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<br />COUNCILMAN JOHNSON: Mrs. Hokenson, are there some people <br />here tonight that want to change their vote - who feel they <br />were misrepresented at the time? <br /> <br />MRS. HOKENSON: Would anybody like to change their vote? <br />Also, with regard to the aesthetic value - they have no curbs <br />in North Oaks, they don't have them in Mendota Heights, they <br />don't have them in Edina. While we wouldn't mind having them <br />on a street that needed to be replaced, we don't want our <br />street replaced until it shows at least some signs of wear. <br />I can't see any and many of my neighbors can't either. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: It's a seal-coat - it's not a new street <br />as such. We seal-coat every four to five years. <br /> <br />MRS. HOKENSON: It's still fine now. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: Is there anyone else? <br /> <br />MRS. DELORIS BEVACQUA, 3065 Patton Road: I agree with my <br />neighbors and think we should have another petition sent <br />around. We had another petition four years ago that we were <br />not in favor of. <br /> <br />INDOO MISI, 2473 Brenner Avenue: I would like to see <br />another petition go around. I am against this proposed improve- <br />ment and I think another petition would be a good idea. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: I'll be real frank - we're not here to <br />propose petitions. I think, very frankly, that people should <br />be responsible for what they sign. We are bound by those <br />that come in. We did get reverse petitions last summer four <br />times on the same street. This could go on every meeting. <br />We received a petition and we're holding the hearing. It is <br />not a lengthy petition, it is not written in small print, it <br />is easily read and I guess -' I don't sign anything that I <br />haven't read. <br /> <br />MR. POPOVICH: Mayor, there's another point - that's the <br />reason for the ten day notice. Everybody does get ten days. <br />They did have ten days to go out and circulate a petition <br />during that period of time. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: They have the right also to follow up and <br />get any information they want. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN FRANKE: Did the young man, when he carne <br />around - did you not get a pamphlet on street improvements? <br /> <br />PEOPLE IN AUDIENCE: No. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: He doesn't pass that out. He merely has <br />that if there are any questions. <br /> <br />6 <br />