<br />
<br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA tion, the Builtting Officisl shall ed on cumrent charges of master
<br /> COUNTY OF ItAMBEY remit to the deHUty inspector the plumbers in the Twin Cities area
<br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS pruper portion oP the fee ss deter- and materials based on the current
<br /> ORDIATANCE NO. 83 mined by the Adminiatrative Clerk. retail charges therefor in t6e Twin
<br /> AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE The appointing atathority ma9 aP- Cities area, may be made without a
<br /> E%CAVATION AND GRADING FOR pe;nt as many deputy inapectors as permit.
<br /> AND THE EREGTION, CONSTR,UG shall be re4uired to carry out the APPlicationa for auch permits ahall
<br /> TION, ENLARGEMENT, ALTERATION, re4uirements of the Village, and it be filed with the Administrative
<br /> REPAIR, R17MOVAL, bIOVING, DEM- may remove auch deputies at its Clerk and shall be accompanied by
<br /> OLITION, CONVERSION, OCCU- pleasure. s fee ae followa:
<br /> PANCY, EQiTIPMENT, USE, HEIGHT. D. In the second Paragraph of Sec- For cesapool, drain field or
<br /> AREA, IMPROVEMENT AND MAIN- tion 202(c) the words "Building Offic- aeptic'tank (any two thereof) __$6.00
<br /> TENANCE OF ALL BUILDINGS AND ial" ahall be deleted and the words Minimum Fee For Outaide
<br /> STRUCTUR,ES IN THE VILLAGE OF ••Administrative Clerk" subaituted there- Sewage DispoeaI Plant $6.00
<br /> ARDEN HILLS> PROVIDING FOR THE for. For the repair or alteration of
<br /> ISSUANCE OF PERMITS AND THE E. In Section 203(c) in the blank anp sanitary plumbing ayatem __$3.00.
<br /> COLLECTION OF FEES THEREFOR space provided inaert the words "Village For the Pirst fixture or fiature
<br /> AND REPEALING CERTAIN ORDI- of Arden Hills" and strike the immedi- opening $3•00
<br /> NANCES IN CONFLICT WITli TI3IS ately-preceding words "City of:" For each additional fixtnre or
<br /> ORDINANCE. F. Section 205 is deleted in its en- fixture opening .50
<br /> The Village Council of Arden Hills tirety and the following is subatituted Plumbing and aewage diapoeal per-
<br /> dces hereby ordain sa follows: therefor: mit applicationa shall be submitted
<br /> 3ection 1. Repeal of Conflicting Ordi- Section 206 - Vio]ationa and Pen- on forms provided by the Clerk, and
<br /> nances. Ordinance No. 16 (The Building altiea: euch applications shall include there-
<br /> Code) and the following ordinancea It ahall be unlawPul for any person, on the correct legal deacription of
<br /> ~ amending Ordinance No. 16 or inconsis- partnership, firm or corporation to the property on which the proposed
<br /> tent with tbe provisions of this ordi- erect, contruct, enlarge, alter, re- inatallation, alteration, rpeair or ex-
<br /> nance are hereb9 repesled: Ordinancea pair, move, improve, convert, dem- tenaion is to take place, a plot plan
<br /> No. 19. 28, 37, 41, 50, 51, 52, and 85. olish, equip, uae, occupy, or main- of the land showing tbe location of
<br /> $ection 2. Reference To Ordinances tain any building or structure in any proposed or existing buildinga
<br /> Not 3npersaded. Reference is made to the Village of Arden Hills or cause located on the proPerty, and com-
<br /> Orc2inance No. 56, relating to individual the same to be t}one contrary to, plete plans of the proposed system,
<br /> water supply syatems ar we]]s, and Ordi- or in violation of any of the pro- which plan shall inclnde the parta
<br /> nance No. 76, rnlating to billboards or visione of thia Code. to be installed, sltered, repaired or
<br /> signs. Neither of said ordinances nor any Any person, partnerehiB, firm or extencted and the preaent or pro-
<br /> ordinances amending said ordinancea are corporation violating any of the nro- posed location of water sugBly facil-
<br /> repealed or amended herein. visions of this Code shall be deemed ities and water supply piping.
