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No. 43 ��� ���� ��x October 1g70 <br />_ � _ _ _ Pub].is�ed by_�Y�e�Arden^Associa�ion <br />r COUNC�L MEET�NG - SE�T. 23, 197J <br />�_. t �. The Pa�ks & Recreation Cor�mi�tee reco�nrnenc3ed <br />�`� acceptance o:� a i�id ai �1, 297.0� by Rose H��.� <br />Nurse�y for p�.ancing trees a�c Va].en� Fa��k. Th� <br />• counc�l app��oved by a vote oi four to one. This <br />O p�.a�.ting is par�c of an averal.7. p].an far irimprov�- <br />menL oP th� park si��:. <br />\�r 2. A commemora�i�e plaque in l�onor oi Mr•s. ���i�ii}� <br />�� T Sampson was appraved �'or ins�allation a� a par•k s?.�e <br />�: recently donated to �he vi�lage a� Mr. Sampson. <br />,' ., 3. Duririg September, the Village Police Chief, Mr. <br />; Vic'cor Weber submit�c�d his resigr�atiar�. He �as <br />;. s�rv�d Ard�n Hil�.s in ��is capaci�y �or 16 y�ars. <br />� � 33.�. l�ea�.th durxng i;�e pas�c f�w years pramp��d Y��.s <br />��res�gnatian, C�e are sure a11 �he vzlla�ers share <br />� in Mayor Crepeau's express�.on of apprecia�ion ior <br />his years oi dedica�ed service. <br />� �. Licen�e applaca��.ons were received from Lwo <br />• • ' n�w �ir�-ns �'or ha�z�.ing �ub'pish . Ti�e 1.icenses were <br />'� `• approv�d subjecf� �o rece�pt oi fee sci�ed�zles and <br />su'�jec� �o approv�al of t�e Village Heal�ch Officer� <br />Th� �'ix�rr�s ax�e Hau�-A-Way Sys�em, Tne . and W�.1#;ers <br />Disposal aervice, Inc. <br />,_ PLANNTNG COMMISSION NfEETING - Oci,. 6, i97o <br />-H�J.d a pre�.iminary discuss�.on of a Planned Develop€nent b� McGuire's <br />Enterpx�ises, Znc , cor�cern�.n� a Feasib�lxL�� S�udy ior a ho�e]., 6 Uo . 7 <br />stor•ies in height to be loca�ed adjacent co and connected Lo �r�e eas� <br />side of McGuire' s Res�aurar�t . <br />-Considered a i�uilding Permi� Re�ues�. for a 2-story o�'f'a.ce building on <br />�--1/3 acres at the sou�heas� corner of Haml.i�ne Ave. and Count� Rd. F. <br />Further a�nforrr�at�on was r�quested by Lhe Camrnxssxan concerning �:o�ogr•aphiv <br />survey inc3icating c�rainage, an a�ended si�e plan re�ocating the building <br />and parking �o provide �andscape provisions as requ�red �y ordiriance, and <br />a �.andscape plan. <br />-The S�. Pau1 Lodge No. 2, �, a.O.F, requested a Spec�a�. Us� Fermit �o e��aiJ.d <br />a new lodge to replace the pr�sen'� build�.ng a� 117� Edgewater Ave., on.�he <br />easL side of' Jos�phin�;. Th� proposed �uilding �o be approxim�.Lely <br />1� times the sa.ze of the presen� �uilding, located �.n the same position. <br />**�*A PUBLTC HEARTNG is scheduled for Monday, November 2, �9�0 �.� �:00 ��'{ <br />in 'the Vi�lage Hall . �*�*�� <br />-Recaramended den�a� o.� a Sp�cia� Us� P��rmit Re�ues� for a�'lanned Develop- <br />men� p�rta�.ning �o i;he proposed enla�gemen� of a trai�.er park to be locai,ed <br />north of Highway g6, be�ween Highway 10 and T-35W. <br />-Requested Midwes� Planning and Res�arch �o pre�are ir�'cer�m raab��.e home park <br />"standards", and be�in preparatxon of' a"Mo��.le Home Ord3nance." <br />--Recommended approva�. of a Tree Planting Prapasal for Va�en�c�ne Park. <br />ELECTION OF ARDEN ASSOC�ATION OFFIC�RS FOR 1970 - 1.971 _ <br />This will be i�eld af; the Dance Farty, N�ver�ber 7, 1970 ( See fo�law�.ng) <br />, These people have been nomina�ed: <br />Ca-Chairmen Don and Ru�h Roach <br />Secretary Mary Lou Schmidt <br />Treasurer Forest Bear <br />Memb�rship Janet Moo�e <br />