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March ;1967, No: 11. <br />, - , <br />.,. .-. <br />' � THE T4WN CRIER <br />.� ' <br />�` -�.�..r� Publ�shed by The Arden Association, Inc, <br />i3 �` <br />� <br />r'� �� As � fo��.ow-up of 3.ast month� s di�cuss�an <br />��..� of �he a�k wzlt problem, we have ta7.ked <br />to the V�11age C1.erk a� Nor�h Qaks to dis� <br />�' � cover wha� stEps �hey have taken to a11ev <br />; <br />`�}� °' ia�e �h3s disease. Nor�h Oaks has incor� <br />v � porated in�o its ordinance a me�hod a� <br />� con� �he bl�.ght. Once a year, a�; <br />� �he end of summer, a team of p�ople from <br />the Un�.versity of Minne so�a su�veys tha. <br />en�i�e North Oak� area and rt�.arks a�� af-' <br />� fec�ed trees. �f these trees are on the <br />praper-�y of an indivi.dual prop�r�y ownQr, <br />`, it is his responsibi.l�.�y to remove �he <br />"'� infected �ree; i.f the tree lis s an vi].lage- <br />� , owned proper�y, �he v�l�.age aecep�ts -�he " <br />responsibzl�ty �'or x�emova].. The cost of <br />�" th� survey is paid by �he vill.aoe of Nor�h ; <br />� ����, Oak s. La st summer a appro��.ma �� �.� 350 . <br />:"� �rees were marked as d�seased� <br />'�he Village Counc�l ca� Arden Hi�.ls r�cen�ly au�harized the pu�ch�se-of <br />�three aeres of land north of Cnunt Road E-�2, near New�on Road', <br />g <br />`for �he site of �he propased Ramsey County Branch Library. The vi�l.age <br />- wil� buy �he proper�y on�y if the Li.brary Baard decidEs �o bui].d i�s <br />'branch at that location. Pre;sen��y the land is owned by the Baptis� <br />Gen�ral Cor�'erenc�. Arden Hi�.].s wou�d pay �2�,000 for the lan3, which <br />woulcl - then i�e donated �o the L�.brary Board, and would also trade a <br />:l.�.6 acre parcel of swampy ground (appra�sed valua�ian, �2�.,b00} near <br />Co�tzn�y Road E-2 and 01.d Highway �.0 ta the Baptis� Genera3. CO23f E�'L'i1C6,, <br />The Parks and P�aygrounds Committee is discussing ftzttz�e ska��ng rink. <br />`plaris and reques�s corn.ments from cztizens. Plans under discuss�on are. <br />1.} .Gounty Road E R�.nk - Thi.s �.s very successfu3. and wi�.l continu� to <br />be i�aintained by the V3.3.1age. 2} Proposed Rink a� Caunt�r Road F, <br />iia:len�ine Park iocation - This is considered a desi.rabla loca�ion for <br />' a rink: simi3.a� to i�he one o� County Road E. Light�.ng i s prapo��d, to <br />be rr3aint��.ned by the Vi�.lage. 3) �roposed Johanna Jr. Hi�h Rink - This <br />i� proposed as a join� Roseville--Arden Hil�s-Schoo� District b2�; rinL�. <br />`'A�den Hi�.ls wauld provide th�: warming, Rosevil.le and �he Schaol <br />Dist�ict to provide maintenance af rink and. �.upervisione �.) Attend- <br />ance and difficultie s in maintain�ng good ska�ing ice on the Lake <br />Johanna` Rink rr�ake �h�s a questia�tab�e site. '�he Cammittee proposes not <br />'�o,'m�intain �h�,s site, part�,cularly i�' proposals 2 anc� 3 material�zee <br />Ra�ra.sey Cou�.�y zs �to be: con�acted r��,a-��,ve �a �he Lake Joharina Rink; ". <br />`possib3.y' '�he Cpu.n�y �aould` wi sh to ma,in�ain �he s ite as a County R�crea- <br />�ion: Prq�ec�: TYxe warm�.ng house. a�G �ha Va�en��n.e Park locatian t�:ould <br />