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<br />, <br /> <br />, , <br />. , <br /> <br />MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING <br />Village of Ardeo Hl11s <br />Mooday. August 11. 1980 - 7:30 p... <br />Village lIaU <br /> <br />Call to Orde r <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof. Mayor Crepeau cal~ed the <br />.eeting to order at 7:30 p... <br /> <br />Roll Call <br />Preseot - Mayor Henry J. Crepeau. Jr.. Ward Hansoo. <br />Wingert. Charlie Crichton. Robert Woodburn <br />Absent - None <br />Also Present - Engineer Donald Christoffersen. Treasurer Donald Lamb. <br />Planner Orlyn Miller. Clerk Administrator Charlotte KcNiesh. <br />Deputy Clerk Dorothy Zehm <br /> <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />..pproval of Minutes <br />Wiogert moved. seconded by Hanaon. that the Minutes of the Regular <br />Council Meeting of July 28th be approved as amended. Motion carried unani- <br />aously. <br />Busineas fro. the Floor <br />None <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE ENGINEIR DONALD CHRISTOFFERSEN <br /> <br />Reaolution .0. 80-~0. Declaring Adequacy of Petition and Ordering <br />FeaSibility Report for Iaprovement No. SS-W-80-2. Kenns Addition to <br />Arden Hilla <br />Crichton aoved. aeconded by Wingert. that Council adopt Reaolution <br />No. 80-~0. Motion carried unanimoualy. <br /> <br />Notice for En ineer to Proceed with Infiltration/Inflow <br />Chriatofferaen re erred Council to Donal Lund a letter 0 -4- 0 <br />and to letter fro. MPCA giving Arden Hilla notice to proceed with <br />1/1 work for Phaae I and Phase II of the 1/1 ana1ysia. <br /> <br /> <br />Christoffereen explained that Phase II is the aathering of bact8round <br />material; noted that Pbase III ia field work and Phase IV is the report. <br />Christoffersen ssid the $5~.917 total cost is for all four phases of <br />the 1/1 analysis; noted that aonies expended before a certain date <br />(cost of installation of meters) are not eligible for collection under <br />the Grant Fund. but inforaation received therefrom is e1igibls. <br /> <br />Woodburn moved. seconded by Hanson. that Council give S.B.H. notice <br />to proceed with Phaees II and III. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Final Payments - C. W. Boule <br />Karth Lake Improvement No. 76-1 and Arden Late Knoll Improvement <br />No. 79-1 <br />Christoffersen referred Council to Applications for Pinal Payment for <br />Karth Lake Improvement 76-1 ($6.~38.00) and Arden Lake Knoll I.prove- <br />ment 79-1 ($11.692.91); recommended that Council approve and accept <br />the projects and approve final paymenta. <br /> <br />Wingert moved. seconded by Crichton. that Council approve and accept <br />Karth Lake Improvement 76-1 project and authorize final payment in <br />. ~e amount of $6.~38 to C. W.Hou1e. Inc. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />.' .ngert moved. aeconded by Haneon. that Council approve and accept <br />-Arden Lake Knoll Improvement 79-1 project and authorize final pay.ent <br />in the a.ount of $11.692.91 to C. W. Boule. Inc~ Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />(It waa Council'. understanding that the Arden Lake Knoll performance <br />bond will be replaced by a one-year .aintenance bond.) <br /> <br />"EPORT OP VILLAGE PLANNER ORLYN KILLER <br /> <br />Caae No. 80-22. Lot Split and Consolidation. Steele and Floren _ 3510 <br />North SnellinR snd 1~34 Arden Place <br />Council waa referred to Planner'a report of 7/29/80. tranaparencies of <br />attachmenta thereto. and to recommendation of tbe Planning Comm1ssion <br />(Minutes of 8/6/80). <br /> <br />-1- <br />