<br /> 3ection 3. Adoption Of Uniform Bnild- guilty of a misdemeanor, and each SOo/ ~f the plumbing and sewage
<br /> ing Code By Reference. The Uniform such person, partnership, firm or disposal permit fees collected here-
<br /> Building Code, 1964 edition, 'Volwme 1, corporstion shall be deemed guilty of under shall be paid to the Plumb-
<br /> consiating of 503 pages including index, a separate offense for each and every ing Incpector making the inspec-
<br /> as published by the International Con- day or portion thereof chxring which tion sa compensation for hia ser-
<br /> ference of BuildinA Officisls, is hereby any violation oP the Froviaions of vices, with the same prorating of
<br /> adopted as The Building Code of the this Code is committed, continued, fees to cover actual inspecting ser-
<br /> Village of Arden Hills and is incorporat- or permitted, and upon conviction of vices as pmvided for the Building
<br /> ed in this Ordinance by reference, sub- any such violation each persan, patt- Official in Sec. 202(a) as amended ject to certain amendments to said Code nership, firm or corporation shall be herein.
<br /> as hereinafter set forth in Section 4 puniahed by a fine of not more than No part of this Ordinance shall be
<br /> hereof, and shall be as much a part o! $100.00 or by imprisonment for not construed as amending Ord. No. 49, -
<br /> this Ordinance as though it had been set more than -90 days. ns amended, relating to connections
<br /> out in full herein. G. The following is hereby added to to the municipa] sanitary sewer sya-
<br /> There §hall be at least three (3) cop- Section 301 (a), to-wit: tem, which Ord. No. 49 and amend-
<br /> ies of sai@ Uniform Building Code so Permits shall not be required far re- ments thereto shall govern with re-
<br /> adopted marked as officia] copies and pair, remodeling or alteration work spect to any such connections.
<br /> filed in the office of the Adminiatrative having a probable cost of less than Electrlc Wiring permits And
<br /> Clerk of the Village of Arden Hills. $300.00, except where the proposed permit Fees
<br /> Section 4. Amendments To Uniform work will alter the structural frame No alterationa or additions in the
<br /> Bailding Code. The following changes, work of the existing building, and exiating electric wiring in any build-
<br /> amendments, and deletions are hereby except where permits for the work ing shall be made nor shall anp
<br /> made with respect to said Unifortn Build- are speciPically recluired by other eleetric wiring be placed in any
<br /> ing Code: portions of this Code. The "prob- buildinq without first aecuring a per-
<br /> A. Section 201 ia delted. able cast" of the proposed work shall mit therefor.
<br /> B. The following ia added to Sec. be based on the cost of the mater- AAplications for such permits shall
<br /> 202 (a) : ials at retail outlets in the Twin be filed with the Adminiatrative
<br /> The Building Official referred to Cities area at the time in question, Clerk of the Village on forms to
<br /> herein shall serve as the Bwilding In- plua the probable labor coat as de- be provided by the Clerk, anc} shall
<br /> spector and the two titles shall for termined in accordance with costs be accompanied by fees as followa,
<br /> the purposes of this and all other for hired ]abor in the particular {o-wit:
<br /> ordinancea of the Village be con- trade in the Twin Cities area at (1) Minimum fee for each seg-
<br /> sidered as interchangeable and syn- the time in question. arate inspection of an installa-
<br /> onymous. H Table No. 3-A as referred to in tion, addition, alteration or
<br /> The uppointing suthority snd the Sec. 303(a) ia deleted in its entirety and repair to a circuit up to 30
<br /> chief authority referred to herein the following table is substituked there- $mperea (Inclusive) $2.00
<br /> shall be the Council of the Village for: Except aeparate inspections of
<br /> of Arden Flills. The Building In- TABLE 3-A domestic water heaters $3.00
<br /> spector may be removed at the Plea- BUILDING PERMIT FEES (g) Services, change of aervicea,
<br /> sure of said Council. NEW BUILDING CONSTRUCTION temporary services, additiona,
<br /> The Building Official, to qualify for Fees per 100 sq. alterationa or repairs on either
<br /> appointment, shall have a thorough feet of ground primarq or secondary services
<br /> understanding of this ordinance and area covered or shall be computed separately,
<br /> all other ordinances which he is Type of Enilding Aart thereof. 8s follows, to-wit:
<br /> charged with enforcing, and he One story buildings: 0 to and including 60ampere
<br /> shall have at least five years ex- That portion without basement __$2.00 capacity _$3.00
<br /> perience in one or more of the fol- Thst portion with basement $2.b0 61 to and inclwding 100 ampere
<br /> ]owing fields of endeavor: One and one-half story buildings: capacity $4.00
<br /> 1. Building IneHector That portion without basement __$2.10 101 to and including 200 am-
<br /> 2. Architect That portion with basement __$2.60
<br /> 3. Strwctural Engineer Two stor buildines: pere caFacity _ ______$5.00
