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<br /> AN 49#06*0111CM+E`!- 71066LA#110ft CVMlTAIN tO11F-
<br /> The Council of the Village of Arden Hills does hereby
<br /> ordain as follows;
<br /> SeMion 1. Purpose. It is the intenTion of the Council to
<br /> regulate and license herein certain types of businesses
<br /> nof otherwise regulated or licensed in qrden Hills, to the
<br /> end fhat the public welfare shall Thereby be protected
<br /> and promoted. DifferenTiation in the licensees charged
<br /> herein is bdsed upon the judgmenT of the Council as to
<br /> the probable ezpense 'involved in policing and in-
<br /> specting v8rious businesses. In some cases insurance
<br /> coverage is requiretl, where in ihe opinion of the Council
<br /> a business offers an unusual opporTUniTy for loss or
<br /> damage. No business acTiviTy licensed untler oTher
<br /> ordinances of Arden Hills shall be required to obtain
<br /> licenses hereunder. Affer the effective date of This
<br /> ~ Ordinance;license fees.hereundermay be altered by
<br /> amendment of the ordinance establishing a Table of
<br /> license Fees for Arden Hills (now Ord. No. 151), and
<br /> reference as to license fees only should accordingly be
<br /> matle to ihai ordinance or amendment thereoi. 9ection 2. License Required. Any person, firm, cor•
<br /> ~poraTion oressociation engaging or proposing to engage
<br /> in any commercial or retail business in the Village of
<br /> Arden Hiils not otherwise licensed under the ordinances
<br /> . of This ViUage, shall obtain a license for such business
<br /> acTiviTy in accordance with the provisions hereof.
<br /> Businesses to be licensetl hereunder shall include, buT
<br /> wiThout limitation, the following:
<br /> Car wash insTallation, veTerinary clinics, dry cleaning
<br /> and laundering establishmenis, commercial
<br /> photogeaphy, beauty shops, antique shops, morTUaries, (q) Bulk etorage plenh snall drOlenhlM
<br /> equipment. rental, bulk fuel storage planTS and Each a111111111, }!r!~Ty
<br /> dealerships,the sale or renTal of vehicles and boais of Person AeaiiW 111i"ge
<br /> any descripfion, wheTher new or used, or any other g100,000 : 4"M* 1 s_,~pp
<br /> esTablishment selling or renting retail goods or ser- (B) Car wash- installation - - -
<br /> vices. Eech Each Property
<br /> Section 3. License Applicafion. ApplicaTion for a Person Accident Damage
<br /> license sball be made to the Clerk -Adminisirator. Such $10,000 $50,000 S5A00
<br /> application shall state the full name and address of the (C) Equipment Rental (Sec. 40) )
<br /> owner or owners of the business, the proposed location Each Each Property
<br /> of the business, the naTUre of the business and such Person Accitlent Damage
<br /> ofher relevant iniormation as the Clerk - Adminisirator 825,000 $50.000 $10,000
<br /> ma,y require for the purposes hereof. (D) Sale or rental of boats, motor vehicles and other
<br /> Section 4. License Fees. The Annual license fees for vehicles pec Sec. 4(j) -
<br /> subject bu3inesses shall be as follows: Each ` - Each Property
<br /> (a) Bulkfuelstorageplanisordealers-$150. Person Accident Damage -
<br /> (b) Car wash installations - $25 per sTall. 550,000 $100,000 5101000
<br /> k} Veterinery CliniCS -525. Section 6. 6eneral.Reguletory Provisions. In addition
<br /> (d) Dry cleaner5 antl launderers: Tothe oTher provisions af this Ord., all licensees
<br /> Resident - $25. bereunder shall coniorm to all applicable fetleral and
<br /> Coin-operat2d - 85 per washer; 82 per dryer and state IAws and ordinances of the Vil(age of Arden Hills,
<br /> extractor combined; $25 - minimum fee. The Police Department shall make its recommendaTion
<br /> (e) Photographers - $25. ta the Council upon all license applitations hereunder or
<br /> (f)~ Beauty shops - $25. , renewals fhereof. Any license hereunder may be can-
<br /> (g) Aniique shops - $25. celled by the Council immediaYely if a pwessing public
<br /> . (h) Mortuary -$25. interest exists; however, any cancellaTion shall be
<br /> (i) Equipment rental - 825 (liability insurance femporary until the licensee is afforded the opporTUniTy
<br /> required) for a public hearing before the Council with respect
<br /> LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIRED thereto, and unless There is a pressing puhlic interest
<br /> (i) Sale or renTal of boats, automobiles and various the touncil shall give a licensee an opportunity for a
<br /> other vehicles: -public hedring before the Council prior to any can- Sale ot Autos: cellation or prior to_denial of any {icense application
<br /> . New--550. • hereunder.
