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<br />~ <br />~~HILLS <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br /> <br />DATE: <br /> <br />July 10, 2007 <br /> <br />AGENDA ITEM: 2.A. <br /> <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and Council <br />Michelle Wolfe; City Administrator <br /> <br />FROM: Michelle Olson, Parks and Recreation Manager '1YlcP <br /> <br />SUBJECT: Funding Discussion with the PTRC <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br />Recognizing that the City has almost no funding currently dedicated to park and trail <br />development and improvement, the City Council charged the Parks, Trails, and Recreation <br />Committee (pTRC) with identifying alternative funding sources. The PTRC has spent numerous <br />meetings researching and discussing possible funding concepts and alternatives. At the June 19th <br />PTRC meeting, the Comprehensive Plan Update was discussed. After reviewing the 1998 <br />Comprehensive Plan and in particular, the Parks and Trail section, the Committee voiced <br />concerns that parks and trail development has been severely lacking. The 1998 Comprehensive <br />Plan identified issues very similar to the priorities and strategies established in 2002 and 2006 by <br />the PTRC. The PTRC believes that the plan indicates that very little progress has been made in <br />the past ten years with park and trail development. With TCAAP design standards progressing, <br />the PTRC feels very strongly that the integration of TCAAP parks and trails and the existing <br />Arden Hills is crucial. The City is obligated to maintain what they have and to develop missing <br />links to connect to the development on TCAAP. The existing community is divided by many <br />major roads, highways, and railroads. These transportation corridors provide excellent regional <br />access and mobility, but they separate neighborhoods and people from parks. Trail connections <br />are needed to tie the city together, create a comprehensive system of parks and trails, improve <br />safety and enhance the feeling of community. <br /> <br />The Park Fund can no longer be utilized for maintenance projects. In 2004, the Legislature <br />enacted several changes to the parkland dedication statute. The new law (statute 462.358, <br />subdivision 2b) specified that Park Dedication funds may not be used for ongoing operation and <br />maintenance. In 2006, this statute was modified to read that Park Dedication funds may be used <br />only for the acquisition and development or improvement of parks and must not be used for <br />ongoing operation and maintenance of parks. Therefore, maintenance projects will need to be <br />funded from the general fund in the future. <br /> <br />\\\ardenhills\PR&PW\Parks\Memos\Council Memos\Memo to CC regarding Park Funding Discussion with PTRC07-4.doc <br />