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--A I��EN HILLS <br /> Approved: <br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILLS,MINNESOTA <br /> WORK SESSION MEETING <br /> JANUARY 22, 2007; 5:00 P.M. <br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS <br /> CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL <br /> Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, Mayor Stan Harpstead called to order the work <br /> session meeting at 5:07 p.m. <br /> Present: Mayor Stan Harpstead, Councilmembers David Grant (5:30 PM), Brenda <br /> Holden, David McClung, and Fran Holmes <br /> Absent: None <br /> Also present were: City Administrator, Michelle Wolfe; Community Development <br /> Director, Karen Barton; Assistant City Administrator, Schawn Johnson; Finance Director, <br /> • Sue Iverson; Public Works Director, Greg Hoag; and Civil Engineer, Kris Giga <br /> Others present were: <br /> Five Year CIP- <br /> Mayor Stan Harpstead requested that items 2.A. and 2.B. be switched on the agenda. Members <br /> of the City Council agreed to the proposed agenda change. <br /> City Administrator Michelle Wolfe provided the City Council with background information <br /> regarding the proposed five year CIP program. The City Council last adopted a five year CIP in <br /> 2004. In the future, it is City staffs intention to present the future CIP's to the City Council as <br /> part of the budget process. <br /> City Administrator Wolfe recommended that City Council consider adopting the proposed five <br /> year CIP at a future City Council meeting. The proposed CIP will provide a starting point for <br /> City Council and City staff to initiate future improvement project discussions. City staff is also <br /> in the process of entering the five year CIP into the City's Plan-It Software that'will be utilized to <br /> track future CIP expenditures. <br /> Civil Engineer Kris Giga provided the City Council with an overview of the proposed five year <br /> (2007-2012) CIP plan. <br /> • <br />