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� t <br />No.'S5 ' May, 1971 <br />�� ��xr �ffr� <br />_ _ _ _ _ _ Peib�ished b�i The A�rden Associat�on— — — — R � � — <br />MEETII�GS 0� T1�iE CQMING MO1�H <br />Villa e Cnuncil - Vil�age �ial.l -�.450 iHest H�ghway 9b . <br />_ May 24 - 8 p.m. <br />_ .�une i4 - 8 p.m. <br />June 2i - 8 p.m. <br />Plann�n� Commissian - 'Village Hall <br />Ju�te 1 - $ p .m . <br />Schoal Board - Di.stri,ct 5ervice CenLer - 2959 N, iiamline Ave..:. <br />May 24 - 7 p.m. <br />l�y 25 - i p.m. Pu]alic Meetin� - Symposium on tea��Zer'x -- <br />negotiations - at kiighv�ew Jun�or HfQt� <br />School - New Brig�ton � � <br />J�rne 14 - ? p,w. <br />3une Zts - 7 p.m, <br />r I� <br />�` . �. <br />� <br />The Mounds. View Extended School Year Cpunn;lttee was <br />officialiy dissnlved by the Board at its May lOth meeting <br />and its respons�biiities wexe tur�zed aver to the Citizens <br />AdvisorY_Co�ittee on Bui�dint� and Facultv ��eds. <br />�!ILLAGE CQUNCII. MEE'iING - Ap�i1 2b, 1971 <br />1. A report was m�de to the Council by a resident.that resfdents are sti�l using thE <br />swampy area at the end of Edgewater as a d�mnping ground £or le�ves� grass, and trash� <br />ignoring aaa defacing the signs prph�ibft�.ng a�ch du� The Counci7, authorized in- <br />sEs�,lation of �dditional "No Dtms in " signs and pro�fsed police pa�rol of the area , <br />2. The Ramsey Cqunty $c�ard haa taken action to t�rn Ited Fox Road back tU the Vil,I,age. The <br />�illage Council accepted and dedicated it as a Vii��ge road pendiag verific�tion by the <br />county t�iat it has paid its ahre af canstructian costs, <br />3. �ngineer Lund reported on a preconstruction conference on the CounCv Raad E and Snellin� <br />Ave_ reconstruction nroject that �e and Mayor Crepeau attenaed. �ha project has been <br />delayed due to the necessity of a gas �uain and a teiephone ca�le. Traffic will, be <br />maintai�ed through canatructiQr� and accesa to all busi�.esses will be open, Access to <br />residences ca�nnot be pravided ai all times. <br />4. Mr . James ,Tohnson, owr►ex of sbout 15 lats near Flora 3. Arive , added tt�s naFne to tiae <br />petition for muaicipal watex' which was presented to the Cot�ncfl �ast month. Siace Ye- <br />questaxs a�ounted to moxe than 35% nf resicients affected the Council oraered a f�asibility <br />study and set a Public Hearin an this water improvem�nC for Mav Z�+. <br />S. fihe Council received a request fxq� the Axden H�lls .iaycees to publicize and to invite <br />ca�munity parti,cip8tion ia a Memorial De Parade and Fat Luck iunch on Monda Ma 31. <br />�he parade, sponsored by the VFW and .3aycees, wili start from Lake Johanna Elementary <br />School at 1U:40 A.M., move along I.ake Johanr�a Bou�evard to Tony Schmiut Paric. After the <br />parade a Pot Luck Lunch w�ll be served by the PTA's of Lake Johanna and Vaientine Hi11s <br />SChools, the VFW, and the Arden Hills Jsycees. A�1 resfdents are i�v�ted tp attend [his <br />Memoria�, D�y program. <br />