<br />: Apri.l �lgb'�, ;No. �.2
<br />` .,�`",.'
<br />;�,.
<br />�' Pub�.ished �y The Arden Assoc�:a��.on, Tnc.
<br />��� �,• � r�"'s '. �
<br />� ��,a�.� ��;� ,�-.:,�� . ` plattin 4rdinance - An ordi�nance regula�:ing
<br />;�,•.ti �� the subd�vision and p�.a�ti�g af land ;in the
<br />, � ��� '��' � ViZ1.agE, providi.ng for the installatian �r ,
<br />��-� :,`�;i' gu�rantee of �.nstall.ation oi' util.i��.es,, s�reet
<br />" ��'�=".,a., � � pavements and o�h�r essen-��al devel.opmen�s by
<br />� z�.,�„�,,,.,� '� '<, �he subdiv�.der; praviding for the ded�.cs�3on
<br />_ � .. . . �, ,,>-�,.
<br />and acceptance af �and �'or publ�,C use s; pro
<br />�,, ` ,�. �riding for the �.mpasing of plat approva�.'fees,
<br />j'�. `s prescribing penalities far the v�.olation af
<br />.k; j� ,� i�s prav�sions and rspealing Ordinance Na. 59�
<br />� as amended, was approaed by our Village Counc,il. '
<br />� -��"'' �� The praposed zonin� vrdinance has had i�s fi�al.
<br />��; =; read�.ng. Tha.s_ is a revised ordinance regu�.at=
<br />� �.ng the use of land, �he locat�.on and �h� use
<br />r �: of buil.d�.ngs and the arrangement of. buzldings;
<br />�...w�
<br />�� on lots �.n �he Vill.age; adopti::ng a�:zor�ing dis-
<br />� trict map; repea�.3.ng inconsistent ordin$nr�s '
<br />and imposing penalties for violation. �rive-:
<br />�� ins are �a be considsred in the zoning ..ordi
<br />• ,� �,,� q�':'� r�ance under special use permit, w3.�h licens- :
<br />� ��� �RT� ing �znder a separate ordinance, _
<br />�-`•=�'i
<br />' Th� Pede.strian Tra�l Ordinance has been introduced by �itle and �'irs� read
<br />irig approved. Thi.s is an ordinance designa�Gin;g �he pedes�rian trail, pro
<br />hib�.ting motorized trav�l thereon with certain exceptions, pravid�,ng for
<br />the po`s�ing of warning signs on the �rail, and providing penalties fvr';via-.
<br />lation ;therepf.
<br />Pixb�.ic Hearxn - A pub�.ic hearing af the Starr-Eibner �ake Terrace P�.at at
<br />3, ' Snellin Avenue Nor�h will be held at 8:00 PM, April 2�, Vi1.IagE H�l�.'
<br />iT��.1.a e Si�ns - A survey has been made af the �I�.IJ.a�;e regard�.ng aur need
<br />for 'si,gns. A lis� has been submitted of loca��.ons where 17 radar signs and:
<br />: V�:Zl.age ;entrance signs are needed. Radar signs have been ordered and �h�
<br />' entrance signs design is being considEred by the Planning Cammission.
<br />QAK WILT .:AND DUTCH ELM D�SEASES IN ARDEN H�LLS - Dur Parks and Recreatlan
<br />.,Cammittee= is warking on this prob].em and Dr. French of the TJniversi�y of
<br />M�.nneaota,-'whQ "has worked with Nor�h Oaks in �he pas� �rzth regard to these ;
<br />d�.seases, has tieen contac�ed to request his aid. You will be kept infarmed
<br />�.n ;"The; Crier" as to progr� ss.
<br />A ineeting. i� being arranged wi.th tha V�.Ilage Engineer, Trus�ees QT�.en -and :
<br />` Bjorndahl and a;represen�ative from Ramsey Coun�y ta inves�igate the;drain-
<br />a E d�:tch problems at Tn erson Road and` Fernwood AVenue �.eading to Lake
<br />Jose:pYiine .
<br />: A 1i ht at Count Road F and Fern�ood Aven�ze ;wi�1 be �ras�al�.ed by ,Norihern :
<br />'States ` Power :Co�parzy as> soorz as ;they can.:pravide �he pr�per service.
<br />