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<br /> STATE OF MIMNESOTA SECTION 10 onto public sireets or inTo public
<br /> COUNTYOFRAMSEY ` drainage ways shall not be per-
<br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS APPLICATIONS . miTTed wiThouT municipal approval.
<br /> ORDINANCE NO. 143 The application for a building permiT (q) p~ls shall be consTrucTed and
<br /> AN ORDINANCE REGULATING to consTruct or erect a swimming operaTed in such manner ihat back-
<br /> CONSTRUCTION, PLACEMENT AND Pool shall be accompanied by plans flush water or waTer from pool
<br /> OPERATION OF pR I VATELY OW N ED of sufficienT detail to show: drainage shall pass into an approved
<br /> SW IMMI NG POOLS IN THE V ILIAGE 3.l The proposed location and size of the . public drainage way or shall remain
<br /> OF ARDEN HILLS, COUNTY OF Poo~, the house and garage, fencing and other feaTures exisTing on the lot, an the property of the owner, and
<br /> RAMSEY, STATE OF MINNESOTA. waTershallnoTbepermitTedtodrain
<br /> The Villageaf Arden Hills does hereby such as utility locations and trees. Included wiTh this from the pool, directly or indirectly
<br /> ordain as follows: plan shall be the . onTO property other ihan That of the
<br /> SECTION 1.0 location of the above features on all owner.
<br /> SHORTTITLE adiacent IoTS. 4.4 ElecTrical
<br /> This Ordinance shall be known, cited 3.2 The location, size and a statemenT as (1) qll elecirical work shall con- `
<br /> and referretl to as the Arden Hills to the types of equipment to be used form to the National Electrical
<br /> Swimming Pool Ordinance, except as in connecTion with the pool, including Code.
<br /> but noT limited to, filter unit, pump,
<br /> referred To herein, where it shall be 4.5 Safety Fencin9 -
<br /> known as This Ordinance and or These wiring, heating unit, backflush and (7)q~IlpoolsshallbeprovidedwiTh
<br /> Regulations. drainage outlet, fencing and the pool safeguards To prevent children from
<br /> SECTION 2.0 itself.
<br /> RULES 3.3 The finished elevaTions and final . 9an be accompl shed w'ith fenci g hor
<br /> 2.1 A swimming pool is deemed to be a trealmenT around the pool. screening or a combination Thereof
<br /> sirucTure under the Zoning Or- SECTION 4.0 of sufficient density as ?o be im-
<br /> dinance of Arden Hills and all work PERFORMANCE STANDARDS
<br /> 4.1 Location. penetrable.
<br /> must be done in accordance wiTh the General (2) All fence openings or points of
<br /> Building Code: a. Pools shall not be located entry into the pool area enclosure
<br /> 2.2 A swimming pool may be permitted shall be equipped wiTh gates.
<br /> beneath overhead utility line5 nor
<br /> only as an accessory strucTure to a (3) AIl gates shall be equipped
<br /> principal building u5ed for over underground utility lines of any with self-closing and self-IaTching
<br /> residential purposes. Said pool shall Type, and shal I be IocaTed in such devices placed on the top of the gate
<br /> be for the exclusive use of the oc- manner That iT complies with the
<br /> cupanis of the principal building and provisions of the NaTional Elecirical or otherwise inaccessible to small
<br /> their guests. Far the purposes of This Code, a copy of which is in- S children .
<br /> ECTION 5.0
<br /> Ordinance a"swimming pool" is corporated herein by reference and ADMINISTRATION
<br /> defined as a pool with the capacity is on file in the office of the Clerk 5.1 Variances
<br /> referred to in SecTion 2.3 hereof Administrator of TFie Village. The Procedures antl reqWirement
<br /> . , b. Pools shall not be located within
<br /> above or below ground, located on for variances to These regulations
<br /> private property, and not IocaTed or any private or public utility, walk- are the same as Those prescribed by
<br /> proposed to be located within a Way, drainage, or other easement. the Zoning Ordinance.
<br /> building. This definiTion shall ex- (2) Single-family poals 5.2 Fee.
<br /> clude public swimming pools, a. "Single-family pools" as used The normal buildin
<br /> , g permit fee shall
<br /> defined as herein are defined to be Swirllming
<br /> pools designed and be charged for applications made
<br /> proposed for general na,n-residential pools IocaT~d on single-family
<br /> not limited To the famil and , residenTial property used for single pursuantTo This Ordinance.
<br /> use, Y family residenTial purposes. 5.3 Violations and PenalTies.
