<br />
<br />
<br /> 3TATE OF MINNESOTA said land by the public generally, or to mated coet the same shall be paid to ly and legibly drawn. The size of the
<br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY a person or persons. the Village Treasurer in addition to the map ehall not be less than 12 inches by
<br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN AILLS i. "Minimum Subdivision Design Stand, fee mentioned in subparagraph b above, 18 inches. All subdivision maps shall be
<br /> ORDINANCE NO. 98 ards" are the guides, Principles and to cover the cost of preparing and fil- drawn at a seale of 1 inch equals 100
<br /> AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE sPecifications for the preparation of ing such revised assessment. feet, anless otherwise required by the
<br /> SUBDIVISION AND PLAT'PING OF subdivisian plans indicating, among other 2. At its next regular meeting follow- Village Cauncil.
<br /> LAND IN THE VILLAGE OF ARDEN things, the minimum and maximum ing the filing of such preliminary plan, The preliminary plan shall contain the
<br /> HILLS, PROVIDING FOR THE IN- dimensions of the varioua elements set the VillagP Council shail; following information: . .
<br /> STALI.ATION OR GUARANTEE -OF forth in the preliminary plan. a. Set a publie hearing on the pre- (A) Identificatian And Description INSTALLATION OF UTILITIE5, j. "Owner" is any individual, firm, liminary plan, which hearing date shall . 1. Proposed name of subdivision, which
<br /> STREET PAVEMENTS AND OTHER association, syndicate, co-partnership, be not mare than forty-five (45) days name shall nat duplicate or be alike in
<br /> ESSENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS BY corporation, trust ar any other - legal after the date of sueh setting. The Vil- Pronunciation or deCeptively similar to
<br /> THE SUBDIVIDER; PROVIDING FOR entity having sufficient ~proprietary in- lage Council may authorize the Plan- the name.of any plat theretofoxerecord-
<br /> THE DEDICATION AND ACCEPT- terest in the land sought to be subdivid- ning Committee to conduct the hearing. ed in the County. "
<br /> ANCE OF LAND FOR PUBLIC USE; ed to commence and maintain proceed- TheVillage Couneil shall cause notice 2. Location by section, town, range
<br /> PROVIDING FOR THE IMPOSING OF ings to suUdivide the same under thisof said hearing to be published in the or by other ]egal description. -
<br /> PLAT APPROVAL FEES ; PRESCRIB- ordinance. official Viilage newspaper at least five 3. Names and addresses of the owner,
<br /> ING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLA- k. "Pedestrian Way" is the right-of- days prior to the hearing. subdivider, surveyor and designer of
<br /> TION OF ITS PROVISION5; AND RE- way across or within a block for use b. Refer two copies of the preliminaiy the plan.
<br /> PEALING ORDINANCE NUMBER 59. by pedestrian traffic, whether designat- Plan to the Planning Committee for its 4. Graphic seale.
<br /> TLiE VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS OR- ed as a pedestr4an way, crosswallc or examination ancl report and one copy to 5. North-Point. .
<br /> DAINS : however otherwise designated. the Village Engineer for his examina- 6. Date of preparation.
<br /> Section 1. Repeal of Ordinance No. 59. 1• "Person° is any individual, firm, tion and report. Copies of the regort of (B) Eaisting Conditions. -Qd rdinance Number 59 of the.Village of association, syndicate or partnership, the Village Engineer shall be given to 1.. Boundary line of proposed subdivi- .
<br /> en Hills, relating to the subdivision corporation, -trust, or any other legal the Viilage Council and Planning Com- sion, clearly indicated.
<br /> platting of ]and in the tiillage of entiEy. mittee at least ten (10) days prior to Z• Existing zoning elassifications.
<br /> Arden Hills, is hereby repealed. M. "Planning Committee" is the per- the date of public hearing. 3. Total approximate acreage.
<br /> Section 2. Purpose and Interpretation, son or persons designated by the Village 3. In the ebent the Council has pro- 4. Location, widths and names of all
<br /> Council to advise it on planning mat- vided that the gublic hearing ahall be existing or previously platted streets ar
<br /> Each new subdivision beeomes a ger- ters conducted by the Planning Committee, other public ways, showing, type, width
<br /> manent unit in the basic physical struc- n. "Preliminary Plan" is the grelim- the Planning Committee shall make its and condition of improvements, if any, ture of the future community, a unit to jnary map, drawing or chart indicat- report to the Village Council at the first railroad and utility. right-of-way, parks
<br /> which the future community will of nec- ing the proposed layout of the subdivi- regular meeting of the Village CouiRcil and other public open spaces,
<br /> perman-
<br /> essity be forced to adhere. Piecemeal. Qion to be submitted to the Village Co~un- following such gublic hearing. ent buildings and structures, ea ementa,
<br /> planning ~of such subdivisions, without' eil for its eonsideration. In the event the Council does not re- and section and corporate ]ines within
<br /> correlation to the Village Plan, wil] bring ,o. "Protective Covenants" are con- fer the public hearing to the Planning the tr~.ct and to a distance of one hun-
<br /> a disastrous disconnected .patchwork of tracts entered into between private par~ Committee, then the report of the Plan- dr~ feet beyond the tract.
