tl'r ld~t, ~$ht11 ;nclude ~an ar .~i~ua wbsta~'e~cyW
<br /> i Q
<br /> ~~r t~
<br /> ln~~0 ~ rtn~ge~ ich shs1le,Lorm~iht~ight~ind fl~ sth~ io°~oe 10 n~ fl~e
<br /> ~l3~
<br /> ible bis_. lratios d the sew
<br /> ~ ~6e ep~lcm.
<br /> SubdivieiQb G Gradee. Vakrs ~t ~6)
<br /> ~ 0=1 4~ snthori:ed, all Lewe sewue ahall ha~e a e~d y solld~ water@
<br /> ot ~y sus aaataFs~ J.
<br /> AN OADiAI lN(1 THE ~+de aI not IRM l6ae ~ iae~3 pa fa~ot. A ~~~~r? ~ ~
<br /> [rede of ~i(i b?eh per foot ehosld be naed tuty tLaL ~mawal attmtioo or ~e
<br /> O!!~A"1''N g !1lUNICiPAL whe+'eve~ PractiuL Tfie per~ respftd.
<br /> D~ae ie reqaired to handle such m~tt[als
<br /> ~?NIT Y 8YS7'EM• A R- b4 (or iastallatioa o[ the sewer 1l at che treatmeyt ant
<br /> ' ~~l~IONS TO B6 1[M~TO ehcck yr~des belore eonstrnetion proeeeds, m M7 aahuw8 or ma 3
<br /> MIIJNaCIYSA~IV1TARY ~:wtx Wherevv Pouibb, the aoanectiag ~ewer eubstJnce eayable oi veating a puri~c
<br /> sYSI'1SMI !'RWIDING FOR T!!E LS- ahalt JO° ~n ihe bn9W' aulsaace.
<br /> ATfCE OF PBRYITS FpR AND 3UP. which ii at an ele~~tivn (d) ~ ~1 ~
<br /> VlSiOl~1
<br /> ~STF.. Ai.l. 6Cf10N3 1'O a balo+? the ba~emmt Iloor of atL ~e,~ ~P~
<br /> ahall be ided opiaioe oI
<br /> b+tildi~n~ Dro~
<br /> A whm in the
<br /> SANIT
<br /> ~MU~ 1tY 8EWl:K Subdivir0on D. Altgmmt. No cooaeet- the rIlaqe Plu
<br /> mbinR taspeetor~ tLLe~ aR
<br /> ~RIBING CER'1'AIPI ing sewer ehall eaatain bends or a~-a~~ar~ (or the proper 6a ~ oi 1i9-
<br /> ~T~~ AND METH~S Tp gz binativn ot bends which at aoy nt ehall n+d waates coataimng grnK ~~~~~~e
<br /> HSAID CONNEC710N9• F~- 6e greata thaa [ort 6ve (~Srdegra., S°O°°t, a~7 in(lammable waste~, pad
<br /> TA REGUI.A'I'IONS A~ TO and no more than tio benda, or other harmiul ing*odknt~be p ex~ that
<br /> TYPES AND ICINDS OF WAS`fE3 d rKsrdlets wxh iat Fred for
<br /> assgle, ehaU be ~pWri s1~a~1 not r
<br /> [AT MA7 eL? DI~PpgEp Ofi gy TFl£ ~n~ ~itted in •K eingle pri~ate dwe mits wLlch~dixh
<br /> S OF THEMUNIQPA , 'AI~ITA1tY where cleanotRs n~~l~tea theretcnm, $ueh ~TV
<br /> " WF1t S7'3TEM• PROHIBITING THE: are conrtructed at ~ po iats snd in Y*e-
<br /> manner aa direeted by the Village Plumb- i°° ~d oil I°t~eeptors e6a11 be ot sdb-
<br /> , fCHARGL OP A11FY TYPE QR K[ND ing Iaspeetor. Na eonnectiag acwer shall atantial constmctiun s~ater ti~ht and
<br /> C~F SURlACL WA7'ERS IN'1'O THE eq ~y~ with ea~f remova ~e ooven
<br /> ilUNICiPAI. SAfV(TARY SEWER Sys- ~ laad paralld to an~ Deanng wa11 or vvhich, w~hm bolted io lace, eha11 be
<br /> ootia ~mleee farther distant than three p Sit•
<br /> TEM PRE9CRIgING RA7'ES Adu ( fKt apy ~b ~a~iag ~ ~t tight and ~vater-tight. All greaae, oil sod
<br /> QF1 FOR D13POSAL 9EliVt{:~i aand intereeptora shall be maintsiaed
<br /> AND PRESLRI~INC PENALTlFS ppK w~t~°.s• No conoeeting anwer ehall be Lid b7
<br /> hin taenty feet af any exiating well, the owner, at hie e:pense, fn oootiNpp,
<br /> 7'H8 VtOL.ARION OF SANE, exc t°n manner b iGcall a IY ff~irnt op•rati-+n at all times.
