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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
7/22/2011 10:14:16 AM
Creation date
7/22/2011 10:12:45 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 11,2011 <br /> Page 12 <br /> cept, rather than having eight (8) warming houses replaced similar to their current <br /> design; but to have one per sector, with buildings in other tiers costing less and <br /> having fewer amenities than those multi-use facilities. <br /> Chair Etten concurred that, based on the Master Plan constellation concept, it was <br /> correct that buildings ended up in different sections of the community; but noted <br /> this was for the purpose of enhancing the constellation concept; and opined that <br /> existing warming houses didn't achieve that. Chair Etten noted that the additional <br /> cost was based on those replacement buildings including restroom facilities, and <br /> at a higher construction grade than the existing warming houses, but providing for <br /> more institutional uses. While not being grand in any sense, Chair Etten opined <br /> that the buildings would provide a space for additional programming needs for the <br /> community and various neighborhoods. <br /> Councilmember Johnson expressed his personal congratulations to the Parks and <br /> Recreation Commission, and the various Citizen Organizing Teams (COT) and <br /> Implementation groups; opining that their work to-date had provided a very com- <br /> prehensive and realistic plan to bring the City's park system into this century. <br /> When stating that maintenance was needed and other items that needed to be <br /> brought up to speed, Councilmember Johnson opined that this was not an exagge- <br /> ration; and expressed his enthusiastic support for creating hubs in constellations, <br /> providing for a sense of community, including upgrading existing warming hous- <br /> es into meeting/congregating spaces, further opining that this was exactly what <br /> the City needed, and coincided with the work of the City's HRA and HRC to was <br /> attempting to accomplish and was in line with the vision of the community in <br /> providing quality meeting spots and encouraging neighborhood continuity and <br /> cohesiveness. Councilmember Johnson opined that the Commission was provid- <br /> ing the City with a good starting point, and while allowing room for negotiation, <br /> he was very supportive of how they had laid things out, opining that it provided <br /> exactly what the City needed to move forward for the next twenty (20) years. <br /> Councilmember Johnson supported the City providing good, clean facilities that <br /> were well maintained; and expressed his personal interest in moving forward with <br /> further discussion and refining the details, while supporting the overall proposals. <br /> Mayor Roe sought clarification on the $1.5 million allotment proposed for Natu- <br /> ral Resources. <br /> Mr. Brokke advised that this area addressed forestations, and removal of invasive <br /> vegetation, with additional funding anticipated from various grant sources. Mr. <br /> Brokke noted that it was the intent to go back to those various work groups still <br /> meeting, to review the proposal and recommendations, and specific projects, in- <br /> cluding the very active Natural Resources Work Group, who had come up with <br /> many ideas; and the desire to capture those ideas and move them forward. Mr. <br /> Brokke advised that tonight's proposal provided the Commission with an oppor- <br /> tunity to see if the City Council was supportive of the direction indicated, includ- <br />
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