<br />�To. 2�# ` Apri3. .195$ ,
<br />'� .�- . TI� TO�d� CR�LR
<br />��.�y. ' . - '
<br />',;i .-.. . .. . . .
<br />. 1 -' " . . .' � - . . -. . . .. .. .. . . . ' ' � '��� ' . .. . . .. . ... '
<br />'� Published by The Arden Assooiation
<br />.Pi�B�;T� HE�RIi�1C R�S[iLTS: 1,` Skell Oil Com an .
<br />'" Special use permit to construCt a Skel:}.y s`ervice'. �
<br />�` sta:tion at the sou'�hwest corner of Lexing'ton Ave:
<br />+ i� and �ed Fox Road wa9 reCommerlded for ap�raval by:�he
<br />e � Flanning Commzssi.on. Hov�ev�r, tha Vi].laae: E�ouncil
<br />' reqe�es�ed iurther gtudy and researcY� of . such a zieed.
<br />'�t '� Council aCtion deferred t�*�.I �heir mee�,ing:April 29.
<br />.r
<br />,, 2. �ue ta neGessary reviaa.ons to the subdivisian plan
<br />by :•�r. James Johnaon for approx3mateJ.y 8 acres :s.outh �'
<br />� pf F�aral Drave and wes�, of Ha�3.ine 1lvenue iahich zs
<br />� ref erreci to as Valentzne Lake V�sw ;f2, the pubI.ic
<br />hearing �frzl,l be continued on i�iay � at 8;00 Pi�� at :the .
<br />Vill.aQe �iall. The p�.an, provides for ].7 resi.c�ent'ial.
<br />' building a�tea wi�.h one acc�as road on �a�line 1ive.
<br />-w' ta serve three lots, and a cul-de-s�a prov.idi.ng ;acces$
<br />tp the r�:�azninQ interaoz- �o�s frow Floral Driye. �
<br />.�` . 3. St. i'aul Bible Cv13.�Te mex�.ti le dwel}.zn Gom lex �`
<br />h
<br />A,, ��� special use permit reque�t conf,inued. �'hs z�ev� app��ca-
<br />�� tian #'ar a epeca.al use pertvit incorporated .a major moci-
<br />iFicata.on - tha� the colle�;e, rather than the College':
<br />D�vel.opment Corporation, o�rn t,ha land, and �,n th�s way have definit,e co�z'trol ovQr. its use. �`
<br />�
<br />R' Th�.new applicatian s�ill states that the proposed buildings would "be convertib}.� far
<br />oc�upancy ei�her as doz-ma.tory faCilities fbr sir�ole student� or aa apar'Ements .f`or. facul�y .;
<br />staff az�d married students as we11 as for other residsnts of the vil3.age,'� 1'reli�uinary
<br />apgrov.a3. by t�e �'l��ning Commission was gran�ed to this proposa� _�he ma�.ter Com�n� a�ain..
<br />before .Council on ;�4onday, .�►pri,J. 29.
<br />`HOS'! As�7�v HILLS iS AFF'�CTuD BY TH�, KI�tP�RT PROi'05�1LS FOR �HE AtQRTH :.r��;A
<br />Hsaringa for a s��ond major airppr� for -�he Twin Ci#,ies began on l�onday, flpril ??, by the
<br />�Ietropo�.i'tan ilirports �ommission, ;1f'�ter� a s,reak for the pub1�� to study the prop.vsa}.s.,: a
<br />seCond he.�ring �ril�, be held at �.0 �'si�i on �1pril 30, in the Univzrsity of ;Zinnesata harigar a� :
<br />the. Anoka CGtin'�y ��irpart vn Cot�nty Road :� in $laa.ne. Ta g�ve mQre people a G�anC� 'to`.;pari�.0
<br />ipate, an evening meeting wiiZ be heid a-� a later date. 6�latch your papers #'�r ti�� time and
<br />p1aC.s.
<br />1�CGord7.Yig ta a,�ii.nnaapolie firibune articl.e by George y7CCormiCk on. 5unday, 1larah '�1� 3.90'8,
<br />statis#,iCs.w�r@ quqted wha.ah shaw 'that th@ra w�re a tota� of 270,911 �irGraft.mov�men'ts -
<br />arrivals and`d�parturee - at Minneapo�.zs_�t` raul Interna�iona3. Airpart durzng.}.q67 `:�ra
<br />;�eations.�ndiCat� t,hat ihe number wf11 more than double to �SO,QOQ by J.9T5 and w�.13..r.aech
<br />. 7�O,OE}(?.: by 1g80. Fa.gures for the first tvro montha o#' th�.s year are up subs.tanii�l.3.y..from
<br />the.tota�s for. th� compar�ble period in 1967, bearing out these projeCtions�
<br />`. �he.'iner.ea�e .ir� pasaenger vol�zme wii� be :a�en greater, f'rom �+�.�+ miilion in,i967 :to �,0 ' _
<br />_. ; .
<br />znill�en in 197� and.],? m��Iion by �.�$0. ,.
<br />� ,$ut ths great�.st increase is expeCted in .air.freight. :�`he 1.967 total v�'.39,564 tQna zs
<br />'.expeeted:ta reae� 1.?$,000. tons .hy.i975,and'.5G4,(}00 bY;1980. .
<br />�ntern,ational .I��rport is :expEcted �o x`E&GY3 i�s capac�ty..be�ween 1.9T5 a:�d 19$0 erid the..;�Qr;C
<br />`:wants to have;a se�o�d major airpor.t ready for usE wh�n:that happens..'
<br />