<br /> T6e ~Ilage Comdl of the Vipage ot the Village Plmnb~ag Inspkcto~~~ ~ Stbdivieioe H. It ehall be anlswtql M
<br /> kde~ Aills d- heetbY adaln is tol- Subdiviaion F. Trmching and Backtill• di'ch"*g° i°te the mmieipal uaitary
<br /> ~.ldw°: in8. AU aceavatiau shall K+?
<br /> T1u er sYstem aay indastrial wasM wpw
<br /> be open-trma6
<br /> , 5EC!'ION 1. CE}1~1NI, OPgRA'PIQp. worE wless otherwise authorisad by tM the prior approval o( the vllase Piur~b•
<br /> mtire mmiapa] saeitary Nwer village Plumbin~ Taapeetor. Th fauoda• in4 InS~rtor is obtaited, The Vtita~e
<br /> ;atem ehall be qper~~ed as a pt~ltc atil- tioa in the traie6 ahfll Le ed iy ~~~g Inepeebor sha11 appove the dis-
<br /> and cosoeoienee h+om whtch revenye~ enefi manner ar to preveot sap ~ubse. charse u/ ;nd~yvtrial ~vastes when, in hie
<br /> will be derited, iobject Eo t6e A s. I[ t e foun- nion, the
<br /> di thia nrdiaanot P~isiacs ~ettlin d:Le pe h~~ ~ ProtbKd wastea will not be
<br /> et [ an mnsnal aawmt or charaeter. qrh~n,
<br /> teon is ~ood
<br /> ~n
<br /> $EC1'ION 3. CONN$CPIOpg q~ITfi Rrm earth the aiirth a6ai!
<br /> be pared or molded to gtve a fnll xupport in the opinion o[ the Village Plumbiaa
<br /> SEWER RSQUIR$D. te Llie lawer third .of euh pipe. Bell 6oles hsP~tor, the proposed wasen are o( pi
<br /> ~~si4° A~ 6oildins nsed for shall 6e dag to eovide ample spaee !or ~usnal amount or character, the Yiltye
<br /> 1~umaa habittllm loqtcd on Proper. Peo Plmnbing Inepector ms s
<br /> g )ointS. Gro mnst be exerciaed ie , pro~Ided the y ~ve ~h
<br /> t~ ~djurnt ~ a sewer ~aain, or ia a kfinllinq below the center line oi the waetexplatted b4+ck throa h whieh the Cnuucil ol the Vi11~e g Roxvi k Support. ~ the ~yatem Pe ie
<br /> mctend crder to ;i~re it and d the Conneil of the C
<br /> s, xhall be eonnec~ed ~ ~e m~miei- lcfilling ~all be placed i~n ~7p tr ef ~t.
<br /> Ml ant4rT wwM 971tem within two e0id)y ramped dr p~IcoQ np Paul - obtaiaed.
