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ECR-WSS <br /> PRST STD <br /> U.S.Postage Paid <br /> St.Paul,MN NH S <br /> Permit#1962 <br /> Arden Hills,MN • 55112-5734 <br /> n Election wrap-up <br /> Postal Customer The Official City Newsletter for Arden Hills Residents December 2010 <br /> S Council denies consent on I-694 <br /> Voters elect new mayor and two councilmembers <br /> Z project <br /> n November 2 Councilmember Councilmember Fran Holmes won a <br /> dRail bridge path complete 0 David Grant was elected mayor. second term."Thanks to the residents of <br /> Councilmember Fran Holmes Arden Hills for the honor and privilege <br /> e was re-elected and Ed Werner was elected to serve for another four years as your ;b <br /> to serve on the City Council.The mayor councilmember,"she said."Your vote <br /> Mayor David Grant <br /> and councilmembers are elected for four confirms my current approach to sen- <br /> years sible,proactive decisions.I will continue <br /> to be a fiscal conservative.My top priori- <br /> Notes from the Mayor David Grant has served as a council- ties are seeking development and rede- <br /> member for 11 years.He was chosen velopment opportunities to bring more <br /> from a field of three candidates to replace business to Arden Hills while improving <br /> n this,my last Mayor's letter,I would their hand"and help to lead by serving on tions,supported Stan Harpstead,who didn't seek a second our park and trail system to maintain the <br /> like to recognize the many people who committees. the completion term. "It is a great honor to be elected as beauty of our City.Talking with residents <br /> have helped throughout the last four of trails,and your next mayor,"Grant said."I thank on the campaign trail gave me great <br /> years. It takes more than a Mayor,Coun- I would also like to thank the many public worked hard you for sharing your ideas and concerns insight into your concerns;this will set Councilmember <br /> cil,and City staff to create a thriving and partners that we have as a City. Our to maintain with me during the campaign.Key my agenda for the next four years.Please Fran Holmes <br /> vibrant community. neighboring communities participate in facilities and themes from those conversations include: keep up the dialog by contacting me at <br /> joint-powers agreements that reduce the minimize im- bringing more business and jobs to Arden any time." <br /> Most importantly I would like to thank costs of essential services and provide pacts on adjacent Hills;keeping taxes low while at the <br /> the members and volunteers that faithfully for"back-up"when events challenge the neighborhoods. same time maintaining our City;improv- Ed Werner is a 16-year Arden Hills resi- <br /> serve on the City's commissions,commit- available resources. Our County and State Working together ing our parks and trails system;resolving dent and a former member of the City's <br /> y <br /> tees,task forces and special projects. Over elected officials and staff are willing part- builds a stron- Mayor Stan Harpstead transportation issues;and improving com- Economic Development Commission."I <br /> the years the residents and members of ners as we explore how to accommodate ger community for munications related to TCAAP.Feel free want to thank the voters for their support <br /> committees have weighed in and guided regional growth and the pressures it places everyone who lives,works,and plays in to contact me about these or other issues. in electing me to City Council,"he said. Councilmember <br /> development projects,zoning codes, on infrastructure. Our Federal representa- Arden Hills. I look forward to serving you." "I will do my best representing you over Ed Werner <br /> financial policies,park and trail plans,kept lives have been strong advocates for Arden the next four years.Contact me at <br /> us all informed of activities and issues, Hills while negotiating with the GSA over Finally,I want to thank the Council- There were two council seats up for elec- or <br /> and organized recreational programs and the sale of TCAAP. It is vital that we con- members and staff for their service and tion and three candidates. 651-636-2547." <br /> celebrations. Without these active groups tinue to build on these partnerships in the support. When issues arise that require <br /> of residents Arden Hills would not be region to identify and accomplish essential investment of additional time,the duties <br /> the community that we have all come to changes to the transportation system and and tasks are completed with exemplary How the votes were cast <br /> cherish. I encourage everyone to"raise land use policies that are being driven by outcomes and without complaint. Mayor Council will appoint new member <br /> growth in the metropolitan area. Arden David Grant 2,059 53% avid Grant's election as mayor cre- <br /> Film Hills cannot survive as an island. I wish you all a Season of Joy and Quiet Dave McClung 1,080 28% Dates a vacancy on the City Council. <br /> Reflection. In accordance with State law,council- <br /> The business and institutions that reside David Radziej 695 18% <br /> members and the mayor will appoint <br /> in Arden Hills have also been strong allies Thank you, someone to fill the seat.The appointee <br /> and corporate citizens. Arden Hills enjoys City Council will serve the remaining two years of <br /> the benefits provided by corporations seri- / Fran Holmes 2,237 41% Grant's term.The City will accept applica- <br /> Tt about the environment in which their Ed Werner 1,937 36% tions through December 31.Call or stop <br /> ' employees and customers interact. While o by City Hall to request an application.The <br /> they do not always receive the recognition Stan Harpstead Nicholas Tamble 1,199 22/° Council will conduct candidate interviews <br /> 'i the deserve,these corporate citizens have <br /> y � Toting summary and appoint a new councilmember after <br /> paid for sidewalks,contributed to celebra- the New Year. <br /> A total of 4,583 Arden Hills residents voted. City turnout was 66 percent.Turnout <br /> in Minnesota was the highest in the nation at 55 percent. <br />