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<br />front foot based on the 25% approach. That would mean that this <br />$12.16 would come down to the $11.38 and the other one, which was <br />$10.42, would come up to the $11.38. It's an equalizing factor. <br />That's not a decision you have to make tonight, but it does <br />have some impact and that's why, based on the engineer's recom- <br />mendation, we thought we'd give you those figures so in case <br />anybody wants to comment on that they can. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: By the same token, when those bids are let <br />together, they may come in a little cheaper. <br /> <br />MR. POPOVICH: That's right. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: As long as there are two being done together. <br /> <br />MR. POPOVICH: That's right. It just makes sense that <br />normally, on this type of thing, you do them together, but since <br />the petitions were separate they have to be handled separately. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: That's right. <br />we would let the bids out as one. <br />ments? <br /> <br />We price them separately but <br />Are there any written state- <br /> <br />MR. ANDRE: There are none. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: I will open this hearing to the public and <br />ask that each person come to the microphone and give your name <br />and the address of the property to which you're referring. <br /> <br />MR. GARY HOKENSON, 2461 Brenner Avenue: I guess I am <br />opposed to this improvement. L'm afraid I have to disagree with <br />Mr. Drown. The road surface is a little bit better than "fair". <br />It's not broken, there are no potholes and there isn't any mud <br />or anything along the street. There is adequate drainage and <br />the storm sewers were placed there, I believe it was three <br />years ago. To me, the road surface looks in good shape. I've <br />lived along that street for 14 years and there has been almost <br />no deterioration to the street. It's my opinion that it could <br />go for another five to ten years without any improvement to it. <br />I feel that at this time this improvement is not necessary. <br />There are a number of other residents along the street who are <br />of the same opinion. I have a question on the petition that <br />was sent around. It was represented as a petition to survey <br />the street and not to improve it. I think if you were to go <br />back and ask the people whether or not they want to pay for it, <br />you would not get 72%. When they brought the petition around <br />to me, it was for a survey - not to improve. <br /> <br />MR. POPOVICH: Here's the petition. It's very clear - <br />to be improved by, etc. The petition says one thing and <br />obviously, if something else was said. <br /> <br />MR. HOKENSON: Something else was said. <br /> <br />3 <br />