<br /> raara trom the date on whieh a omneeti. above the p~ Back(illin~ ~hell uot be ~bdivision C. It shall he nnla~ul t~
<br /> en ir availsble to saeh bnildlag, done until t~e seetion to be baclcRlled has dircharqe or cause to be dixharired ;nM
<br /> Subdiv{sion B. All bqildiats berea[ter been inspeeted ad a~~ ~ f~1f V1l- the murticipal sewer syatem, either di-
<br /> eeastrncted wi4fiin the Villa/e o( lage plnmbing ~nepector. TMtl
<br /> 9.•r indirectly, an rooi, atorm, Hill@ on peApert y ad~ te a~ewer Subdivision F. iJse u( Old Fioane Sev- faee or Rrwnd watrr o~any type or 1n'~,
<br /> auin or ie • plaRted blaekt6ronQh whieh ers. Old honsc sewera er portioas thera Or Nvater discharged trom sny air ,ooodl- ~
<br /> . the mtlnkipa 1 satutar~~d eewer qstao ac- °f mg9 ~ •pprov!d (or ux b7 the Vil tionina ueit or eyyttm.
<br /> tmda, shall 6e •
<br /> P~~de aith a mnnecti- lase Plumbens InspKpa. ''he Villag+,e CE(TIAN 7, TAMP~TNr, WCI'H
<br /> oe to the xwer a9stad for the dispoaal plnmbinq Inapector may request that the MTTT7fCIPAL SEWER SYSTEM PROHI-
<br /> o( sll finman wastes, old sewer be oQaryted for the HITED.
<br /> purpoFe ot No nereon
<br /> 17~e ahall malicionel
<br /> SECCION 7, SUPERVISION OF $gW. ~ ladRtatieR ineQcq~on. No ceespooi or or ne li.¢entl break, dama destroi9~~, ~ue_
<br /> ER C~OVNEC1Zp]qg ,bina Inepector shall er septic tank connectionahalls. I[ be n9 conpn~~ por ~p ~y c~er~ defate or tamper w~th an7
<br /> wllase Plmn
<br /> xtion K
<br /> enpervi~e all sewtr cappe~j~s ~de m eeaer is laid acrosa dr over an of a e~cisti hoase ture. a~urtenancr o1 rquirxnent which is
<br /> the ~ntmieipal sanitarY ~ver sYs~ aod eeespool or septic tank such ceenool o ~r 2 ^'r~ 1 the municinal se~ver ~y~~
<br /> accavation , for the purpose o( inatatling xPtic tank shall first be pnmped clean SECTfnN R, CERTAiV CnNNEC7'i_ or rerutirinq the aame. aad filled with esrth ONS PROF~I$P('En
<br /> S to the aurroundia6 Nn Fmi}ainQS ~F,CTIpN PERII~TI'$, ground levd. Where a cennectinQ sewer
<br /> oc3ted on proPrrtv lyins
<br /> An7 Persan desiring a crmnectien tn is laid aerosa or over any existing eess- nutside the limit., of that part of the Vil-
<br /> the municipal aanitary sewer eystem sLell P~l or septic tank, onl~ Cast Iron Soil ldge o! Arden gillc desr.-i}~ in Ordi-
<br /> `
<br /> fapply to the ~Ilage for a rmit there- P'~. ~f~ing to the A.S.T.M. Stan- nanee No. 11532 0( the Citv o[ St. Pati?
<br /> ~
<br /> or• Th~ appdiaition shatl submitted dard Snecification A-74-42, sha~l ~I ta~ and Ordinance No. 283 0( the Villnqa o{
<br /> m blaake furniafied by the Village Qe'k fo* that po rtion o[ the conaecting aew~er Rti~nosevotille the ahall be sanitarv consewernectcd s~ to ~q~ that e( ~ tr,r-
<br /> ~
<br /> snd ahall be acmrnpenitd bY Plane, ape- whica is laid aeross or over fhe exisNng ViILiR• ot Arden Nil~c ~I~.
