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<br /> Arden Hills,MN • 55112-5734
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<br /> Recycling tips
<br /> n
<br /> S Summer programs for adults Postal Customer The Official City Newsletter for Arden Hills Residents May 2011
<br /> i Stadium bill introduced Tips for making your recycling tasks easy and for helping the planet
<br /> dRental registration ecycling is easy for residents of Items must be clean and reusable,though that we use them. So when you enjoy the
<br /> Arden Hills.The City contracts some wear and tear is okay. Shoes must be parks,please look for the recycling bins
<br /> e with Eureka Recycling,and recy- in pairs.Clean fabric scraps and clean rags and place appropriate materials there.
<br /> cling is picked up at curbside the same day are okay.Please do NOT include wet or
<br /> as our trash. soiled items. COMPOSTING OF YARD WASTE(leaves,grass
<br /> clippings,non-woody plants)is available
<br /> Most residents are asked to sort recyclable ON RECYCLING DAY,set your items out by several means.Many trash haulers will
<br /> materials into two groups or bins: by 7 a.m. Collection days change around provide their customers with a yard waste
<br /> (1)paper and cardboard and certain holidays. Consult the annual bin and pick up for a fee.Composting can
<br /> (2)bottles and cans. brochure or the website for details of dates be done in your own yard.
<br /> Notes from the City Council and times.
<br /> PAPER AND CARDBOARD that can be recycled We are also fortunate to have a County
<br /> esidential rental property in do the same,some rental properties seem ies and state and federal laws applicable to includes office paper,newspapers,mail, Recycling bins are available through compost site in our community,located
<br /> rden Hills: A concern that is to reduce property values,and can be an our City to determine how we can further phone books,magazines,boxboard(cereal Eureka(651-222-7678)or the City. just east of New Brighton Road and south
<br /> -'being addressed eyesore. protect the interests of all residents of Ar- boxes,pop and beer boxes,toothpaste of the former library on Hudson Road.The
<br /> den Hills,homeowners and renters alike. boxes,etc.),and corrugated cardboard flat- REDUCE THE COST OF RECYCLING.Money compost site is open from April through
<br /> During this past fall's election season, The City needs to balance the rights tened,three feet by three feet at the largest. to cover the cost of curbside recycling November.This site is one of four in the
<br /> as I walked from home to home along of landlords and tenants with those of In the meantime,to the extent you are Please do NOT recycle pizza boxes,paper comes from a County grant(22 percent), County that accepts trees and shrubs as
<br /> the campaign trail here in Arden Hills, resident homeowners.One important way aware of a rental property that may be cups or plates,refrigerated or frozen food money received from value of materials well as yard waste.Hours and other infor-
<br /> one common concern I heard from many the City can improve the situation for in violation of local ordinances,please boxes,among others. recycled,and a special property tax assess- mation on the County programs is avail-
<br /> residents was with regard to the increase all involved is to enforce the City codes express your concerns to City Hall or the ment($40.65 in 2011). It is in our hands to able at local libraries and on the County
<br /> in residential rental property in our City. and ordinances.In Arden Hills,we have Ramsey County Sheriff's Office.Renting BOTTLES AND CANS includes steel and alu- reduce this cost.Recycle as much as you website.Please note that yard waste is
<br /> Due to the downturn in the economy,more ordinances that cover most,if not all,of property in Arden Hills is a right of the minum cans,foil,foil trays,juice boxes, reasonably can,and the cost will go down specifically banned from trash.
<br /> homes in Arden Hills are being rented. the concerns of residents detailed above. property owner,but it is only a right if glass bottles and jars,and plastic bottles for all of us.
<br /> The primary concern of the people I talked In order to enforce these ordinances, the City codes and ordinances are con- with a 1 or 2 recycling mark.Please rinse HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE will be col-
<br /> to was that many,but certainly not all, Arden Hills has a program that requires formed to properly.I would appreciate if and remove caps and lids,and flatten large WANT TO DROP IT OFF?A drop-off site lected in Arden Hills during May and July
<br /> rental properties are not well maintained: a landlord to register residential rental you would contact me directly with any milk containers.Items that cannot be re- managed by Eureka Recycling is hosted 2011.Collection days are Friday(10 a.m.
<br /> garbage cans are not stored promptly, property.A related article ir,this news- suggestions you have regarding residential cycled with this group include plastic tubs by Veolia Environmental Services.Any- to 6 p.m.)and Saturday(9 4 p.m.)
<br /> yards are not carefully mowed and letter by our Community Development rental property in Arden Hills. (like yogurt),produce or deli containers, one can bring sorted recycling materials to at 1352 Ben Franklin Drive,just north of
<br /> weeded,and houses seem run down due to Director details the requirements of this plastic toys,dishes or cookware,window the drop-off for free.Veolia is located at the Public Works facility.
<br /> general neglect and disrepair.In addition, important program.When the City knows Enjoy the summer;it does not last long glass,aerosol cans,scrap metal,and motor 309 Como Avenue(Como&Minnehaha),
<br /> due to the proximity of Bethel University who the landlord and the tenants are,we enough! oil containers. St.Paul.For hours and more information, year-round collection takes place in St.
<br /> and Northwestern College,homes are can take action to enforce the City codes call 651-487-8546.In addition to standard Paul at 5 Empire Drive.Hazardous waste
<br /> often rented to students.Student rentals and ordinances. &000�0 /40/ht6a
<br /> CLOTHES AND LINENS can also be left for recyclables,Veolia accepts brush,tires, includes anything in a container marked
<br /> involve an additional concern when more recycling if they are packed in a sturdy appliances,and electronics,for a fee. Caution,Warning,Danger,or Poison.Ex-
<br /> than four students are living in a house- The City's code enforcement personnel Fran Holmes,Councilmember plastic bag marked"Clothes&Linens." amples include:paint,thinners,solvents,
<br /> hold,and when more than four cars are in and the Ramsey County Sheriff's Office ZERO-WASTE is a specialty of Eureka adhesives,sealants,aerosol cans,automo-
<br /> the driveway,both of which are in viola- are working with those landlords and ten- Summer hours at City Hall Want to know more? Recycling.Contact the company for tive products,items with mercury,some
<br /> tion of city ordinances. ants who may not understand the City's information on reuse composting see
<br /> Tuesday,May 31-Friday, For current details on acceptable P g( cleaning products,recreational products
<br /> rules to become compliant with them. Y+ Y y,September 2 ptable materials, next column),waste reduction,and more. such as rechargeable and lithium batteries,
<br /> As your elected official,one of my In addition,if students are involved,the Office check the Eureka Recycling annual flyer Y Eureka is happy to help residents as well and lawn and garden chemicals.No busi-
<br /> p ry p City g g 7:30 a.m.-5 m.,Monday-Thursday Thursda or its website:
<br /> rima responsibilities is to listen to the Ci is working together with Bethel and P• Y- Y as businesses. ness waste is accepted.Please note that
<br /> concerns of residents,and do what I can to Northwestern personnel to inform stu- 7:30-11:30 a.m.,Friday
<br /> Public Works empty containers are not accepted-they
<br /> improve residential life in Arden Hills.To dents of their rights and responsibilities 40 IN OUR PARKS this year you will find new should go in the trash.
<br /> our residents,most of whom take pride in as tenants in Arden Hills.The City is also 6:30 a.m.-4 p.m.,Monday-Thursday recycling bins donated by Ramsey County.
<br /> their property and want their neighbors to researching the rental policies of other cit- 6:30-10:30 a.m.,Friday The only condition for having these bins is
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