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�,s�x �� �... �,, � ����. �.�'�� _ <br />y � i�Q� 3� Dec�mber �7�G' <br />a �. r <br />,., �� �o�r�T cHr�R <br />pub�.i:sh�d bY The Arden `R�ssoc�.ation <br />� Planning Commiss3.on: �i Publzc ' <br />Hearin, was h+�ld at�th� Villa;e` <br />1�'. Hall on Dec. _3� to present P�oPosed <br />_ chan�es to �he . Hous3,n� Po1.�cy � amend, <br />_ to Compreiiens iv� Plan � 1�66 }. -�he <br />t7�, Z���SIT YQLI �` ��� ST ti��4I��Du�s."+UL amendments were read and �hexe were� ,: <br />»�� ►".�` ; r' _. ___�... several s�a�e�ents and 'ob'ea��.ons <br />�. � . J <br />�..,,,.,,,.,,. , --------�--� 'from the f].vor! maznl.y with regard - _ <br />to apa�rtment development locat�.ons. These xncluded the men�a.on of U.S.10� <br />I�finn. 9� �` Irx�.n,r�.. 51 'and Lex�.nuton Avenue `as streets not havina 1.imited <br />�.cces.s�. �t w�s t'he comm�.ssion's `in�ention that �ach a�ar�m�n� deve].o men� <br />have immedi��e aecess to one of'�t ��"i s"` e`ae` i na et d or ads. �—f a'r n'�f� <br />..... ..,.....,. - ...w. " y , <br />`. ia a pro em was eing crea�ed�y naming e stre�£s�, I�ir. Brodle of th� <br />Plann�.ng 'Com�ission moved tha'� th� proposed am�nded policy be chan�ed to <br />read: '�The a ar�mer� a�� ments sheuld abut and have immedia�Ge access <br />to ma or s�r� �� T�ae �o�,a.a aa ;�econ ec�d e�c'�ed,wT; .-��rod�e a�.so . <br />stat�7a�po�.ic does no �� at�te�'to � there �ra.l be no �nu.�t�.p�,�, <br />ha� in Arden H�.11sY '�.-'.�- , '�.." .-...�..�.. ---� .,.,.,.. <br />_, <br />.�nother suggestion from the floor t+ta� �hEt'the preambl� to �he amend�ent <br />,' y�, 3,ncorporat� a c�ause re�affxrmin�t the vi�.lage policy Df '�on.•discr�.��natory <br />��' housing. �t �ras quest�oned as �o whethe� th�.s shvuld be par� of th� <br />Housing Po� and referred to the counc�7, and ���orney Courtn�y for <br />further consa.dera�ion, �t �he close of th� h� it t�tas s�ated �tha� � <br />�he P�-anning CoMmiss�.on wa.1.�.` reconmend Caur�ci�. adop�ion of th� poli�y <br />amend�ents. , <br />P1an� Gommis�on: ' has reconnended den�.al :of Con��vl Data's r�ques� for <br />ex�ens�.on of'�earnt�rood and Vic�aria S�ree�s, <br />�ti�7anin� :Ord�.nanee ���eradmen�s: � t�n�a�ive change at this ��.n� �ncludss a <br />a.m�.t��ion fnr variances �nd sp�c-�.al 'use p�r��.ts� `';'�1rlithin six ' <br />��on�l�s=� 3�ras consxdered to be a rea�istic �ine to beg�,n t�rarl�. after �ssuance <br />_ �f a permit,, <br />j <br />Si�n Or�inan�e; xt was recom�ended �ha� the front se��back ��qu�.renent <br />for signs, a1.�. requlr�.ng a].ic�nse, be `�han��d �o read =�2�-fee� �rom ` <br />tY�e prop�r�y linef'. Orzga.nally i.� was 50-f�et. <br />Ve�.n..d�..n� �rdinanee: has b�en 3.n�roduc�d by t�.�1e �o Che cvuncil for <br />cons#.deration._ The Finance Comnitt�� z,�i�.l make add�.t�.onal recommenda��.on5 <br />re�ardi.r�; es�abli�hmen� of .l�cens�s fpr v�nd�.ng ma�h�nes � 1,icense fees � <br />`v3.vla�ian -fe�s, e�c.. <br />��ia or B ornda�� has prr�pos, ed p,l�„�ans to es�abl�.sh in :1969 a commit�ee con•. <br />.�wr�� <br />; s�st�ng o 3 or �embers tn troark closely 1�rith the C.o�ncil �nc� Pl Wann�irig <br />` CommisS�on an an effort �o br3.n �AUropria�e deve�. � men'�s to Arden H31, 1�,� <br />and to advise a�` h� e sites ava�. able wYiere the ro �osa s t+rould �ie mbs� <br />�._... w.,...,_.. .,,,.� .,�,,.�. <br />�uitabl e aceordf,tig to�he'` o�pre �ns v� Plan;. <br />