<br /> !iCcations aed ench ot6er in/ormatidn as ceaspodl or septie Yank. ' a~ICinR into
<br /> ~ is desired by the Village PlumbinR Ie- Subdivision G. f'onnections ..r "N'^ the Roscville-St. Pavl Sanihrv
<br /> spxctrn, togethn with a permit and {n. 1q. Every eonnectm~ ae~ver shall Syatem, nnlesq
<br /> ~ nMction fee of Tm Dnltars (f1p,pp), All nected to the mumieipal xwn system at "~h mnnection ie first eanress o anthorbtaineid frzation ~ for
<br /> the
<br /> crnats and eaprnua incidmt to the inataL «'1"" or aewer mnneetion etqbs desiq- C"~ai1a ^f the Village of Arden FIills, the
<br /> latian anA cennections sha? tre borne b natrA for the property served b the cpn- ~1,age df Roseville, and the ~ty oF St.
<br /> ~ the o~vner, and the ewner ahall indemnifj nection, eccept where othenvise apreasy p CE['f'T(1N 9. ENTRY UPON PRNATE ~
<br /> the Villaqe for any loas or damage that •qth^*i=ed bv the Plumbing Ins.w~tor PROPF,RTy
<br /> maq, directly or indirectly, be oecaAion~ which airthorization ahall be in w~ritinR.
<br /> b~ t e Plmnbin
<br /> he installation of the ~ewer conrec. Connections so anthorized The Villa
<br /> by the Plmnb- R Inspeetor of the
<br /> ~ ti~m, inel~ing restoring etreets aed atreet ing Iaspector shall be made onl ~~r Villaae of Ardm Hille and nther duly
<br /> svrea. y attthorizad employeea o( the V
<br /> fae illaqe. of
<br /> aer hia a~is he rect map super~i di~ireMen, and in ~tlch mse- Ardm Hills and Rnceville. -nA ~h. r;r,
<br /> ~ Pertnit. for euch rnnnections ~vil~ be ~ ,
<br /> issned only to the property n~er q. t~ Subdivieion H. Tunneliaq, Tunneling fnr o( snd St. idm Ptifiaal cat~~naring nra~r er~~~;alr
<br /> a person dnh licrosed (or swch oonnec- distancee e( aot more than eix (eet is times be shall at reaaonnble
<br /> tiena under , the nrovieione of the Arden Permisaible in yatdy ooorts or driveways pert~~9 ~~nnei~ed~ oo tha~er nrwm al1 n.n_
<br /> Iii11s Building C~e, (kdinanee Number oE any bnilding sit4. Whm pipea are muniai 1 pO~1OT1 nf the
<br /> ~ 16 aa ammdal. drlvrn, the drive pipe shall be at ]taet ~ sanitary sewer syatem diq.
<br /> oue size larger than the pipe to be laid. chargi
<br /> °x inen the Rouville-St. Paul San-
<br /> QStJIREF,(T[ONMLNTS. S. CONSTRUCTION RE- gubdi.eien y, Independent S stema. itary Sewer System for the pnrnose nF in-
<br /> (I) The drainsqe and plvmbiug qstem , S Mion, obaervation, measuttmmt, eam~
<br /> ~bd~°'si°rt A. Mgteria~s• All pipe shall of each rtew bnildmg and of ne~v ~vork in• p~nR and teating in connection with the
<br /> ~ be Cn~t Iro~ Soi1 Rpe, ~orNbrmtng to the stalled in an acisting btdldiag gha11 be ~ration of the municiprl sanitxrv
<br /> Stapdard
<br /> A.S.T.M. Speci(ications A-7~- aepante from a~ ind « 9Y9tem. The VillaRe Plv.nang rnsxc cew-
<br /> -
<br /> j 62: Vitrified Claaed CIa? $.v~n Pipe, an other bvildia ~~°dent of that of tat of rhe Village of Ardrn Hills enrl oth. ~
<br /> ~ conforminR to A.S.T.M. Standard Speti. y B dFCept as provided for er anth~ri7ed emnlv
<br /> ~ ficatinn G~13-44T: er psbe8te9 ~~t in Paraqraphe 2 and 3 0f thia Subdivision. ~~es ~f the V~~lav~ '
<br /> Bai~~l:n¢ S (2) Where one building, stands to the Ard~~ Hills ehall at reas,nable timPs be x
<br /> cwer
<br /> apecificatlona P;.+e, con(orminR to the rear of another buildFn~ an an interior ldt om'~}~~t enter u ~
<br /> o( Transite" Asbestos Ce_ fxm all nro
<br /> mmt Sewer Pix. A11 pipe nsed ahall be a°d ia private eewer is svailable or ean itar p"t1O° of the m ne•imiciti~nalc , s er-
<br /> an_
<br /> ` at least fovr inrh diame!er TMa, ~ 7D°Atro~ to the rear bailding thro• y°~e* SVS[Cff7 not (fischaraiv into
<br /> that whm Vitrified Glazed Cla n8,h an adjoining alley, court, yard ar the Rosevtille-St g
<br /> . Pat11 Satlitary
<br /> f 7 dnveway, the b~tilding drain irom the front SyStem for the purpnses provided for in
<br /> Pine is nsed, it shall be at least si: inch building may be utmded tp the rear thi~ sr~tio
<br /> diameter n. `
<br /> ~ rriPe, bnilding and the whale vill be considered SE('f'ION 10. riAINTEVANCE (1F ~
<br /> ! Subd~vinion B. T~in+a and Connectitfis. aa one building dnin. Where such a bn- SEWrR.
