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no. 39 September 1969 <br />��.e ��� �x�x <br />pub�.ished by -�he A�dan =�ssaciati.on <br />T^IAT�R �hx��(Jii��,�;T. Tioub�3ess everqone has <br />received �4�.yor B�Qxndahl's �e�ter info�ing <br />fhe residents of �G'�� wa�er si.tuation irt �h.e <br />village. Px�oCedure is goi�g �Ion; 'rIUI� speeifi- <br />cation� on the i�prc�ve�en�. A temporary saater <br />s�pp].y �o V�lentine IliiZs Eiem�n�ary Sehnol <br />wi17. be an 3 ineh s�reen we11; tha village <br />wi3.� spli.t the cost o� �his constru�tion with <br />the schoal district. T�at cas� is :�4,15�. <br />'I'�.e �'oran Crier sa].ct�es ��ayor Bjorndahl, th� <br />eouncil and the �ii1��� hali sta.�f �or aZI they <br />have �3one and also their patience on this <br />lengt�.y and cn�npl icat�d matt�r. <br />��EY r'OX R�Ai� IMY�;�V��ENZ': Th.e revis�d <br />�or �h�s road �ttaicin� it a, dead end, reducir�q <br />the wi.dt� �rotn tE4 Eeet �0 32 feet and wi�h the <br />wat�r �ai.n service ex'te�din; just �eyand �az�'s <br />praposed drive��rays �Tas disct�ssed at CounciT, on <br />the 22nd. Sznce. t�.is ex�enszon concerns onl,y <br />Ha_,,m+s and Tri-Sta-�e Z,a�zd Coz�pany an8 since they <br />are ass�rrizng ipp o af t�.e assess�ents Eor -the <br />COi1S�iiiC�ip2i� -�heir needs are being elosely con-- <br />sider�d and �h��e£ore ��.is rev:�.sion. <br />��+-i.��'Ux Kc)All Il�?�it�s7�'��E�d`�: Counci3. has aporoved the payino af the vi7.l.a�e's s�are fortha impro- <br />ti.. ;lt vn :2ed �`ox Road. Tha Ramsey County Board o� �or��s esti�tated cos� �or t he vi%lage <br />is .�59,750. Lora bidc��r is �t�kley Surfacing Campany and constructian wi.11 benin Septes�b�s 15. <br />�IGH�RD "�3IC�" JON�S: Tribute was paid �o �Y�. Jones b�r Mayor Bjorr�dahl on Au�ust lI. Among <br />o��ier ci.vzc eontribution.s in the pas� Mr. .Tones was cu�rently on the �ub3.i� �iorks Carmni.ttee an,d <br />also the Ht�an Rig�ts Co«a��ssion. <br />'?��I� GITY TP.�IL�R PAc��C: Publ%c Hearit�g for this tna'�Ler �a�.s l�e�d on A�,�st 5 at the P�.ann,�ng <br />Camr:tissiQn maetino. T�te �railer ga�'Ic's speeial. use pern�zt �or re7.ocatin� traa.lars in the p���C <br />taas deniecl bp the Council upon the reco�end�,ti�n of �:he Plannzno Co�uvz,ssion. They' liad <br />recommended t�is be�a�se adequa�e arecreatzonal areas have not been prova.ded, the existing £encing <br />does nofi comply wit� the cs�dinance ��qui�retnen-�s and is in ef�ect a tra�fic hazard and the <br />inclus�.on of the d�s�zibed addi�ional a���age would �� a nan.-canfo�nin� use of the Iand. <br />I3U1��': Cb�nei'l�an Hendersoz'� Ulil.l presen.t the proposed bud�et at �ha next Cc�uncil ruee�ing. <br />The date � or �inal Gouneil ap�rova� o� thc� bud�et xaas set �or Sept�mber 29. <br />LS�z�TG'I'�N A,VENITE ���PROV�3Ei�T: Couneilman Crep�au repor��d on a meetin.g he�d an Au�st 6 at th.e <br />5horevi.�w Village �iall co�ce�nin� '�h� �uture �ev�Iopt�ent of Lexingtc�n A,venue on both sides and <br />i.ts e��ect on �saffic condi�zons. Representa��.ves pr�se�� �aere from flyden tii3ls, S�orevieEa, <br />Roseville, Rat�nsey Cau�aty �nginee�'`s Qf�ice, �??innesota H�,ghc:ray Der�artxne�t and the Ramsey Co�ntq <br />Board a� Cti�nzsyioners. T� was deezd�d th�t Arden Hills and Shoreview sub��t si�e plans to the <br />��ate and County hi�hway departarents showin� existi�� and ��t�ure deve7.opt�ent for the area urit� <br />botka vill.ages witieh border on S�a�e or Ca�nty roads, Nlore to com�. <br />