<br /> plats an@ poor circulation of traffic. ies and conetitute a restriction on the ning Committee shall be given to the 6• Location and size af existin
<br /> In order that new aubdivisiona will can- use of all grivate property within a Village Council before the time set for ers, water mains, culverts or other under-.
<br /> tribute toward an attractive, orderly, eubdivision far the benefit of the prop_ suchpublic hearing, b'round faeilities vpithin the tract and to
<br /> stable and wholesome community en- erty owners> and ta provide mutual 4. The Village Gonncil shall act on the a distance of one hundred feet be
<br /> vironment, adequate municipal services, . Such data as Yond
<br /> protection against undesirabte aspeets of preliminary plan by resolution ap roving the tract gradea of streete,
<br /> and safe streets, all subdivisions here- development which would tend to im- or adopting it within thirty (30) days iavert elevations, and locations of catch
<br /> after glatted within the incorporated lim- ,pair stability of values. a.fter receipt of the rePOrt- oR the plan- basins and manholes shall also be shown.
<br /> its of the Village of Arden Hills shall, p. "Setback Line, Building" is a re- ning Committee, if the Planning Com- 6. Boundary lines of adjoining un-
<br /> in s1I respects, fully comply with the reg- Quired open space on a lot, which space mittee is designated to conduct the pub- subdivided or subdivided ]and within one
<br /> ulations hEreinatfer set forth in this is unoccupied and unobstructed by a lic hearing. If the Planning Committee bundre<} feet, identifying by name and
<br /> ordinance. In their interpretation and structure from its lawest ground level does not conduct the public hearing, then ownershi~p.
<br /> applicatian the Provisions of this Ordi- ta the sky, except as expressly permitted the Village Council shall take action by 7- Topographic data, inclu@in con-
<br /> nance ahall be the minimum require- in this and other ordinances. resodution within thirty (30) days after tours at vertical intervals of not more
<br /> ments adopted for the protection of the ~~Streets and Alleys" the Fublic hearing. than two feet, except that contour lines
<br /> .
<br /> pnblic health, safety and generaI weI- 1. "Street" is a way for vehicular traf- If the report of the Planning Com- ghall be no more than one hundred
<br /> fare, fic, whether designated as a street, mittee has not been received within sev- feet apart. Water courses, marshes,
<br /> Section 3. Scape. highway, thoroughfare, ~parkway, enty-five (75) days aftar referral of mooded areas rock outeropa, pawer trans-
<br /> Except in the case of a re-subdivision, throughway, road, avenue, lane, place said matter to the Planning Committee, mission poles and lines, and other sig-
<br /> this Ordinance shall not apply to any or however otherwise designated, the Gouncil may act on the preliminary nificant features sha11 also be shown'.
<br /> lot or lats formillg a part of subdivision 1. a. "Collector Street" is a atreet plan without such report. (C) Sulydivision Design Features.
<br /> ,plats recorde@ in the office of the Reg- which carries traffic from minor 5. If the prelimLnary plan is not ap- 1. Layout of proposed- streets, ahow-
<br /> ister of Deeds or Regiatrar of Titles streets to thoroughfares. It includes proved by the Village Council, the rea- ing right-of-way widths and proposed
<br /> prior to the effective date of this Ordi- the principal entrance streets of a sans for such action shall be recorded names of streets. 1"he name of any street
<br /> nance, nor is it intended by this Ordi- residential development and streets far in the Proceedings af 'Ehe Council and heretofore used in Ramsey CounEy sha I
<br /> nance to impair or interfere with exist-
<br /> circu]ztion within such a development. transmitted to the applicant. If the pre- not be used, unless the proposed street
<br /> ing grocisions of other laws or ordi- 1. b. "Cul-de-Sac" is a minor street ?iminsry plan is approvecl, such approv- 13 an extension of an already-named
<br /> nances except those sgecifically repeal- with only one outlet. al sha11 not constitute final acceptance $treet, in which event the name shall
<br /> ed by, or in eonflict with, this Or mance,
<br /> 1, c. "Marginal Access Street° is a of the subdivision, be used.