<br /> (I.) Caet Iron $nil pirie, ilding drain is eutended, a deanout shail Each Pmperty owner shall be respoo-
<br /> Jants for Cast Iroo Pipe afiall be made be provided immediatdv ineide the rear qible at all times for the maintenanee of
<br /> by (irst ins. rting a roll of hemn or wa11 of the front building. his gewrr connection to the mimiciFal asn-
<br /> and t'~erovofily eavlkinR it into place; this (3) Where adjoiaia itary cewer system, and sha11 have the
<br /> aha11 be (ollo~ved R P~'optrt~ owpers obli4ratiln to k
<br /> pell_ bY imre moltrn lead deaire to eemetruct a common sewer com rc air, + ~ said ccmnection in good
<br /> eaulkcrl not IG9S than one inch deep, ~K~~~n to ser~ice bdth properties snch p o the md that there sha11 be nn
<br /> or bv, drivinq into plaee aa appmved me- ownerc may make writtm application to interference or obstrnction
<br /> chanical joint. to the sewer
<br /> the Village Covaeil for permission to coT- spstem as a whole, nor shall there be any
<br /> - (2) VItTi{Ie(I GIAZe(I Glap SmeL piM ntrua such joint service cdnnection. ne °10lat10n of this Ordinancq the nlevant
<br /> 7n p~r.inR Vitrified Glazed Oav ~°c'l 'na9 Sr$nt aueh a permit if it ~dinances of Rosev(pe and St. Paul, nnd
<br /> Pirx the epiaot ~ff ~n~ ~ determines that the rnnstnuction of ~h the laws o( the Stste of Minnesuta. The
<br /> pe shall be esrc-
<br /> W11v joint conneetion ia reasonable and ~var- Plumbinq Inspector i
<br /> J°in s authorizecl to make
<br /> ~x ntere d in f.he be11 of the roct ~ip~, ranted ynder the nciating coo~hons, and ~ch ins
<br /> shz~ fi**~1y packed with osk- Pections of the sewer connections
<br /> mn
<br /> di or jnte in sneh a mxnner as aot to if indepeadmt ednnectiona were to be con- 89 he may deem necessar~ to accomplish
<br /> sturb the alignmmt of the atrnctcd, the minimvm lengch of eaeh this purFw~s~, and the property owner shall
<br /> euch a qAy as to T'eR"'t the ~ compoona d ~ mch conr.eetion wonld be at leaat one ~ res~nsible (or carr~nR out vnch in-
<br /> Aeve tho ta hmdred (100) from the atruetio~~ as the Plmnben
<br /> Rr~aMat unobs}ryTM•t,•d ~.ratt abuttinR the munic ~pam1endmt eewar.p Syst~em~"y line d~s to aocomplieR Inspector
<br /> this pt7r
<br /> ~*in4 and adheaion. jantx Sabdivi~ian I. Ind.
