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<br />...~ <br /> <br />~ <br />~HILLS <br />Request for Council Action <br /> <br />Prepared By: SPJ <br />Dept.: Administration <br />Council Mtg. Date:- -- -.- -F~~.rl:lary1.2, 2097 <br />Final Action Needed By: _ .E~~.rl:l.~.iY..1.~, 2007 <br /> <br />Agenda Item: <br /> <br />3.B. <br /> <br />--.- ........- <br />Budgeted Amount: <br />Actual Amount: <br />Funding Source:.. <br /> <br />NA <br />NA <br />NA <br /> <br />f~~~~mTAeflong~~qTI?srT~~S7:''-;: "00 ."",, ".,: <br />!M~tio;'Ad~pt-Ordi~~~-e"#38T.Ame~ding'the City 'of'Ardel1' Hi1ls Chantable (iambhng'Regujat;ons~' <br /> <br />IMotion to Approve the printing of a Legal Notice Summarizing Ordinance No. 383 -Amending the City of Arden Hills Charitable Gambling Regulations <br />I <br /> <br />ysJajf*~cgmmWnd?~ji?h:.7j'~-~7!C'_"::'i?~7Y;-:) <br />rM~ti~~;- i~"Ad~pt- O~dinaiice #38-3~Am~nd-i;;gt'he 'ciiy of Arden HilisCharltable <br /> <br />iMotion to Approve the printing of a Legal Notice Summarizing Ordinance No. 383 -Amending the City of Arden Hills Charitable Gambling Regulations <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />rq_g"Rltqj}JJ]gfmg~m.~,Q;~~j; I(~~~:gH~.~r'-- <br />! X i Memo/Letter: <br /> <br />From Schawn Johnson, Assistant City Administrator <br /> <br /> <br />, X 'Ordinance No.: 383 <br /> <br />Ordinance #383-Amending the City of Arden Hills Charitable Gambling <br />-Amending Sections 330.02 Subd. 9 and Section 330.02 Subd. 11 of the Arden Hills City Code <br /> <br />! Engineering Recommendation: <br />iAttorney Recommendation: <br /> <br />! X IOther: <br /> <br />Motion to Approve the printing of a Legal Notice Sununarizing Ordinance No. 383 -Amending the City of Arden Hills <br />Charitable Gambling Regulations <br /> <br />FAami(j-'~.~f:?tQiZS~li::G,qi6:,I'h',~hi~: <br />lot-Applicable--- - , '. ,... " " <br />