<br /> 4.Construction Superintendent That y For each additional 100 am-
<br /> portion without basement __$2.26 pere capacity or Praction
<br /> DurinA his tenure of office the That portion with basement $2.76 thereof $2.00
<br /> Building Official shall not be engag- Higher than two story buildings: (3) (a) Circuits, installatiod of,
<br /> ed or employed in any buaineas that In addition to the appropriate additions, alterationa or re-
<br /> falls under the regulatorp control of fee for two story buitdings, for pairs of each circuit or snb-
<br /> his office. each additional story add _ $.60 feeder shall be computed aep--
<br /> As remuneration for his services the Alteration, Remodeling Or Repair Wurk $rately, inclut}ing circuits fed
<br /> Building Official shall be paid 80% For each $1,000.00 or part there- from sub-feeders, and includ-
<br /> of the feea collected by him under of of probable cost, to be deter ing tbe equipment served, ex-
<br /> the provisions of Table No. 3-A, mined as provided in Sec. 301(a) cept as Provided for in items
<br /> except as otherwise provided here- as amended by Paragraph G of 2 through 7, shall be charged
<br /> in. In the event the Building Of-this Section 4_$2.00 as follows, to-wit; '
<br /> ficial makes only a partial inspec- Demolition And Wrecking Of Buildinge 0 to and including 30 ampere
<br /> tion under a permit, and a Portion For each 1000 cubic feet, or part capacity $1.00
<br /> of -the inapection is made by his thereof of enclosed apace $1.00 31 to and including 60 ampere successor or by a depwty Building NOTE: the minimum fee wnder capacity ______$3.00
<br /> Inspector, the inspection fee shall this classification shall be as followa: 61 to and including 100 am-
<br /> be prorated in proportion to the Occupaney Groups A thru J, ex- pere capacity $4.00
<br /> amount of work done by each. The cept I------------------------ $25.00 For each additional 100 am-
<br /> balance of said fees shall be re- Occupancy Group I-------------- $10.00 pere capacity or fraction
<br /> tained by the Village as partial NOTE: In all construction work a thereof $1.00
<br /> compensation 4or administrative ser- re-inspection fee of $7.50 may be (b) Maximwm fee on a farm-
<br /> vices hereunder. charged when a re-inspection is re- atead shall not exceed $16.00 if
<br /> C. Sec. 202 (b) ia deleted in its en- quired by the Building Official due not over 200 ampere capacity ser-
<br /> tirety and the following substituted thero- to non-compiiance with this Ordi- vice for singIe Iceationa and if
<br /> for: nance. it is inapected as s single install-
<br /> Sec. 202(b) No permit fees shall be cbarged for ation.
<br /> Deputies: The appointing authority the construction, remode]ing, re- (c) Maximum fee on a single fam-
<br /> may appoint at least one deguty Pair or alteration of buildings own- ily dwelling shall not exceed
<br /> building inspector who shall aerve ed by the State of blinneaota, the $12.00 if not over 100ampere cap-
<br /> for an indefinite term as an as- United States of America, or other acity and if it is inspected sa a
<br /> sistant to the Building Official. To governmenta] subdivisions in the single installation.
<br /> quslify as deputy building inapector event that adequste inspection of (d) In addition to the above fees,
<br /> the aFPOintee shall have the same such construction is providet} by s11 transformers and generatore
<br /> qualifications as those established such governmental unit. In each such for light, heat and power shall
<br /> ~ for the Bwilding Official: however, case the Council shall make the be computed separately at $2.00
<br /> the aPPOinting authoritg may waive determination as to whether the per unit, plus 10c per KVA or
<br /> such of these qualifications as it fee shall be wavied. fraction thereof, for all KVA up
<br /> deems advisable in the public inter- plumbing And Sewage Disposal Permit to and inelut}ing 100 BVA to
<br /> est. As remuneration the deputg in- Fees 200 KVA 5c per K4A. All in ex-
<br /> apector shall be pait} on the same No alterations or additions in the cess of 200 KVA shall be lOc for
<br /> basis as established herein for the existing glumbing in any building each 1000 BVA thereafter.
<br /> Building Official, and the deputy shall be made nor shall any plumb- (e) In addition to the above feea
<br /> inapector shall receive a prorate por- ing be plsced in any building nor ali tranaformers for aigns and
<br /> tion of the fee where he performs shall any sewage disposal aystem be outside IighLzng ahaIl be compnE-
<br /> part of the inspection services under constructed without firat secaring a ed at $2.00 for the first 590 VA
<br /> a permit. In the event the Building permit therefor, except that minor or fraction thereo4 per nnit, plus
<br /> Official collects the entire fee paid repair work requiring a total outlay 20c for each additional 100 VA
<br /> for a permit and the deputy inspector of no more than $100.00 for labor or fraction thereof. Signe shall be
<br /> later performs a part of the inspec- and materials, with labor being bse- inspected before erection plus
<br />