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N Q, 38 Au�;ust, 39v'�S <br />``���� '�:a.f�� C.�xY.��: <br />. �����5h�a �y �-z� .a��v ��soe�.��zo� <br />2i��G� .�,.zf3�NDAi� ann.a�±nc�d a� �ounci.l �n 3u3.y 2S <br />�e vr�.7.i, n.ot s��� re�lection tk�is fa13. <br />S�I�iITA�Y S��l�R �I� serving. i:he 'ihom l7rzva area <br />�� c�ss�in; appra�i.n�,tQ?y ��O�,fl40 wa� dis�us�ed <br />a� a gubli:c hearing at Cc;xncil, The assessme�t� <br />wi.�,l ?�e the sam� as it is for ather sew'er pro�- <br />�ect, but since this area has b�;er. .a.ssessed be£o�t <br />for s��rer proiec�s �i anci #4 there c�i1l �ae at� <br />aajua�:�eT�t o� �:ha assess�ent. '�e co�bined , <br />asse�srsent a� �`i a�� n� i� �3.1t7. Tiiis wi.;.l .be <br />cyedi•� to�aa�ds the totaZ assessn:��t o� �ifl.0� _. <br />an.d �b_e �esi�ences xnvo�.ved wil3 pa;� �6.90. <br />Tnxs p;�iicy established ��hen Senator As�bach <br />w�s ���� m.ayor I�as be�n cor.ti.nued �rid Couneil <br />��els it st�.o��:d be con-�inuec3 �s�ecia�Iy since <br />we are so cicrse '�o €�.r�i.5�,ing se:4er zr�provements <br />in t�e village. Sot�� �ipe route char��es are �o <br />b� �r�nsi��.rec� b��or2 �in�l approJa� by Counci�.. <br />'� �y . - �•r+ .�sil��;S'�' � T���TING tait�-� Nek� Bri,�htnn on t�e baund- <br />as� adj�,s�.��nt be�we��. �he t�o vi3.Iages. CounciT <br />"%laste ot ��dr� o� is a�a�cim '. and t�e �Ianning Ca�ission fee� that it�te�'st��e <br />I�.rou.�. ��ae�t, 35W is a des�r2a'��.e b�u�,�ary b�.'�weet3 t�.e two <br />_ i.e-� pour �rafi�h�ao*� 'ne dis�a�cn �i�.�a�ps, � ' <br />and �zac�ise ���,t you pr�eac�; <br />�o no�k iet your cYra�ces � ik� A wat�r ozdi.naz�ce�dmen.� was i.ntraduced by <br />sunbea�ts �aass ;�ou b5� title at Cou��.cil. 'i'his refe�s �o an 8� �elinq:. <br />For you n�ver �riss the wa�er �sency cha�ge and alsv �o t�ie procedure qn deposi�s <br />�ill tP�� c�rel3:. runs drYb'y ^ fo� �he wa�er tne�er instal7 ztions. <br />�- _ <br />P�TITION ta�s pre�ented ta �a�t�.c;.T. by res�,dents Ii�r�.ng in the wa�e�' i�rpra�ve�ent 68-3, pxvject. 1 <br />ar�a. �� strQn�Iy reec��e�ded that �our�cii consi�er 'Cha�: ar2a fnt t�ie �aa�er i�r��rovemen� e�n's�ruc- <br />tion t�is eQns'truci �on ye�.r, l��r.y o� �tha hemes zre izavzn� Fa�II pro�l�s, <br />�IAT�R ��.P��SP�s'Fs��"I° 68-2 a�,d 68-3 adver�iser;en� fo� �i�s ��ill �e opei�ed on Auge�st 8. Cc�ua�.eil has � <br />divided tn.e two �rapoaed �-npr�v�er,ts i��o two p�ojects each as fo�.Iows: <br />6�i-25 �rojec� 1; �onsistiz�g of the� a�ea to and �.n��.ud�ng �hr library and schooi. <br />project Z; Shorewood gIills -- Valentir:e are�a <br />68..3, r+ro3eCt i: area east Qf S�'H 57.. <br />pzojec� 2z ar�a w�st oz 5"1`H ,�i. <br />Tlte p�.�ns p�epared by Ba.nnister Eng�ne�rin.g wera a��roveci. Coatp3.e�ion date in �.969 se't for <br />prajec� �I v� 6�3r2; �r�ci al-�erna�� b�ds zor �.969 ar 39i0 cc�tp�.eti.on dat�s �or the bala�ce a€ the <br />i._.�prov�me?�ts, Bzds wi.Il .be ann�=:nced at tl�.e Au�st 1i Counci7. � <br />SH��t;�illF�i Vii,I,AG� has reaues'�ed a ute^�in� witb. the Co�nc�.l to discuss the e�.-pan.�ion of Lexi.n�tan, <br />Gounc�.� opinion was th.e need ror �oth state highs�a�.y ar�c� caun4y highway. a�fici.als to be present ' <br />si�ce 7e���on is not a�i.11aoe tswned s�ree�. <br />e ai�o�e poe��y �s at�ib�ted �o Z�w�.and Ho�•�ar;c�) <br />