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Page 3 of 3 <br /> 1 The second part of the recommendation is to transfer$600,000 from the Storm water Fund to the <br /> Water Fund(which currently has a 0 balance) in 2012, creating a sustainable fund balance in <br /> 83 that fund. <br /> 84 <br /> 85 The subcommittee recognizes that this recommendation represents a very significant year-one <br /> 86 increase in the utility base fees, but for cash flow reasons prefers that to incremental increases, <br /> 87 which delay projects and increase out-year costs, including maintenance costs for older <br /> 8 infrastructure. <br /> 89 <br /> 90 For reference, with implementation of these recommendations, the typical residential household <br /> 91 would see their total utility lase fee payment per quarter go up by $44.28 in 2012. (Utility usage <br /> 92 fees would not be impacted.) <br /> 93 <br /> 94 The subcommittee believes that it is appropriate to refer these proposed rate changes to the <br /> 95 Public Works, Environment, and Transportation Commission for their review and comment, <br /> 9 <br /> 97 <br /> 98 'Total Impact of Recommendations. <br /> 99 <br /> 100 The proposed subcomr ittee recommendations contained in the June 13 and June 20 memos are <br /> 101 graphically represented, superimposed on the earlier graph of the problem (Figure 1 above), as <br /> 102 fellows: <br /> 103 <br /> $2501000,000 zi Cumulative 2; <br /> New Funding� <br /> I���uIII uII�II�� � <br /> $ .000)000 T Ili maul "I'Imil i Fro 1 1 YY <br /> ' u14i li'Ii�ll ulullull ; <br /> I Revenues <br /> ll'ill';uVIiiI u� IIII�II II um'iiiu'm�u ';�,I'iiiul IIm�I <br /> } i�iiuii...m a iiii,ll °lilll!Im ml� oilllm m r Ill�m.I 1 <br /> 1 � Iii'll ',I �� I;II�I'IIII,I�IF III,II°II II�IIIIIIIII lll'�'��II ��urr�u I a�tiv� <br /> dill; �iu 111 a ills"iI u m ilium a u, I I :Ilui u <br /> � !!IIII 'III��I�UpIIIIIII. 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The red bars represent cumulative <br /> 107 'annual capital cost's, while the green area represents cumulative projected current annual <br /> 108 budgeted capital funding. The light blue area represents cumulative projected new funding from <br /> 109 new revenues. The narrow purple area between the green and light blue areas represents <br /> cumulative new funding from operational budget cuts. All figures are in 2011 dollars. <br /> ill <br /> 112 As can be seen, even with the subcommittee recommendations of both the June 13 and June 20 <br /> 113 memos, significant work remains—primarily in the Parks and Streets capital funding areas, <br /> 114 which are net addressed by these recommendations. <br />