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<br />MR. GILES: No, I wasn't, but I don't think the pamphlet <br />would have made one bit of difference because I wish we could <br />have had curbs from the day I moved in. Every year I've lived <br />there I've said - whatever they do from now is going to cost me <br />more money and that has proven to be true. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN JOHNSON: It's my understanding that the person <br />that brought the petition also had pamphlets to hand out. <br />You didn't get one? <br /> <br />MR. GILES: No, because he had no argument with me. I <br />was completely in favor of it. Maybe if he had thought I was <br />in doubt and needed some reinforcement or something - I don't <br />know if the pamphlet (inaudible). <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN FRANKE: There is a pamphlet that we put out <br />in the City that explains street improvements and explains our <br />assessment policy. Then the question is - if they got them <br />would they read them? Sometimes people listen but they don't <br />hear. <br /> <br />MR. GILES: If he had given me one, I wouldn't have read <br />it because I was for this improvement from day one. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: Anyone else on Brenner? <br /> <br />WOMAN IN AUDIENCE: I live on Patton but we did get the <br />pamphlet. <br /> <br />MR. RALPH FLOWERREE, 2505 Brenner Avenue: I'm not <br />acquainted with all of the advantages of curbs and gutters and <br />such except that they certainly help the lawn and they do <br />aid in street maintenance and that sort of thing. I was rather <br />pleased when a couple of young men came around with the peti- <br />tion. I congratul,ated them for being public spirited citizens <br />and so forth. They handed me - I was the third person, I <br />believe, on Brenner - there were not many signatures - but when <br />they handed me the petition, it was brief, 'it was suggested <br />that I read it, it was for an improvement and the conversation - <br />one of the young men did mention to me that the first thing <br />done would be a survey. But the petition was for an improve- <br />ment. They didn't give me a pamphlet - they referred to one <br />and they had one with them, which was offered to me to read. <br />I read a portion of it, but since I was highly in favor of the <br />improvement, I didn't take the time to read the pamphlet in its <br />entirety. I do wish to do all that I can to correct the impres- <br />sion that the two men who originated and circulated the peti- <br />tion falsely represented it. To my knowledge - or at least the <br />impression given to me was that they were entirely open about <br />it and there was no misrepresentation at all. I would hate to <br />see that feeling cause a negative reaction to the project. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: Thank you. <br /> <br />MR. ROBERT OLSON, 2453 Brenner Avenue: It was presented <br />to me properly and I understood what it was and I knew that <br /> <br />8 <br />