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No. lb Augt�.st :1R67 <br />� `� <br />�o THE TOWN CR�ER <br />� Publ3.shed by The Arden Associat�.on, �nc.' <br />��:� ' <br />, ' <br />, <br />-..,.. ..� <br />�s� <br />�'�"r ��� �. PUBL�C HEARING FOR APAR�'MENT R�-ZQNING " <br />A . ( <br />� <br />�,.c�. � f`� The Vill.age Counci� held a p�bl.ic hearing <br />;�� ��anday, Aug. 1% on a petition tQ re-zone <br />the I.and on �he northeast corn�r of New: <br />G Brighton Road and County Road E f'rom R-2 <br />`� U (sing�e fam�.3.y) to R-3 �mu�tiple aw�liing). <br />The petztzon was unanimous�y' denied'b� the <br />1.7�,le A packed M.ouse hea�d a presenta- <br />t� : �a.on by �he develapars, argtaements pro and <br />[� can the re--zoning, and presented a pe��.t�.an <br />against the re-zoning s�.gned by 91 of tkie <br />;; �� � v��.�,age residents mos� closel.y affected ;by <br />such an apartment co�p�.ex. The Co�znci]. felt <br />�� '�'"'�' �•`�• �h�re was not s�fiic�en� cause shown why the': <br />� sz�e was unsu a.�able for single <br />�':� ,- ;� res�.dencese <br />4 <br />24 PLANS FOR COUNTY DI'�CH ��.}�. <br />F'ol.lowing the re-zoning pet�.��.ara hear�ng, much of the crowd remained t.o dis- <br />cuss the proposal of �he Ramsey County Engineers to deepen and widen �he <br />county d3.tch ,�#4 wh�ch drairts from the proposed RosEda�,e shopping cente� <br />�Highway 36 and Snelling) north ta Lit�le Lake Johanna and then ir�.to Lake <br />Johanna by a di�ch running under Shor�waod Drive . Ro sev� l�.e i s to pay for ; <br />�he :; improvemen�. The area af concern for Arden Hi11s is a ba� culver� pro- <br />< ject �o- S�orewaad Drive �n�o Lake Johanna fro�n Lit�1.e Lake JohanMae The <br />ditch wil�. �e cleaned ta �mprove �lo�r w�th additio� oP a 5� x 15� box cu�.�- <br />: ver�, Zt w:i,�,l, �aper into the ditch a� inlet and outlet of cu�.vert with rip <br />rap a� bo'�h e�ds to prev'ent washing away af the ditche Fea�s we�e �azsed <br />�hat it cou�.d a].low �he 1.ake to rise �uddenJ.y fo�.l.owira.g a heavy rain and <br />the engineers were un�ble ta a��ay this, Re�ide��� on the cul-de-sac'a� <br />th� east end oi' Shorewoad Driv� wou�.d be unable to dr�ve ta their har�es . <br />during par� o� the projec�. The Counci� vo�ed ia a1.1ow the portion o�' �he <br />construction that i� �.n ou� vil�.age with the s�zpula�ion that Shorewaod <br />' Drive no� be closed off a� �his point for more than b� c1�ys. The Counc�.l, `. <br />a�:so �as reqt�e sted �he village en�inee� 'ta begin prelZminary s�udy to . eon- ' <br />- s�:der a solu�ion �o hpw the a�z�let flow can best be handled at the north <br />,, � <br />end of the- 7.aked <br />` 3e ' PUSL�C' HEARTNG FOR �,AKE JOSEaHINE DRAINAGE DITCH <br />'�he Village Counc�l has set a public hearing for Sep�em3aer �l, $� 8:�4 P�I, ,- <br />Vil�.age-Ha�.Z, on �he propogEd improvement �o the dra�.nage ditch �.ead�ng <br />frdm �ngerson Road to Fernwood Avea to Lake Josephine. �he p�o�ect involves <br />; ericlosing the' drainage ditch in a 3b" pipe to be co�'ered wi�h dir�. It :' <br /> e�tend 250� �'rom �nger�on Road toward the lake, r�ot th� entire dis- <br />tance `g�' the existing;di�ch. T� �.s hoped �ha� thE caura�y wou�.d contribt�.�� <br />a smali. arr�oun� to the �o�a�, co s�; the va.11:age a portion of �he co st, arid <br />�he res� divided amang' the 'res�dants affected; by �h�.s ori Tngerson Road, <br />Ca�lton Dr�vc: arid Tiller Lane. <br />