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Augu�t �.96€ ; k�o p � <br />. ,� .. ,. , <br />` T�1�"� ..TC�r�?�5� C�:IE�? <br />v-c� '��.�Ii��iec� lzy "'�� ��r�eri �s�oci�tiorag Ynco <br />f1 �� ; <br />ae <br />o:�'� -''�--'.� "1`ilE �ili�liC �ler.'tlCliic� 0�7. 'r�'3E 13E'i^.7 COIitI�]CE:�1�Y251'Ifi@ <br />v ^ i��v�l.Qpr�i�nt Plara Y�.elc� Ju1y Zti �y t��� Plar���ii,r�g <br />�/ o � �v�"ai��ion r��as ��ie�� at�en�:ec� --, a��aroxirna�e].y <br />/ s � 1�0 �.�eo�l� �- inczic��ing ���.e �sic��� �eve1. o� in-� <br />� �, � t�res� az:ong ���.e resi�en�s o �s a �c�sult o� �.he <br />i�terse on ���e is�ue of mu�ti�le <br />' $ c����l.lir�g� r ti3F.' P�.anning Cai��r��.��io� agreecz �.t <br />y° tl ` its su��sec;uent r�.�e�inc� an �?t�c�t�st 3 ta �elete <br />d al�. a�eas sszo��an on t�-�� Cor�i�r�i�ens�.v� ucvelo�a�- <br />� e ?��n� �1a.r� �a� uesigna�ec� as �ites �o� �he�ea <br />° This is rxo� �o say �hat �rc�en F::ills ���.Zl n�ver <br />co�sa.�er muli:ipl� c�v��11.i�.g� ��ut �atl��er that <br />the �oss�,i�l� 1oca�.ions o� �i�er.� in t��e vi�.3.age <br />wil3. I:,� kzan��.ec3 on an inGa.v�.ctua� ba�ise a�.ways` <br />'; ;�' ar�quirinc� �.��c: issuan�� of a�pec�al �ise k�ex-r��it p <br />�; . �'� ,' �. nuk�lic Iiea�in� to iae he�c� by t�xe P].anning <br />; ,`_; :',• �or€�nrais5ion i� ai�;�ays �cec�uirec� I:e�vre any <br />�' ` .'• � issuance o� a �peca.a�. Use �ermit< - k"o�ices; af ;` <br />-, <br />�hEse g�uLlic hearings are publishec� in the' <br />� I;ec,� i3r�c�l��on t�ull��.in, �-:rc:e�� �ii�.� ° offici:a� <br />-� neE•�s so�arc� o The To���n Cri�r a e•ri1.1 of course g <br />con�:inue i.o acivise its reac'.er� o� t���se I�ear� ' <br />ings a Follo�ai�zg such a hearing g�h� recomn�en <br />�ation �f t�se Planning Cor.unission ���ill he for�- <br />Ea�arcieu to ��xe Village Counci], ior its action, <br />Tl�ie coci�s governir�g }.aca�ion anc� constru��ion of r��alti�l� �ira�llings c�ill <br />' Le striet: anc� earefully con'crollec� o Soi�� of the rec�u3re�en�cs inciuc3� <br />�ea�y access to goo� trans�or�a�ion �'acilities and that tlze�e �e surrour�c�� <br />zng ,o�ien tar�� s�ace or a�er�uate land �� �ri,i�hxn tYie �ev�lo�r��:nt for <br />; a.�s occu�antso iiu�.ti�1e c�.vaellina,s c�r�ll nat �e �erm�t�ed in ��ie mic�st of - <br />exi5ting residen�i�1 r�eic�i�ao�chooc�� e <br />�t` �.� r�aitl� regret i��a�t �re s�ofie tY�� r�s igx�atiom af �.r o i obert Jena� as <br />�����.rman o� the k�lann�.n� Caa�:tmiss�on, eg�ec�a,v� �ug�:s�. ls� �eca�ase o� <br />�usiness rea�ons a �-j�.s ye�.:rs o� e��orts on ��i1al� of the Village. c�eserva <br />our s�:ncex�� ti7ankso ���, La�zrcnc� �.roc�le� �.7�1 venus ��ve., ���a� veen named <br />... r. Li%�. �.�L"I .�.Chal.rliiC�Yi e"� ii�?� ex��:nc' �-��.rn au�c �ies� �aisnes anc� l�no�a �xe �ai.],1� ca.c*votc <br />�ii� goc��i ;Yiear� anc� enerc�i�s to this c�i��icu1� anc� important job, <br />nefl�acing �lr .: i3roc�.e on t�ae P�.ann�.nc� Cozn��,s s�on �s P,� e La�arence T:cGaugh , <br />7:666 Lake Joha�rna �lvc�e �s�cause of tl�e a�c�itional tirc�� he wi11 3ae �e�� <br />vo�` �a �rc�en Fi�.�.ls as a me�nk�er o� �.he, 1�� �aill he unabl�:;�o <br />ccn�inize as tcem�orary Chairmari o� ThE �ru.en �ssocia�ion, [:'� are i�aa�Y;to <br />announce that F���ra �on Reivu�� 3209 Sl�oarewoo�: ;�:riv�;' wYio is ou� Lega�: ` <br />CouxiSe� P.�as acc�pt�u �h� �nai�rEansha.p v� �i�e F�ssociation. o <br />