<br /> or with private restrictiona Placed upon minor street which is parallel and ad- (g) Final Plat 2. Location and widths of proposed
<br /> proPerty by deed, covenant or other pri- jacent to a thoroughfare and which 1. The owner or subdivider shall file alleys, pedestrian ways and utility ease-
<br /> vate agreement, or with restrictive cove- provides access to abutting pro~perties with the Village Clerk seven (7) copies ments*
<br /> nants running with the ]and to which and protection from through traffic. of the Final Plat not later thaa three 3• TyPica1 cross-sections of proposed
<br /> the Village is a Party; Provided how- 1. d. Minar Street" is a street af lim- improvements upon streets and alleys, to-
<br /> ever, that such private restrictions or ited continuity used primarily for ac_ months after the date of agproval of
<br /> impose strict- cess to the abuttin the preliminary plan ; atherwise, the gether with an indication of the pro-
<br /> restrictive covenants g P~Perties and the prelimi Aosed storm water runoff.
<br /> er recluirements than may established by this local needs of a neighborhood. considerenary plan and final plat will be Approximate center line 1• e. °Street Width" is the ahortest d vaid unless an extension is gradienta
<br /> Orc}inance -
<br /> , but may not decrease the requested in writing by the subdivider °f proposed streets and alleys, if any.
<br /> requirements imposed herein. distance between the lines delineating and for good cause granted by the Vil- 6. Location, size and approximatz
<br /> In any case where the divisian of a the right-of-way of a street. lage Council gradient of proposed sewer ]ines and
<br /> 1. f. ` Thoroughfare" is a fasE or heav . The owner or subdivider p mains if ap
<br /> par cel of land into two or more lots .
<br /> or parcels for the Purpose of transfer y shal] alsa submit at this time an up-to- wate ~
<br /> traffic street of considerable continu- date certified abstract of title or reg- 6. Layout identification numbers and
<br /> of ownershipor building development ity and used primarily as a traffic istered property rePOrt an@ such other tyPical dimensions of blacks and ]ota.
<br /> does not come within the definition of artery for intercommunication among evidence as the Village Attorney may 7• Minimum front and side-street build-
<br /> aubdivision as defined by this Ordinance, l~ge areas. require showing title or control in the ing setback lines, indicating dimensione.
<br /> a description af such ]and division shall 2. Alley" ie a minor way which is applicant. - - S. Areas, other than streets, atIeys, -
<br /> be filed with the Village Clerk who used primarily for vehicular service The fina] plat shall have incorporated pedestrian ways and utility easementa, ahall submit copies of such division of access to the back or the side of prop- therein all changes or modifications re- intended to be dedicated ar reserved for
<br /> land to the Village E'ngineer and the ertiea abutting on a. street, quired by the Village Council; in all Public use, incluq]ing the size of auch
<br /> Planning Commission. No building per- r. "Subctivider" is any person com- other respects it ghall conform to the area or areas in acres. -
<br /> mit for such lots or parcels shall be is- mencing proceedings under this Ordi- (D) Other Information.
<br /> preliminary plan. It may constitute only
<br /> sued until said description has been fil- nance to effect a subdivision of land that portion mf the approved prelimin- lots $Sa~tnment of the proposed use of
<br /> ed with the Village. hereunder for himself or for another. ary plan which the aubdivider, proposes S t9Pe of residentisl buiIdings
<br /> 3ection. 4. De~finitions. s• "Subdivision" is the division of a with number of proPOSed dwelling units;
<br /> For the purpose of this Ordinance, the garcel of land~ into two or more ]ots or to record and develop at the time, pro- type
<br /> vide$ t3at such poxtion -conforma with of busineas or industry so as to
<br /> fallowing terms, phrases, words and Parcels, any af which resultant parcels all the requirements of this Ordinance. reveal the effect of the development on
<br /> their derivations shall have the mean- is less than five acres in area or is less 2. The Village Couneil shall consider traffic, fire hazards or congestion of
<br /> ing given in thie section. When not in- khan 300 feet in width. In addition "sub- the fina4 plat officially filed after the population.