<br /> Usefi - E50. Sectiod 7. Specific Regulatory Regulations. With
<br /> New ahd Used - E75. resped to rentals of vehicles referred To herein, no
<br /> (2)SaleafBoats,newandused-E50. licensee shall rent oc furnish a vehicle requfring a
<br /> (3) Sale. o# all otheF terrain Vehicles, induding - - driver'slicenseforoperetionTOanypersonwhodoesrrot
<br /> motorcydes and snowmobiles: have such a license issued in accordance wiTh the laws -
<br /> New -850. of the StaTe of Minnesota. The licensee shall make a
<br /> Used - 850. - permanenT record containing the name, addres5 and
<br /> New and Used =$75. . , age of the lessee and the number of his driver's license, -(4) RenTalofanyorallofThefollowing: which record shall be maintained for at least one (1)
<br /> Bicycles, motorbikes, snowmobtles, Terrain vehicles, calendar ywr afier Mt impMlllii9n W 11o liIII?icular -
<br /> mobifehomes, campers, trailers, boats - $25. licensing Wiu/,fAd EMII bq ivOFlible tpr I aipqql~ion To
<br /> (k) Any outlet selling or renTing reTail goods or ser- represenTattvft ell ifM }4YAM -Mft an! en-
<br /> vices no1 oYherwise covered herein or by other Arden forcement a~ne1~. Hills ordinance - $25. - - ~ -
<br /> Section S. Liability Insurance Requiretl. As ind;cated Licensee{ Mwagp WI 1MM M11It ~f IM~ M~~~e'•
<br /> in the previous Section 4, certain businesses to be boaTs and.oMK +YWC1ft M 90114MI 'n 4(i)
<br /> licensedhereunder musTcarry liability insurance. Such hereof shatl, at 1" YHne NO'M ltleh seleSr- the
<br /> busine53es are as fo4lows: purchaser a plainly-written statemenf of sale which -
<br /> Bulk fuel-storage plants or dealers; car wash in- shall include the name and address of the person
<br /> stallafions; equipmenf rentai; sale or rental of motor making the sale, the license and serial number of the
<br /> yehicles, tioaTS and miscellaneous other vehides as vehicle sold,if applicable,ihe purchase priee iherefor
<br /> provided-in Section 4(I)• and the signature of the licensee.
<br /> -In eachcase the liabiliTy insurance palicy or a cer- Sedion B. Penalties. In addition to cancellation of any _ti}itatg.;thareof shall be filed with the Clerk - Ad- sublect license as provided herein, violaTion of This
<br /> miniSTrator and shall be kepT in full force and effecT Ordinance sfial{ be deemed a misdemeanor punishable
<br /> -during the terms of any subled license. Such policy byafineofnoTmore than8300and-or90daysinjaiL
<br /> shall be-with an insurance company aufhorizetl to do 5edion 4. Effective Oate. This Ordinance shall take
<br /> business in Minnesota, shall show at IeasT the IimiTs effecT and be in full force from and after January 1, 1973,
<br /> proyitletl iii the table below, and sFiall also conTain a buf noT before its passage and publication.
<br /> provi5ion that the policy 5ha11 not be cancelled unTil passed by the Council of the Villageof Arden Hills this
<br /> after 30 daYS' wriften noTice to arden Hills of such in- 13Th day of November, 1972. lendetl taqcetlatlon, and wHfiin-such time ihe)IicQnsee Henry J. Crepeau, Jr., Mayor
<br /> must AbMh? aM fiFP wtplf pp rpyy pr -**M}{}u}ed ATtesT:
<br /> covers" eA requfe" 1?wAmrAMr, pr tlpe IiSexae l be LorrNNe E. StromWi4t
<br /> . subject Io ,dipmodj~Je- ciACMI'~!'bp, ?No ra~lN7ed in- Clerk - AdaNlf~lTi~` -
<br /> SUfaru@ limtfa ar@ a6 M8a#: -
<br /> ~
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