<br /> ~ pOSe. necessary
<br /> chall be formed by meane ef a hot pciur- oF-Way. No conneotion to the municipal SECfIOr1 11. bmpcnmd usinq a pr.nAration n{ RATES AND CfiARG-
<br /> or ~al; and epplievi accordine•~o aenitary seWer system shall be (inally ~(''hin $ection is reserved for the Sched.
<br /> the ,nanufacturcr'~ reeemmmdatione, Toint a~~~~ ~t~~ a~~ ~mt~~ Da~~~~s~ nle of Rdtea ind Chargee tv be ineerted
<br /> ~na ~round shall be completely re~is - and bonle~erde or other ~tblic im-
<br /> tant to any actd or alkaline conditinn ~Ov~~ts ~~a0° have been restored herein_ _by AmmdmmtJ
<br /> found in ordinarv aewave and ahall ~ to their former eandition to the satisfac• SE(,TION 12. PEN.yL,TIES,
<br /> immune te attack by ann che tion o( the ~1]a e Plumbing Inspecmr. '4ny ~rfO^ B'uil~y o[ violeting any pro-
<br /> miro~~ fn- SECCIAN 6. PE$ OF WASTES vieion of thia Ordinance ahall be guilty p
<br /> +I^~ in natural sala or by any so11 bac- PROffiBiTED. of a m eonvrction
<br /> isdemeanor and
<br /> teris. Care shall he txlKlS(d in nlaci.,¢ upoa {
<br /> the runner er enake to aaeure non- Subdivisioa A, It shap ~ yolaa,fyl ~ thereof shall bePunished by a fipe of not
<br /> aRe durinR nourinq and it shall nM r~. wate~ ~eor waste~ inthe to the m~ clpa~~ 6~ to e~~ p~° Aundred Dollars (~IOO,pQ)
<br /> moverl until the com~nd is sv(fieimtlq ita se~ver systeen; 1II1~sonmeai in the ooimt7 ail for
<br /> cr»krl to be natnanentl set. s Per~od rot to exc~ed Ninet~ (90~ daye,
<br /> a1q~ ~ to~'me~l bv means ef aJrnlA9t ow, ~y li9uid or vapor having a tem- or bv both.
<br /> ?atvre higher than ISO degrees Fahren- St~ION 13. EFFECITVE DA1'E
<br /> e1inQ material nsin~¢ a preparation o( t
<br /> °1ralktite", "sew.rtite". ' atlactir_77a. This Oroinance shall take ~t 8nd be
<br /> nr their equal. Pipes. yef~e "17°~~" (Z) My ~
<br /> water or waste containin force from and after ite passage and
<br /> ~ ~lrv and clean. Th~ i q, sha11 more than oae htmdred par~g ~ R Pnblication.
<br /> unointinR material by weight of fet, dl or r million Adopted by the Village Cduncil o( Ar-
<br /> shall be heated til it has becom• quit, grease. dm $ills this 30 day o( November, 1959.
<br /> thin, thus r'qsinq it to Pm,r /reelv and (3) Any gasdline, benzene, aaptha, fud Robert O. Aehbach, Mayor of the
<br /> emonthlv. T}~e rnmnovnd shall be tw~vre1 oil or other inflammable or Vil]age ot Ardrn FIi]ls
<br /> eY+ntinuo~isiv vntil the ioint is rnmpletely qnid, solid or gas, aP~oaive li- Attest:
<br /> lilt,.a. leaaing no air biibble in the se]idi- An Lorraine E. Stranquist, Clerk
<br /> fied maaa. Y earbage that has aot 6een
<br /> f31 Asbestoe Cemtnt Sewer Pix, p sjrly ahredded, ot the Vi71aRe of Arden Fiills
<br /> JointR for Asbestoc Cement Sewer pipe AOy a~~, cinders, eaad, mad, Dec• 10, 1959 100 slipa
<br /> straw, shPyidgs, metal, qlase, rags, {en- ~ e• TTM, ROSF TSIBUNF. •e•
<br /> , _ I
<br />