<br /> guests of the residenis of the b. ThE outside perimeter of all Violation of This Ordinance shall be a
<br /> property upon which the pool is misdemeanor and upon conviction
<br /> ' located. - swimming poolsTructures,including thereof shall be punishable by a fine of
<br /> 2.3 A building permiT shall be required all accessories, shall noT be located not to exceed.S300 and or imprisonment
<br /> for any swimming pool wiTh a within ten (10) feet af any side or
<br /> . rear lot line. Such single-family for a period noT To exceed nineTy (90)
<br /> capaciTy of over 1,000 gallons or one ppols shall not be located wiThin any tlays for each offense. Each day ThaT the
<br /> and one-half (1-1/2) feeT of waTer required front yard. violation is permiTted to exisT shall
<br /> depTh.constitute a separate offense.
<br /> 2.4 A buildin (3) MulTiple-famity pools
<br /> 9 permiT shall also be re- . a. "Multi-family pool" as used SECTION 6.0
<br /> quired for any enlargement or other EFFECTUATION
<br /> major alteration of a swimming pool herein are defined To be swimming 6.1 Separability.
<br /> coming within this Ortlinance or one Pools constructed or proposed to be It is hereby declared To be the in-
<br /> that will come wiThin this Ordinance consTructed an.residential properTy used or proposed to be used for }enTion ThatiheseveYal Provisions ofihis
<br /> because of said enlargemenT or multi-family residential purposes, Ordinance are separable in accordance
<br /> alTeratian. such as apariment houses and the wifh fhe following: '
<br /> 2.5 A separate building permiT unless like. (1) If any courT of compeTenT
<br /> included in the swimming pool b. The outside perimeTer of all - lurisdicTion shall adjudge any provision
<br /> permit, shall be required for any swimmingpoolsTructures,includirig of ihis Ordinance to be invalid, suCh
<br /> pump house, filTer house, enclosure all accessories, shall rroT be locaTed ' iudgment shall not affxt any other
<br /> for the pool ar any other structure within fifTy (50) feeT of any side or provisions of This Ordinance noterecTed in conlunction with a rearloY line. specifically inclutled insaid judgemenT.
<br /> swimming pool. Such siructures c. AdequaTe screening including (2) If any court of compeTent
<br /> shall conform to all provisions of the both fencing and landscape ireat- iurisdictionshall adjudge invalid the
<br /> Building Cotle. ment shall be placed beiween applicaTion of any, portion of This
<br /> 2.6 No new swimming pool or renovated swimming pool siructure and ad- Ordinanceto a particular structure
<br /> exisiing pool shall be used until iT or IocaTion, such IudgmenT shall not
<br /> _ complies with the provisions of ihis lacent single-family lot lines. affecT the application of said
<br /> Ordinance. d.2 Consiruction and EquipmenT
<br /> (1) The swimming pool shall be provision to any other sTructure or
<br /> 2.7 A Special Use PermiT pursuanT to the designed and consTructed in such a location not specifically included in Zoning Ordinance shall be required manner so as not To endanger fhesaid IudgmenT.
<br /> for the consTruction of any structure 6.2 EffecTive Date. designed To cover a swimmin healih and or safeTy of its usehs and
<br /> 9pool to noT unduly interfere wiTh the use This Ordinance shall be in force and
<br /> . or for the consTruction of any ac- and enioYmenT of adlacent property. effect from and after the date of its
<br /> . cessory sTructure such as a bath (p) The swimming pool shall have passage and publication.
<br /> house, or oTher sTrucTUre large adequate provisions to properly Passed by the Village CouncilThis 10
<br /> enough to enclose persons and recirculate, filter, algacide and , day of May, 1971.
<br /> designed for the accommodation of - Henry J. Crepeau, Jr.
<br /> persons. OTher auxiliary structures, 9ermicide the waTer of the pool and Mayor
<br /> such as Those defined in Section 2.5 ' insiructions for maintenance of same q}tesT:
<br /> .
<br /> hereof, shall require only a Building - - Lorraine E. STromquisT .
<br /> Permit. 4~3 WaTer Supply and Drainage
<br /> 2.8 LighTing used in connection with (1) Filling of pools via fire - - Clerk AdminisTrator
<br /> swimming poolsshall be adjusted in hydrants shall require municipal (Bulletin: May 20, 1971)
<br /> such manner as noT to interfere wiih approval.
<br /> the reasonable use of adjacent (2) There shall be no fixed or property. Unreasonably loud noise in direct connection of any swimming .
<br /> connecTion wiTh the operation of a • , pool ta any potable waTer supply.
<br /> pool is prohibiTed. (3) Drainage of swimming pools
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