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<br />~ <br />~HILLS <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />DATE: <br /> <br />July 6, 2007 <br /> <br />Agenda Item: 2.B. <br /> <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council <br />Michelle Wolfe; City Administrator <br /> <br />FROM: Michelle Olson, Parks and Recreation Manager ~dJ <br /> <br />SUBJECT: Bocce Golf Proposal Discussion <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br />The Strategies for Parks, Trails, and Community Building were approved by the City Council in <br />April of 2006. The first strategy listed under Parks is the possibility of a Disk Golf Course <br />and/or Bocce Golf Course. The Parks Trails and Recreation Committee (pTRC) is considering <br />both types of golf courses and has been researching cost and location since that time. Mr. Lanny <br />Baumann, a PTRC Committee Member brought forward a proposal for a Nine Hole Bocce Golf <br />Course at Lindey's Park. The PTRC Committee is in favor of installing a course at Lindey's <br />Park. At their Apri117, 2007 PTRC meeting, the Committee made a motion to recommend <br />allocating $2,500.00 to put in a bocce golf course at Lindey's Park this year (2007). The motion <br />carried unanimously. In the 2002 Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan, Lindey's Park is listed as <br />unprogrammed open space. By recommending that Bocce Golfbe installed for Lindey's Park, <br />the PTRC is now interested in changing that park to a programmed open space. <br /> <br />A nine hole Bocce Golf Course proposal and diagram are included for your review. PTRC <br />Committee Member Baumann will be present to answer any questions regarding Bocce Golf. <br />Listed below are some points the PTRC would like to highlight from the proposal for the City <br />Council: <br /> <br />1. Maintenance is very minimal. The course would not require any special grass mowing <br />other than the normal weekly cutting. During the winter season, a cap can be placed over <br />the holes. <br />2. An annual name use fee of$lOO is listed to begin after the fIrst year. Staff did voice <br />concerns about this to Mr. Baumann and the PTRC and did check with the City Attorney <br />to get his comments. His only recommendation was for the City to write up an official <br />agreement between Mr. Baumann and the City and have a clause that states the City can <br />terminate the agreement at any time. If the City Council has concerns about the annual <br />naming fee, Mr. Baumann has stated that he is williug to discuss possible alternatives to <br />this. <br /> <br />\ \\ardenhills\PR&PW\Parks\Memos\Council Memos\Bocce Golf Proposal <br />Discussion07.doc <br />