<br /> consistent with the context, words use@ division° shall include the division of a planninn Committee, the Village Engin- 2. Prop~osed protective covenants, if
<br /> in the present tenae inelude the future, parcel of land in such manner that any eer and the Village Attorney have ex- an9•
<br /> wor3s in the Plural number include the of the resultant parcels have less than amined it and advised the Gouncil that 3. Source of water supply. -
<br /> singular number, and words in the sing- 20 feet thereof abutting on a public it is in proper form. 4• Provisions for sewage diapoeal,
<br /> ular number include the plural number. right-of-way. The term subdivision" 3. Within five (5) ~}ays after the final drainage anc! flood control. ' word "shall" is always mandatory includ~es re-subdivision and, when ap- 5. If anp zoning changes are con-
<br /> The plat is fiied the. Village Clerk shall re-
<br /> and not merely directory. propriste to the context, shall apply to fer two capies of the final plat to the templated, the proposed zoning plan for a. "Boulevard" is the portion af the the process of subdividing or to the land p)$nning Committee, one copy to the the areas, including dimensions. street right-of-way between the curb subdiv:ded. t: illage Engineer, and one copy to the 6. In the ev2nt lots in the proposed
<br /> line and the property line. The acquisition of ]and by any means Village Attorney and a copy each to the plat are substantially in excees of the
<br /> b. "Butt Lot" is a lot at the end of a for purpoaea of erecting or 'installing telephone and power and other utility minimum size requ4re@ by zoning reg- block and located between two corner utility lines, including underground gas companies. 1'he abstract of title or reg_ ulations, a Areliminary re-subdivisian
<br /> lota. lines, overhead power lines, transmitting istered property report shatl be referred Alan shall be submitted showing a po-
<br /> c. "Village" is the Village of Arden towers, or similar utility Sites, or ease- to the Village Attorney for his examin- tential and feasible way in which the
<br /> HilIs. ments ehall be considered a subdiviaion $tion and report. The Vi]]age Attorney's excess-size lot or lots may be re-sub-
<br /> d. "Village Council" is the tiillage when such utilities are designed to serve report shall be given to the Village divided in future years to permit more
<br /> Council of the Village of Arden Hills. more than one lot. Council within fifteen days. The reports intensive use of the land. `
<br /> c. °Village Plan"• is a comprehensive Section 5. Procedure. of the Village Planning Cammittee and Section 7. Qaalifications Governing Ap-
<br /> plan adopted by the Village Cauncil in- (A) Preliminary Plan. Village-Engineer shall also be given to Proval Of Preliminarp Plan.
<br /> dicating the general locations recom- 1. Before dividing any traeE of land the Village Council within fifteen days. A. The Village Council may require
<br /> mended for the various functional class- into two or more lots or Aarcels, an The Village Council shall either ap- such changes or revisione as it deems
<br /> es af Public works, places and structures, ownar or subdivider shall, vnless a var- prove or disapprove said final Plat at necessary for the health, safety, general
<br /> and for the beneral Phyaical develop- iance is autharized, file with the Village its next regular meeting following re- welfare and convenience of the Village.
<br /> ment of the Village of Arden Hills, and Clerk : ceipt of such reparts. B. The approval of a preliminary plan
<br /> includes any umit or part of such plan % Four eopies of the Freliminary plan. 4. If the final plat is approved by bY the Village Council is tentative only,
<br /> aeparately adopted and any amendment b. A cash fee of $25.00 plua one dol- the Village Council, the subdivider shall involving merely the general acceptabil-
<br /> uch plan or parts thereof. lar ($L00) for each lot up to a maximum record it wit.h the C'ounty Register of ~1~3' of the layout as submitted.
<br /> `Final Plat" is the final map, amount of $150.00. This fee will be Deecla or Registrar of Titlea within sixty C. Subsequent approval will be re- ing or chart on which the subdivid- used for expenses of the Village sn .(60) days after the ~}ate of apProval; guired of the engineering proposals per-
<br /> ~er s plan of subdivision is presented to connection with appraval or disapproval otherwise, the approval of the final plat taining to water supply, storm drainage,
<br /> the Village Counci] for approval and of said plan and any -final plat which shall ba considered void. In the event sewerage and sewage disposal, gas and
<br /> which, if aPproved, will be submitted ta may thereafter be submitted. that -the plat is disapproved, the grounds etectric service, grading, gradients and
<br /> the County Register of Deeds or Regis- c. If the subdivider requests that any for sur,h disapproval must be reported in roadway widths and the surfacing of trar of Titles. existing 2pecial assessments which have proceedings of the Village Couneil and streets by the Village Engineer, and
<br /> g. "Lot" is a parcel of land in a sub- been levied against the premises des- be duly transmitW to, the applcant. othep public officials having jurisdic-
<br /> division, or plat of land, distinguished cribed in the subdivision be divided and F. The subdivider shall, immediately tion, prior to the approval of the' final
<br /> from other parcels by description as on allocated to the respective lots in the upon recording, furnish the Village P1at by the tiillage.
<br /> a subdivision or record-of-survey map subdivision plat, the Village Clerk shall Clerk with a tracing and three prints D. No plan will be approved for a
<br /> or bS metes and bounds, for the purpose estimate the clerical cost of prepasing of the final plat showing evidence of aubdivision which covers an area sub-
<br /> of sale or ]ease or aeparate use there- the reaised assessment roll, filing the the recording. ject to periodic flooding or which con-
<br /> of. same with the county audiEor, and mak- 3ection 6. Necessary Data Far Pre- tains eatremely ipoar drainage facilities
<br /> h: "Easement" is a right granted by ing suclt division and allocation, and up- liminary Plan. which would make adequate drainage af
<br /> an owner of IancF for the specific use of on approva] by the council of such esti- The Preliminary Plan shall be clear- the streets and lots imposaible, unless
<br />