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_ T�o. 35 i�pril 1:969 <br />Te�E �nr��; C�T�? <br />- . publ3�?�e:� ]�y the. r�-d�n Assp�iL�ion <br />��1 � ,., <br />PT,3ilL�G rl,y�?I�tiTu: : f_or �aa�er i:��rove�:eri�s 68-i <br />- . ,� ' f�.. anc� GS-3 or� ���ay S a.t 8:00 pr� in t��� tlou.n�svie„r <br />� I-Ii�h . Sclioal Thea�re. <br />� On Anri2 Z�€ a publ.ic hearin� .r�,�:s � eid �o dis- . <br />� cuss Se�aer Ir.?�rove�ent T3' 7 �,• <br />l/��`' �;, ��._. is i.� t�e <br />- nor�iz area o= ti_le -ri3.l��e �•��s� o* �Icry �� and <br />;� � 351��. N�anp peon.�e anp�zr•�d �oic�n� opin�ons <br />�'��j pro and enr� �nd Co�.nci.l has dec;ded �o s�udy <br />�he r:iatter �'urt'r:er. <br />I��'E"�._�TIG=ir? D�'��,?�� GC '_��;Y has l�een issued a <br />�ui�c?zn� �e�.^.;it ior cons�r-�c�zon c�i a� f�z� <br />�ak;n� bo�es, 'i'�+ia :rzi? �e lflc�t�d o�t � ].6- <br />acre si�.e soutt� oL '�e� ro.x '�'.aad anc� easi: o� <br />Har,ll � ne, �` �iarzance re�u4�t w�.s =.'_ssued to ��e <br />� co*�par.y du.e to their ir_�cn��f�o eo:��tru:cL-��n o� <br />�; a cyc�.one .se7�rator ror sc�.a3 ha��I�z�� s;rst��_�, <br />'��y an��e st�z �i� ; �pera�:o�+s i.n `�arclz <br />o� i9i�. <br />�,i�, ��/I � �or�Chern Stat�s PcT.7er c�as issue:i 2�uild? t�U <br />''�,� /�� %�f p�r�i� ro� t�e cons;:ruction af a 2Q' by 2G' <br />��� aclditiorl -co � �e p�•;er sta�ian or� o3.d :i�ay ?�}a" <br />��n�scapa PZ�ns zae�e �,�.so prnsen�ed fo� t,���;,. <br />uIV?`G �';�i;"?'E�; .CO=�_.�_ � i�.��� is cons zd�r� n� �',e �urchase o'` a nzne acrc �trae� o:� ; � ora3. ��ive �ahi^�C <br />adjoi�zs ���e villa:�e par?c therc:. Cos�t is �I2,60C. �'he pro�osa3 lurzc� ?aili r.ow �e ccnsi�er�3 <br />by th� �l�n.�in� Con�issi.on for �;eGsib�lit*� an:� to� �l�ty. Cour�nef for s�uc�y i� z-e�ard �o <br />�ase�.-:ent t�chnical? �ies. , - <br />'I?�.e �, G. 'cin ;l. ���,�ien II�1's V�i�.a�;e liti�a�ior. �a�e :��s �een s�� '=or `Iay 26. <br />�=�m-�an ?i�hcs Cor�i4�tee reco�_�!e�.ds �x��n��r� �he co��it�.ee ta�uc�e eiLiz�c a.d�Its �nd t�ro <br />goung pEople. Chris xetersan n� tt�� co�i� ex•-�ained to �.h� cou.ncil the �rfl�;raz.�, <br />"�'ros; ec.tive 70'r nots be.�nW held at �`otzndst.�i�.=.a :Ii ,h Schoo� . 'I'�e Counci�. vo�t�d to par�� czpate <br />�.n the �ro�ra,� in tl:e 4zrro�.�ni, of �50.Q0. <br />�e �TiI�.aLe h^s. *:�a_��e a-Jai.?able �.o �h� neY.T I��rarf a ten�orary ���atur sup�Iy. it ,,aiZ� be a <br />�30G �al. par�ab�e tan?c. _ <br />�G<<GOL-�0_1..�D i,�,�CT��z� CA�'ID�Li;;T�S: Th� £ollota�.ng are the Iis� o� candzdates £or th� sc�:ool - <br />�Grd e� eci,i.r��. Ln :istrict 6�1; <br />i"•rs. i�.ry .�� Zen '•-c_,�.�lar�d, . inc� b�.nt 'I'h.e Leadues. oi� �Jam�n zToters a.f :�rden =lills, <br />�. �7. T'?en3t, i�.cu:�be*�t Net,r Brio,i�or� and Shorevi�ta �re s�onsor�.; � a <br />�ahn f3;.7.bert eard� dai:es raee��n� a� the card�c��tes on <br />�a•yne B, Jenr in�s � .. �� <br />� `�n L. i�=2�rii7. �. <br />r'=�. , B:GO Dm a� the i`ou�c3svie;a �� Sc�?6a� <br />���e �, �'.u.17. 1� 'TY«2tre. Tfte bond zssue lO4 L��� ice aren�s <br />- �µ�..ey wiJ.l al so �e dzscusscd by a schoo � tJD2r� �e�b�c� <br />��=�? d �� . 1',e�.so*z <br />. at ti�is r,ie���n�. �L�C`SIO�T D.�Y IS �=�T� �0. <br />