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<br />.. <br /> <br />MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING <br />Village of Arden Hills <br />Monday, February 3, 1986 - 7:30 p.m. <br />Village Hall <br /> <br />Call to Order <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, Mayor Woodburn called the meeting <br />to order at 7:30 p.m. <br /> <br />Roll Call <br />Present: <br /> <br />Mayor Robert Woodburn, Councilmembers Nancy Hansen, Dale <br />Hicks, Gary Peck, Thomas Sather <br />None <br />Engineers Don Christoffersen, Glenn Van Wormer, Barry Peters, <br />City Planner Orlyn Miller, Treasurer Donald Lamb, Public Works <br />Supervisor Robert Raddatz, Clerk Administrator Charlotte <br />McNiesh <br /> <br />Absent: <br />Also Present: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Approval of Minutes <br />Motion was made by Hicks, seconded by Peck, that the minutes of January <br />27 be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />Business from the Floor <br />None <br /> <br />Improvement No. P-85-3, Hamline Avenue, Phase II <br />Noting that some inaccuracies have appeared in local publications relative <br />to estimated costs of the proposed Hamline Avenue improvement, Barry <br />Peters (SEH) presented to the Council the following summaries: <br /> <br />46' Roadway $842,095 36' Roadway $731,895 <br /> <br />Surcharging 120,000 120,000 <br />Sidewalk, west side 34.905 34,905 <br /> $997.000 $886,800 <br />Sidewalk, east side 18,200 18,200 <br /> $1,015,200 $905,000 <br /> <br />In discussion, Council noted that Parks Committee has recommended a sidewalk <br />on the east side of Hamline, extending from Karth Lake Circle to Wyncrest; <br />asked if there is room for one on the right-of-way as planned. Christoffersen <br />replied that there is an 8' easement; 5' could be used as sidewalk, leaving <br />a 3' boulevard. <br /> <br />Asked if estimate for 36' roadway included any turn lanes, Christoffersen <br />said that none were included. <br /> <br />Council further asked if there is a feasible way to discourage cut-through <br />traffic on Hamline Avenue, Van Wormer stated that the only way to do <br />so would be to create physical restrictions, which would inconvenience <br />local traffic as well; he noted that, apparently motorists are finding <br />it (Hamline) the most expeditious route even in its present condition; <br />thus would seem hard to discourage. Van Wormer stated he did not anticipate <br />a great increase in traffic from outside the area after reconstruction; <br />added that during the reconstruction, some of the motorists currently <br />using the route will find alternate routes and perhaps not return. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Council asked if warrants are used to determine the need for turn lanes, <br />as they are for semaphores... Van Wormer stated that there are guidelines <br />given by the State, but not specific "numbers of accidents" or "traffic <br />counts"; noted that the number of turns at STH 96 and Arden View Court <br />would far exceed any guidelines given; general advice is whenever there <br />are three residences or one commercial establishment making a turn, a ' <br />turn lane should be provided for safety reasons. <br /> <br />Van Wormer further stated that the Parks Committee had been looking for <br />cross walks to provide safe crossing east and west across Hamline; his <br />advice is that the City put in one or two cross walks, providing access <br />to the parks; past experience has been that motorists would probably <br />respect one or two cross walks; would not advise over two; City could <br />thus provide access to Floral and Cummings Park. <br />