many days and as such require sanitary sewer <br />facilities. With that in mind, we made the feasibility study <br />to provide those sanitary facilities to the City sewer. Again <br />in this case there are some sanitary sewer assessments involved <br />that were not fully paid in the past. <br /> <br />MR. POPOVICH: The total published cost of this project was <br />$l7,354.00 and it's recommended that the entire amount be <br />assessed against the property owner, together with whatever <br />trunk sewer assessments that have not been levied in the past. <br />Obviously, the assessment hearing would be at a later date and <br />we would not recommend that they be spread longer than l5 years <br />in today's market. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: Are there any written communications? <br /> <br />MR. ANDRE: There are none. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: I will open this hearing to the public. Is <br />there anyone that wishes to be heard? <br /> <br />THOMAS HOLMES, Property Tax Representative with Farmer's <br />Union Grain Terminal Association: Farmer's Union Grain Terminal <br />Association owns the building located at l750 County Road C and <br />leases the site from the Burlington Northern Railroad. This <br />matter was dropped on my desk rather suddenly and I really didn't <br />have a great deal of time to prepare for this. I have made some <br />notes and some points I would like to refer to in covering this <br />matter. Just a little historical background on the property - <br />the subject property is, as I mentioned, a leased site, owned by <br />the Burlington Northern Railrpad, and Grain Terminal Association <br />owns the building located on that site. The building is essen- <br />tially a warehouse with a small carpenter shop inside. The <br />building does have a couple of plumbing fixtures to accommodate <br />the needs of the carpenter on duty. Presently, the property has <br />its own independent well and septic system. It's GTA's position - <br />they're not questioning the methods, necessarily, of the assess-. <br />ment - the method used to determine the cost. Our question <br />relates to the fact that - we're pretty much questioning the <br />supposed result and need of that benefit that this assessment <br />will provide. It's our opinlon that the assessment itself is <br />unnecessary. The nature and use of the property is such that <br />the impro~ement would serve no useful purpose to us. I guess <br />we're pretty much interested in knowing what our options are, as <br />far as the building itself is concerned. As I mentioned, the <br />building basically is a warehouse facility - a cold storage <br />facility - with a small carpenter's shop located in it. I also <br />mentioned to you that the few plumbing fixtures that we do have <br />are used to accommodate the carpenter. We can certainly move <br /> <br />2 <br />