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<br />I. "." <br /> <br />Minutes of Special Counc~l Meeting <br />Village of Ard~n Hills <br />Thursday, January 24, 19"0 - 7:30 p.m. <br />Village Hall <br /> <br />,5:all to Order <br />Pursuant to du,. call and notice thereof, Acting Mayor Woodburn <br />~alled the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />l'~ Call <br />Present - Acting Mayor Robert Woodburn, Councilmen Charlie Crichton, <br />Ward Hanson, James ,Jingert. <br />Absent - Mayor Henry J. Crepeau, Jr. <br />Also Present - Attorney Pete Regnier, Planner Orlyn Miller, Clerk <br />Administrator Charlotte McNlesh, Deputy Clerk Dorothy <br />Zehm. <br /> <br />!,pproval of Minutes <br />Hanson moved, seconded b;' Wingert, that the Minutes of the Special <br />Council Meeting and ReBu~ar Council Meeting of January 14, 1980 be <br />approved as submitted. Hotion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />!roposed Zoning Ordinanc~ and Zoning Map <br />After review of concerns submitted for Council consideration, the <br />follOWing changes were incorporated in the Proposed Zoning Ordi- <br />nance and Zoning Map: <br />P. 1-13 Delete definition 100. Public Uses, ~ in its <br />entirety and reword definition 101. as follows: <br />Pul/lic Uses (delete "Other") The use of any <br />101:, parcel of land and any structure or <br />bu~lding thereon exclusively for public pur- <br />popes by any department or branch of govern- <br />meut - federal, ,state, county or city (ex- <br />cluding independ~nt school districts) without <br />reference to the ownership of said lot, parcel <br />of land, building or structure. <br /> <br />P. 1-14 113. Schools, Special Education. Reword as follows. <br />Trude, business, barber, beauty, art, musIc, <br />dancing, driving and other professional <br />schools, colleges, universities and junior <br />co:.leges. <br /> <br />P. 1-19 C. ~,xed Territory. Reword first sentence as <br />follow!! : <br />"a building moratorium shall apply (not to <br />exceed the time permitted by State Statute) <br />to any territory annexed to the City, until <br />su,:h time " <br /> <br />Zoning Map (folloHing P. 1-19). Extend 8-1 district, at <br />southwest corner of Highway 96 and Hamline, to <br />the went, to the westerly line (extend~d) of the <br />R-3 to the south. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />P. 2'-1 <br /> <br />C. Perwitted Principal Uses. Add the following <br />sen ten,:e' <br />"Where question arises as to whether a pro- <br />poned use is authorized in a Permitted Use <br />ca~egory andlor a Special Use category, the <br />Pl~nning Commission shall make a recommend- <br />ation to the Village Council which shall <br />make the final determination." <br /> <br />P. 2--2 <br /> <br />8. 1-2 General Industrial District. Reword as <br />follow". <br />"This district is establish",d to provide <br />an area where more intensive light industrial <br />laud uses may locate. The ..." <br /> <br />I <br />