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<br />the driveways' that previously had tar and things in there - it <br />really contributes to the neighborhood and we're all concerned <br />with home values and the important thing in real estate - I'm <br />not in real estate although I did study it for quite awhile at <br />one time in my life - the appearance and the neighborhood and <br />the location - that's everything when it comes to value. We <br />are talking about a tremendous improvement in the values of our <br />property because of this. One gentleman mentioned that the <br />road i~ in good shape -.I agree with him. It was resurfaced <br />not too long ago - a couple of years ago. It was a temporary <br />job though and five years down the line, no matter what we talk <br />about - the economy going downhill, people making less money - <br />but I don't see anything coming down in price. This road, in <br />another five years, will probably be 50% higher. I don't know, <br />but you can talk to the experts and they don't know which way <br />the economy is going, but anything you can bet on - I happened <br />to be around in the last depression and I never saw things get <br />cheap until everything went to heck and they were expensive <br />then by the standards of the salaries. No matter how bad con- <br />ditions get, things will always be higher than you can afford. <br />Believe me. I think to buy this road at this price "is a bar- <br />gain compared to what it might be later. Looking at the <br />'aesthetic values and the values of our property - I think we're <br />all going to be better off in the long run by putting in this <br />road. I want to reiterate - there was no question in my mind, <br />when the young gentleman approached me - they told me exactly <br />like it was - that they were asking for an improvement that <br />was going to cost money. They didn't know what it was going <br />to cost, but they felt that there were enough people interested <br />in it. I hear all these people that signed the petition and I <br />say that we are in favor of it and I'll go with the majority <br />anytime. <br /> <br />MRS. SHERRELYN HOKENSON, 2461 Brenner Avenue: Just to <br />reply to the gentleman that was just up here - having the job <br />done now because it will probably be cheaper than in the fore- <br />seeable future - I was just wondering about all the tax <br />dollars thrown out the window to put (inaudible) a good <br />serviceable street that was just resurfaced. Also, with re- <br />gard to the misrepresentation of the petition circulated - <br />there are people here - I did not sign the petition - there <br />are people here that I've spoken with that are probably ernbar- <br />assed to say that they didn't read it, but who looks to a <br />neighbor, someone that lives just down the block from you, <br />misrepresenting something like that? If you really want to <br />know what people want on our street, we would ask for an <br />extension so that we could recirculate a petition now that <br />everybody here knows what it is about. There was even an <br />instance last week where one of my neighbors called the <br />gentleman in and he said oh no, this is just for a survey - <br />this is just so we can keep the costs in mind. It hasn't <br />been accurately represented. The people should have read it <br />but many of them didn't. <br /> <br />5 <br />